Thursday, May 30, 2019

Dr M Says Maszlee Will Stay. So How?

Just over a week ago Kadir Jasin the Prime Minister's media advisor said this :

Today's news says this :  

Undoubtedly Maszlee is the most ignorant and underperforming Minister.  But he stays.

As I said before, nothing is going to change. Its politics all the way. 

The peoples' welfare and well being can take a hike.

There is going to be no such thing as 'teaching Maths and Science in English'.

That will only be reserved for the children of the rich people in the international schools and the selected few in the sekolah asrama penuh  etc.

The rest of the children do not need English. 
They can be the Grab Delivery boys and the Mat Rempits. 

Sarawak has unilaterally decided that Maths and Science will be taught in English in Sarawak. That is great news. Syabas Sarawak. 

That only means that the education system is more confusing now.

I have not seen this much confusion ever.

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