Tuesday, June 1, 2021

800,000 civil servants to contribute to disaster trust fund


Chief secretary to the government Mohd Zuki Ali says the civil servants’ contribution will amount to RM30 million. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: Civil servants will now contribute a fixed sum to the National Disaster Relief Trust Fund, said chief secretary to the government Mohd Zuki Ali.

He said this will involve about 800,000 civil servants from almost all grades through deductions from their fixed entertainment allowances (ITK) and other allowances.

“The contribution is expected to be about RM30 million,” he said.

Those under Grade A will contribute 50% of their allowances while those under Grades B and C will contribute 20% and 10%, respectively.

Civil servants from Grade 44 to 56 will contribute 5% of their allowances while those from Grade 29 to 41 will give RM10 from their allowances.

The deductions will be for three months, said Zuki.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said Cabinet ministers and their deputies will not be receiving their monthly salaries for three months from June to show solidarity for the frontliners and Malaysians as the country continues its fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

The money would be channelled to the trust fund to cover Covid-19-related expenses, Muhyiddin said in a special address to announce the government’s financial assistance amounting to RM40 billion under the Pemerkasa Plus package.

Zuki said: “We understand the civil servants are the backbone of the government in balancing lives and livelihood.

“The contribution is a mark of togetherness to support the government in fighting Covid-19.” - FMT

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