Tuesday, June 1, 2021

One in five applicants get Miti approval, 62pct workforce reduction expected


The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Miti) estimates around 2 million of 3.2 million workers (62 percent) in the "approved sector" will be compelled to stay at home during the two-week "total lockdown" which began today.

In a statement today, the ministry said 95,142 out of 517,144 applications received to operate during the "total lockdown" period, or 18.4 percent, had received approval as of noon today.

Companies under the "approved sectors" which have yet to submit their applications are advised to do so through Covid-19 Intelligent Management System (Cims 3.0).

All companies who receive approval will be issued a letter by Miti which will contain a QR code that staff may be required to show to the authorities when travelling to work.

As of 2pm today, the Cims 3.0 website was still accessible, unlike most of yesterday.

Miti assured that the special one-stop centre to process applications was running smoothly and efficiently.

"The senior minister and minister of Miti, deputy minister of Miti, and top Miti officials and agencies are on-site to ensure effective coordination within ministries, for the smooth processing of applications that will facilitate economic activities in accordance with the new standard operating procedures under the movement control order," said Miti.

Yesterday, the government decided, at the eleventh hour, to change its earlier instruction for all companies wishing to operate during the "total lockdown" period to seek permission from the respective government ministries regulating their industry.

Instead, it was decided that these companies had to use the Cims 3.0 website. However, as of yesterday, there were complaints that the site was inaccessible and that it contained instructions for non-manufacturing companies to seek permission from other ministries. - Mkini

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