Sunday, December 1, 2019

Muafakat Nasional exploring formal coalition, but Wee insists it's just a 'spirit'

Muafakat Nasional is exploring the possibility of it formally registering as a coalition and whether BN parties would join en bloc or as individual parties, said Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan (above, right).
However, MCA president Wee Ka Siong (above, left) is adamant that for the party, Muafakat Nasional is just a 'spirit of togetherness' for the opposition.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the MCA annual general meeting in Kuala Lumpur today, Mohamad said Muafakat Nasional's technical committee is exploring its options as a coalition.
"We are looking at every aspect, every angle, whether or not to form Muafakat Nasional as a party (coalition), or just a loose coalition, whether BN and other parties join on their own, or we form a bloc," he said.

Asked whether MCA and MIC should join Muafakat Nasional, he said that was up to them.
"MIC is very much in favour of joining, and MCA is very much with their principle that as long as it doesn't contravene the constitution, why not," he said.
The Muafakat Nasional technical committee consists of vice-presidents from both Umno and PAS.
Meanwhile at a press conference not long after the press met Mohamad, MCA's Wee stressed that they will not be forming a new coalition with PAS.
"No, no. We only appear in one coalition, that is BN. I don't understand what you are saying about a new coalition," he said.
He repeatedly stressed that for MCA, Muafakat Nasional is a spirit of opposition unity.
"I said it in my policy speech. It is purely the spirit of opposition togetherness," he said when asked about Mohamad and Umno insisting that Muafakat Nasional is a physical bloc.
"My interpretation of Muafakat Nasional, it is not something that you have to apply to be a member, but anyone who wishes, who subscribes to the idea, even Sarawakians, Sabahans, and those want to contest together," he said.
He also said the charter signed between Umno and PAS to form Muafakat Nasional is not the same as registering a coalition.
He said this was no different from past opposition "collaborations" such as Semangat 46's Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah and Gagasan Rakyat, as well as PAS' and DAP's Barisan Alternative.
Earlier in his policy speech at the AGM, Wee said that BN's victory in last month's Tanjung Piai by-election showed that the people accepted Muafakat Nasional.
He had in his speech thanked PAS for campaigning for MCA in the by-election.
However no PAS leaders were present at the AGM. When asked about this, Wee said: "Since when have you (media) covered (an AGM) that MCA invited non-BN members?". - Mkini

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