Monday, March 1, 2021

Malaysia urges Asean to engage Myanmar following bloodshed

Malaysia has urged Asean to play a more proactive role towards restoring normalcy in Myanmar, according to Foreign Affairs Minister Hishammuddin Hussein.

This comes one day after Myanmarese authorities opened fire on protesters yesterday, killing 18 and injuring 30, according to the United Nation's human rights office.

In a statement today, he said Putrajaya has expressed "serious concern" over the military takeover in Myanmar and "ensuing developments".

"The military takeover is a setback to all efforts made over the last decade towards achieving inclusive democratic transition, unity and economic progress in the country.

"We encourage the Myanmar authorities to uphold and respect democratic institutions and processes, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression.

"All relevant parties must exercise utmost restraint from the use of violence that could affect the safety of members of the public and further escalate the situation in the country.

"We are deeply concerned over the loss of innocent lives and injuries during the ongoing situation in Myanmar," he said.

In view of this, Hishammuddin said it was crucial that Asean leads sincere discussions and constructive engagement with Myanmar to show that the bloc is effective as a cohesive regional grouping.

"I also pledged Malaysia's support towards the convening of an informal Asean ministers' meeting this week to discuss this matter further," he said.

Hishammuddin said this in his statement where he announced that he had just had an audience with the Brunei ruler Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, currently the Asean chair.

The minister did not reveal if Myanmar was on the agenda during the audience.

Peaceful protests have taken place throughout Myanmar after the military coup on Feb 1 and have been met with violence from the authorities. - Mkini

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