Sunday, August 2, 2020

Asyraf: Umno already made it clear to PAS it wouldn't be joining PN


Umno Youth chief Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki (above) said his party had made it clear in meetings with PAS that it will not formally join Perikatan Nasional.
Asyraf was responding to PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan who said Umno did not consult PAS when Umno formally rejected the formalisation of PN as a coalition.
Asyraf said this was conveyed during two meetings by Muafakat Nasional, a cooperation pact between Umno and PAS.
"In the two Muafakat meetings, Umno had stressed that its supreme council and grassroots do not want Umno to be a PN component party even if PN is registered as a political coalition.
"Almost the entire leadership at various levels want Umno to remain in BN and while strengthening the cooperation with PAS through Muafakaat Nasional," he said in a statement on Facebook.
Despite the decision, Asyraf assured that Umno would not do anything to harm the PN government which it is part of.
"Umno will continue to defend the PN government until the 15th general election.
"The consensus with PAS is to strengthen Muafakat Nasional without any intention to undermine the PN government which was formed in the interest of the people and country," he said.
The current government, comprising Bersatu, PKR defectors, BN, PAS, GPS, PBS and Star, is loosely referred to as PN.
Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, who is the Bersatu president, had been working hard to formalise PN as a political coalition so the component parties can contest on a single platform in the next general election.
However, there has been strong resistance in Umno as many believe they can win the next general election with PAS without having to make concessions to Bersatu.
PAS, on the other hand, has been more receptive towards PN and Muhyiddin's continued leadership until the next general election.
PN came to power after Muhyiddin pulled Bersatu out from the Pakatan Harapan government, leading to its collapse after 22 months in power.
Bersatu, together with PKR defectors, joined forces with the opposition to form the PN government in March. - Mkini

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