Monday, March 1, 2021

Azmin can't use Anwar sexual allegations as lawsuit defence, Gombak voters say


Sexual allegations involving Anwar Ibrahim cannot be used by Azmin Ali as a defence against a suit over alleged breach of duty to Gombak voters, according to a court filing.

In a reply to the international trade and industry minister’s statement of defence, the 10 constituents suing him countered that the allegations raised by the Gombak MP are irrelevant in the legal action.

“In relation to paragraphs 12 to 20 on Anwar and the matters stated therein (Azmin’s statement of defence) are irrelevant.

“The plaintiffs contend that the complaints against Anwar are no defence to the claim herein for deceit and breach of fiduciary duty.

“The defendant had other means within the internal party structure to raise his complaints against Anwar.

"It is also no answer as to why the defendant caused the toppling of the then federal government and the defendant’s subsequent act in colluding with individuals from BN who were credibly accused of corrupt practices (some of whom the defendant had publicly condemned in the representations) to form a new federal government.

“In any event, such allegations are scandalous and an abuse of process,” the Gombak voters contended.

PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

The 10 plaintiffs were responding to Azmin’s defence which cited sexual allegations against the PKR president as purportedly causing the former (Azmin) to lose faith in the party and defect to Bersatu.

In their court filing made at the Kuala Lumpur High Court on Feb 26, the 10 Gombak voters also reiterated that the Sheraton Move which involved Azmin did not benefit the constituency.

“The Sheraton Move brought no benefit to the defendant’s constituency.

“The defendant left PKR, toppled the then federal government and colluded with individuals from BN who were credibly accused of corrupt practices (some of whom the defendant had publicly condemned in his representations) to form a new federal government for his own personal benefit in breach of the representations,” the plaintiffs claimed.

In February last year, Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin took his party out of Pakatan Harapan. He was joined by a group of PKR defectors led by Azmin.

Together with the opposition at the time, they formed the new Perikatan Nasional Plus government. Muhyiddin is now the prime minister. - Mkini

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