Thursday, August 1, 2019

Malaysian Moderates Tells Zakir Naik To Leave

The following is Anas Zubedy's Open Letter To Zakir Naik which you can read in full at Anas' website here.  Anas and I are old friends and go back a long way in promoting the Quran. 

10 years ago in January 2009 we launched the Lets Read The Quran campaign.

Anyway here is a truncated quick read of Anas' Open Letter.


I am writing this letter to ask you to leave Malaysia voluntarily. 

You stressed ..there is no Sunni or Syiah divide in the Quran 

It would be most beneficial to Muslim Unity in Malaysia if you can advise, explain and convince many of our local Ulama, even some muftis - many of whom you have shared a stage with, to stop this schism. 

For your information, it is a usual practice in many mosques all over Malaysia to paint the Syiah’s in a bad light especially during Friday sermons. If you advise them, they may listen to you.

Now, let’s get to my appeal – for you to voluntarily leave Malaysia.

1)    Your presence is causing a family dispute

It is not nice for the family member who brought you in to ask you to leave. .

You will need to volunteer and make it easy for the invitee.

2)    Your presence in Malaysia have negative impact on non-Muslims towards Islam

Da’wah goals is to get non-Muslims to come closer to Islam. 

Unfortunately, in Malaysia, your presence is doing the opposite. 
It is counterproductive. 

3)    Comparative religious debates do not work in Malaysia

  • In Malaysia, Non-Muslims are not allowed to counter your points when you give your views about their faith, let alone start a debate about Islam. 
  • It is illegal to preach to Muslims.
  • in Malaysia, when we debate with Non-Muslims, we are allowed to punch the opponent as we please but they cannot punch back .. 
  • You know and I know that this is not Islamic as the Quran tells us to be fair (e.g. Quran 5:48) and give equal measure (Quran 83:1-3). 
  • We will also look like cowards and make Islam look weak.
We live in peace and harmony and a showcase to the world par excellence. 
we want to keep it that way

4)    Your presence is slowing down Malaysia’s political revitalization

used as a political fuel to attack the other. 
I plea that you . .leave on your own. 

Tun Mahathir nice to you even though you were unkind to him before

Zakir, please consider my request. 
Please learn and open your heart 

our leaders have create a beautiful, successful and peaceful society 
You may want to learn how we do it.

I appeal you leave Malaysia voluntarily. 


Anas Zubedy
Malaysian Movement for Moderates
Kuala Lumpur

1 comment:

  1. nice letter to zakir u know moderate people than zakir


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