Monday, July 2, 2018

An open letter to Najib aka MO1

Former prime minister Najib Razak, it is indeed incredible that you still insist on your own innocence with regard to 1MDB. Whereas previously you insisted that there was no wrongdoing whatsoever, you now argue that all 1MDB wrongdoings were due to others, particularly its directors.
Why then all the measures taken in recent years to prevent Malaysians from knowing the truth about 1MDB?
The huge financial losses are due to purported 1MDB investments attributed to Jho Low, and also to the costly cover-up efforts associated with company president Arul Kanda Kandasamy, which in turn compromised the integrity of other Malaysian government-related institutions such as the central bank.
Instead, you have complained indignantly about missing chocolate from your refrigerator and over-assessment of the value of the loot confiscated by the police from your properties.
After years of denial, you now admit that there were wrongdoings, but insist that the directors, never you, were entirely to blame. Why then the earlier vehement denials of any 1MDB wrongdoing, and the harsh measures against senior government officials who suggested otherwise. Why dismiss then Umno deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin from his cabinet and party positions? The list, sadly, goes on and on, as any number of Malaysians know, except you.
Sadly, 1MDB is only the most visible tip of the iceberg of corruption which ballooned under your leadership. More than anyone else, you know about the crony public-private partnerships for infrastructure development and government capital (development) expenditure, all involving grossly inflated costs, typically secured through ‘direct negotiations’.
These were often abused by a few, often creative, but nonetheless, crooked GLC managers and civil servants around the prime minister cum finance minister, ruining the reputations of their honest and coerced colleagues. And to cover up your misdeeds, public assets were sold hastily as taxes were raised on all.
On May 9, Malaysian voters rejected you, your party and the ruling coalition in favour of Pakatan Harapan. Malaysians were beginning to realise the enormity of the fraud, not only involving 1MDB, but also much else of what you, some other Umno leaders and your local and foreign business associates were engaged in. Truth, restitution and otherwise cutting the massive losses are urgently necessary for the nation to recover and move on.
Although the Harapan coalition and Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s leadership were undoubtedly crucial for the GE14 outcome, you and FLOM deserve due credit for bringing forward Transformasi Nasional just in time to get back on track for Wawasan 2020.
Your extravagant, wasteful and arrogant conduct only served to confirm popular suspicions, even those of the much-maligned and grossly underestimated rural voters, who were presumed to be splendidly ignorant. Your decision to woo PAS to split the opposition, resulting in three-cornered electoral contests, contributed to the electoral outcome.
This unexpected change in your fortunes has thrust you into the court of public opinion even before you actually face criminal charges. In the dock with you are not only your most loyal cronies and accomplices, but also your party, the BN coalition and the increasingly corrupted nation you created in your own image.
Last chance to atone
You now insult all your compatriots, especially those who once believed in you, by continuing to feign ignorance as well as deny knowledge and responsibility. You are also ruining the careers and reputations of those whom you forced to compromise themselves to do your bidding.
Thanks to your new defence strategy, 1MDB directors and others involved will now find it in their interest to fully cooperate with the Malaysian and other governments to secure the best possible deals for themselves.
As you know, the rot did not stop with 1MDB. Most infrastructure construction charges were grossly inflated, with such costs eventually to be borne by the Malaysian public of this generation and the next. Thus, present and future generations of Malaysians will pay heavily for often unnecessary infrastructure, and other grossly overpriced capital or development spending.
In the circumstances, do consider helping the new Malaysian authorities by cooperating fully to recover as much as possible of what has been lost due to 1MDB, subsequent cover-up efforts and other fraudulent actions. This will surely go some way to saving what is left of your tattered reputation. It will go some way to reduce the very considerable damage to Malaysian finances, economy and integrity you are primarily responsible for.
At a time when almost no one believes in you anymore, you add insult to injury by dismissing most of your Malaysian lawyers and primarily depending on very expensive American lawyers who have to be paid with money you claim not to have.
Your preposterous claims of innocence only further diminish your public standing and credibility, but also of so much else associated with your administration over the last decade. Do own up, help limit the losses and save the nation from the devastation you have wrought.
More than anyone else, your pro-active cooperation can do much to reduce the very considerable haemorrhage you and your ilk have been responsible for. Please cooperate to establish the truth and to help retrieve as much as possible of the massive losses you are responsible for, if not for yourself, at least for your father’s honourable legacy, which you have so thoroughly betrayed.
As you appear to have forgotten, in this blessed month of Syawal, Muslims are enjoined to atone and forgive. Dear Dato’ Seri Najib, you have this last chance to atone, repent and seek forgiveness from the nation and the people you have so thoroughly betrayed and defrauded.

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