Thursday, May 30, 2019

Donald Trump's Big Blunder On Huawei

The following is a 25 minute interview with Huawei's founder and boss. This is a must see.  It will be worth your 25 minutes. Not just because it is Huawei but this is China.  This is the future.

The Huawei's CFO who has been arrested in Canada is his daughter. Yet notice the matter of fact manner and the humility. 

Link :

Donald Trump has been ill advised on this Huawei issue.  Not only is the US acting like a childish bully but they are ignoring simple market truths. You do not mess with the free market just to protect your turf. 

This type of behaviour also tells the world that for your own safety 'DO NOT DO BUSINESS' with American companies.  Because you just do not know when the US may impose sanctions against your company or against your country.

It is best to avoid America.

As the founder of Huawei says this episode will only make Huawei stronger. Huawei buys over US11 BILLION in components and services from American tech companies. Those American companies will now suffer great losses.

Huawei is now the world leader in 5G technology. Even the Americans are far behind Huawei in 5G. 

Huawei already manufactures their own micro chips. Now they will use their own micro chips exclusively and also work to make their own chips better than Intel or Amdahl. This will happen. It is just a matter of time.

Trump said the right things about North Korea again.  In his recent state visit to Japan, Donald Trump played golf and ate cheeseburghers with Shinso Abe. But Trump publicly contradicted the Japanese PM that North Korea's recent missile test was nothing to worry about because it was only a short range missile. 

But on the Huawei matter, the Deep State has gone one up on Trump.

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