Monday, July 2, 2018

Yoursay: Perhaps PDRM can carry out a 'Cinderella' test

YOURSAY | 'Check if the items fit on the fingers or wrists or heads of Rosmah and Najib.'
Unspin: It really isn’t that difficult to prove whether those rings, bracelets, watches or tiaras belong to Rosmah Mansor or Najib Razak. All the police need to do is to carry out a 'Cinderella' test.
If the items fit on the fingers or wrists or heads of Rosmah and Najib, we can then deduce that those items were custom-made for them. It is that simple.
Anonymous #33227154: Did Najib really expect anyone to believe that these are gifts to him? That an Arab prince gave him an RM2.6 billion donation and others gave him RM1.1 billion in gifts?
If Najib is to be believed, then he must be the most “well-loved” person in the world to receive so much gifts. Or are these 'gifts' bribes? Najib needs to come up with smarter lies to save his skin.
Salam Malaysia Baru: I beg to differ on the "like any husband I do not know the extent of my wife's collection of jewellery and other items".
Like any normal Malaysia husband, I know the extent of my wife's collection of jewellery and other items. I would tend to think that "if I had not given the money to my wife to buy those items, then with by what means did she get them?"
I mean, honest husbands know what their wives are doing and vice-versa. To plead ignorance smells fishy.
Love Malaysia1: In many countries, gifts of certain value must be declared. If not, they are termed and seen as "bribes". What Najib and wife possess is well beyond anyone’s belief that it could be just gifts.
Ask Najib if he paid his annual zakat on these and where the receipts for them are?
Ruben: My goodness, this is beyond pathological. We know he has none, but does he not even comprehend ethics?
The Wakandan: I nearly feel sorry for Najib. The son of a former PM, he was born with a silver spoon. Educated in a former colonial country, he can hardly experience the typical Malay life of simplicity, honesty and being dignified.
He was made PM but probably half of the effort was already done for him simply because of his family standing. Not a bad thing in itself, but once in the cradle of power and with a very ambitious wife, things went very wrong.
Today, he is asked to answer for his crime and the unexplained amount of booties in his home and outside. He is really in a sorry state.
Nobody can answer for the nearly billion ringgit worth of assets in an individual house. Even if they are gifts. But more so, the obvious.
The tons of money at his disposal could only be laundered into assets, and that is what we see, which he kept in his house. RM2.6 billion is a huge amount of money and it could translate into a huge amount of asset – a treasure of untold riches.
This is one time the police really did a wonderful job.
Anonymous#007: This seems a carefully crafted reply from Najib, probably on the advice of his very expensive team of lawyers. Najib is careful to keep alluding on why he kept such a large amount of cash at home.
The thing is, it is not illegal for anyone to keep any amount of cash or jewellery at home. What he needs to prove is where they came from. And if they were gifts, were they declared for tax purposes?
If I understand correctly, Malaysia's income tax law requires individuals to declare all forms of gifts and income (including cash receipts), and it is up to Inland Revenue Board (IRB) to decide if they are taxable. As individuals, Najib, Rosmah and their daughter are not excluded from this law.
It is also interesting how Najib has so far avoided mention of his other children in this fracas. It is difficult to comprehend they had not benefitted at all from this wealth.
Susahkes: Najib, let me begin by saying, this feels like poetic justice, that you are giving an interview to assert your innocence to Malaysiakini - a media outfit that has been vilified by Umno, and even banned from covering Umno-related events. What a sight!
Now, some observations: 1. Lesser mortals are subjected to pressure-cooker investigations by the IRB, if they had even one percent of the RM1 billion cash and chattels that you've piled up inside your villa de maison.
And the burden of proof rests solely on the taxpayer, to substantiate his claim as to how he obtained his wealth.
Would you be subjected to an IRB audit? And what would you tell them? "Not aware"? "Surprised"? Because that explanation, under the law, doesn't hold water.
2. You appear now as ever ready to drop names of Saudi royalties who bestowed gifts. So then, are you finally going to disclose to us the exact identity of your Arabian donor?
3. Regarding horses given as gifts to Mahathir. The difference between your gifts and Mahathir's horses is that, we know who gave those horses to him. As for your gifts, on the other hand, you thus far are unable to provide even a modicum of an identity, other than name dropping.
4. Remember when the "donation" was first reported? What explanations did you give then? From money to fight ISIS, then it became money for countering DAP, then it became money for the GE, then it became money for investment.
Moral of the story? Why should we believe in you now?
Dr Subhash: I am all for transparency and honesty. Let us give Najib the opportunity to defend his case.
Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad didn't have an unblemished record for 22 years, so let us be practical and realistic.
Cogito Ergo Sum: You are very ‘gifted’ person Najib. You certainly have the gift of the gab and an uncanny ability to be the recipient of many expensive and luxurious items.
Unfortunately, the rakyat have the gift of discernment and can see that you have received one too many gifts to be credible.
Gungadin: Indeed, this adds a new dimension to the phrase "showered with gifts". -Mkini

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