Monday, August 1, 2022

Don’t run from questions, Kula tells Saravanan


M Kula Segaran (left) is unhappy that M Saravanan had only provided him the places visited by the Human Resources Development Corporation Corp chairman and CEO, but not the expenditure involved.

KUALA LUMPUR: M Kula Segaran (PH-Ipoh Barat) has taken human resources minister M Saravanan to task for failing to provide an adequate answer to a question on the Human Resources Development Corporation’s (HRD Corp) spending for trips overseas.

Last week, Kula sought answers over HRD Corp’s spending since 2020 for overseas trips made by its chairman and CEO. Today, he said Saravanan only revealed the destinations of those trips rather than the full expenditure in his written parliamentary reply.

The former human resources minister said Saravanan should provide a detailed response to dismiss claims that the trips were sponsored by companies that won tenders from HRD Corp.

Kula said ministers should not “hide” anything from the public, claiming that Pakatan Harapan MPs “never feared anyone” and answered every question posed to them when they were in power.

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“Don’t run from the questions,” he said in Dewan Rakyat.

Kula also said action should be taken against ministers who failed to answer MPs’ questions in full or truthfully in the Dewan Rakyat.

“I’ve realised that there is a new culture (in the Dewan Rakyat) where ministers do not answer questions in full, especially questions related to spending.

“Parliament should function as a check and balance for ministers to answer questions fully and truthfully,” he said.

Deputy speaker Ramli Mohd Nor then instructed Kula to submit a letter to the Dewan Rakyat Speaker over his concerns. - FMT

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