Monday, August 29, 2022

MP: Pressure PM to amend constitution on citizenship for overseas-born kids

Women leaders in government today should pressure Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob into amending the Federal Constitution and granting Malaysian mothers equal rights to provide citizenship to their overseas-born children with foreign fathers.

Batu Kawan MP Kasthuri Patto said this was contrary to Wanita BN's pledge that the matter - now pending a final decision by the Federal Court - has been included as part of the coalition's manifesto for the upcoming 15th general election.

"There's a difference between us in the opposition and those in government.

"For those in the government, their duties are to raise the matter in the cabinet, seek an agreement, and pressure the prime minister to table a constitutional amendment in the upcoming Dewan Rakyat session in October. It is as simple as that," she said.

Kasthuri was speaking during a "Merdeka for Malaysian Mothers" event hosted by Family Frontiers that had yesterday, along with six others, filed an appeal at the Federal Court in its bid for Malaysian mothers to be accorded the same right as Malaysian fathers in granting citizenship to children born overseas.

Batu Kawan MP Kasthuri Patto

Kasthuri further pointed out that the tabling of Budget 2023 has been brought forward from Oct 28 to Oct 7 reportedly due to a cabinet decision headed by Ismail Sabri.

"If such an important budget can be brought forward by 21 days, why can't the issue of citizenship for children born abroad to Malaysian mothers be expedited?

"If you (Ismail Sabri) can push the budget by 21 days earlier, there is no excuse for you not to bring this issue about Keluarga Malaysia," she stressed.

Specifically, Kasthuri addressed Wanita MCA chief Heng Siai Kie, who in her speech, said the fight for equal rights is a collective obligation that cuts across partisan ties.

Heng, who advocated for the constitutional amendment as a permanent solution for Malaysian mothers seeking justice, said the fate of women should not be placed in the hands of judges or officers from the National Registration Department.

"What needs to be done, as what MCA had proposed during the Wanita BN convention two weeks ago, is for the amendment of Article 14(1)(b) - to change the word 'father' to 'father or mother' - will be listed as BN's GE15 manifesto.

"This has been agreed to in the convention and announced by BN chairperson Ahmad Zahid Hamidi on the same day," said Heng, who was accompanied by representatives from MIC and Umno.

Wanita MCA chief Heng Siai Kie

‘This issue is crucial’

At this point, Kasthuri and several other Pakatan Harapan women leaders, including PKR Women chief Fadhlina Siddik, broke into laughter as they remarked on MCA'S role in government.

Fadhlina, who is also a PKR senator, said that the fundamental rights of Malaysian mothers were debated in the Senate three weeks ago with questions raised on the progress of any government's move towards amending the Federal Constitution.

"This issue is crucial. It was never imagined that this matter of suffering of mothers will one day be deliberated in a court judgment.

"The law acknowledges the emotions of these mothers and their children, their life survival," she said alluding to an initial High Court ruling on Sept 9 last year that children born overseas to Malaysian mothers and foreign fathers are automatically entitled to Malaysian citizenship.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Parliament and Law) Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar previously said the government would only decide on its next course of action on the proposed constitutional amendment once a Federal Court ruling is made on the matter.

Muda secretary-general Amira Aisya Abdul Aziz rounded up the day's cross-partisan speakers, applauding all Malaysian mothers fighting for their equal rights.

As the day's host, Family Frontiers president Suriani Kempe earlier noted how the upcoming Merdeka Day celebrations will remain hollow for mothers whose children are denied their rights to citizenship

"Independence should be enjoyed by all Keluarga Malaysia, but the reality is that there remains among us treated as the step-children.

"As Malaysian mothers, we did not in any way see our children as being different to those with Malaysian fathers. So why are we treated with injustice?" she asked.

The event held in Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya ended with attendees, including mothers with children born abroad to foreign fathers, as well as their children, singing Saya Anak Malaysia in a symbolic nod to their struggles. - Mkini

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