Thursday, August 1, 2019

'Dr Mahathir Kena Sailang, Who Is Muhyiddin ?

Well in the midst of the time wasting drivel about Zakir Naik, here is more drivel that has been wasting the nation's time even more.

More than two weeks have passed since the video episode. It looks like people are forgetting about it. It also appears that this is yet another backfire project by Brader Backfire. 

If it was their idea to embarrass Azmin over that video, well this is Malaysia.  People do not embarrass easily. This is Persekutuan Takdak Malu. Malu does not work.  

So as the days go by, it is back to Brader Backfire getting weaker and even less popular. His political secretary was arrested over the video. The vehement anti Azmin statements were not well received. It has all backfired. He is even less popular now. The Prime Minister's office seems even further away.  He is not going to make it.

Here is a question - who were the actual black ops guys who actually set up the camera inside that hotel room? And how exactly did they get the hotel to "delete" the CCTV footage which would have captured them moving around setting up the hidden camera?  

And now Bersatu Selangor has decided to throw in their lot with Azmin Ali. Here is a Kenyataan Media.

So all the Selangor ADUNs are saying that they support Azmin's recent call that Dr Mahathir finish his full term as PM.  That means the Brader will not be PM in TEN MONTH's time (May 2020). 

The Kenyataan Media above has been released by the Ketua Penerangan Bersatu Selangor.  

Commenting on the rumour that Azmin may leave PKR (another ruse to weaken Azmin) some Otai Reformis guys have calculated  the following :

"if Azmin quits PKR with 15MPs who are loyal to him, and based on the assumption that all of Bersatu's 26 MP back him, this would give him an estimated 41 seats.

“Umno and BN have 40 seats and PAS has 18 seats. If they cooperate, it is possible the total would be 41+40+18 = 99 parliament seats.

Sarawak-based parties (GPS or Gabungang Parti Sarawak) could tilt the balance of power in Azmin's favour.

“If GPS which has 19 parliaments seats also supports Azmin, the majority would be 19+99=118 seats and this would allow the formation of a new government"

So whither the DAP?  

These numbers are speculation. And it could be a ruse to 'weaken' Azmin. 

The moment that video appeared, I am sure many Azmin supporters would have gone like 'Alamak no' !  

Now this talk about Azmin leaving PKR only frightens his supporters even more. Join Gerakan? What is that?  (Unless the whole 'move' is temporary). 

There is serious horse trading going on in the background. 
Recently 18 UMNO MPs had tea. 

Dont worry folks.
The politics of the country will remain intact.
There is NOT going to be political chaos.

My only concern is the lembaps, the dunggus, the Zakir Naik wankers, the same old unworkable policies will prevail. No change. 

To Brader Backfire and his supporters - you are really running out of time and options.  

To digress the picture below here is from some WhatsApp group set up before the PRU14 last year.  They were dead set against Tun Dr Mahathir leading the Pakatan. 

The source who shared this with me said that a YB fellow who is now in Cabinet was a member of this group. 

The Minister concerned is in the habit of ignoring the Prime Minister's advice and instructions.  Wah berani betul. Obviously he has a godfather. Backfire himself.

This dunggu Minister is also picking a fight with Tan Sri Muhyiddin. (Upon instructions too.)  Talk is he wants to "dig up dirt" on Muhyiddin from the past government. He has told some staffers  'Kalau Dr Mahathir boleh kena sailang, siapa Muhyiddin' (or words to that effect).

Just more and more time wasting drivel.  

What about running the country? 

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