Sunday, December 1, 2019

Zahid vows to reinstate TAR UC allocation plus extras with more Chinese support

BN chairperson Ahmad Zahid Hamidi today promised to reinstate the matching grant for the Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC) if the opposition comes back to power in the 15th general election.
"The more Chinese voters swing back to the opposition coalition the more allocation will be given to TAR UC,"  Ahmad Zahid (photo) said when officiating the 66th MCA annual general assembly at Wisma MCA today.
"This is my promise. The promise is (we will) give allocation to TAR UC and Tunku Abdul Rahman University (UTAR) as given by the previous government when we take over as the (new) government.
"The promise will be fulfilled," he said to a huge applaud.
 "If the Chinese voters give more support, the allocation will be further increased," he said.
Ahmad Zahid also declared that Umno and BN will support the struggle of MCA in fighting for TAR UC's government allocations.
"This is because in the matter related to education, there shouldn't be any agenda of politic, race and religion," he said.
TAR UC received an average of RM30mil to RM60mil annually under the previous government.
The Pakatan Harapan government, however, has slashed funding in an effort to get MCA to relinquish control over the varsity.
This year, the government only allocated RM5.5 million for TAR UC and no matching grant was given.
Under Budget 2020, the allocation for TAR UC further reduced to RM 1 million.
On Nov 22, the government agreed to channel RM30 million to TAR UC through a trust fund managed by its alumni.
[more to follow]  - Mkini

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