Monday, February 6, 2023



We tend to notice that energy more keenly when it feels negative - perhaps manifesting as exhaustion, anger, helplessness and even jealousy - all of which may be rooted in unprocessed traumas, emotional wounds or limiting beliefs. We physically feel that negative energy by way of a lower, denser vibration.

Here are some methods of getting rid of negative energy:-

Rethink the "negative" framework.

Even if it feels negative, this kind of energy is not exactly “bad” but instead considered shadowed or imbalanced. Shadow only means that we have not shined the light on these issues and these shadows become more noticeable in others when we have not done the work ourselves.

You should consider reframing your mindset to consider this shadow energy as present for a reason - to help you grow and release unhelpful preconceptions. To do that, ask yourself questions about the negative emotions you might be feeling, and then journaling about them in order to bring them into awareness. 

Another helpful avenue: breathwork. It is a great way to feel and process an emotion, rather than just dismissing it as negative. It helps the emotion move through you and release somatically.

Detach yourself from energy that is not yours.

Setting healthy boundaries is a key way to steer clear of situations that could provoke negative feelings internally or put you in the presence of them from other people. It is fine to say "no" to that person, in that event or that favour, if it is something that does not align with your current energy.

Not to mention, you can set internal energetic boundaries too, in order to avoid processing other peoples’ negative vibes. You can ask yourself, "What feelings are mine and what feelings am I taking on, perhaps to help someone else or just by being human and being a sponge for other people's energy?" Then give yourself permission to let go of everything that is not yours to harbour.

Take a bath.

This is a wonderful way to purify the aura of negative energy and re-nourish your spirit. Adding in some essential oils such as eucalyptus, cedar wood and lavender, along with some Epsom or sea salt works to calm the body, mind, and spirit.

Incorporate mindfulness moments throughout your day.

You do not have to settle down on your meditation pillow to give your mind a boost - smaller breaks are useful as well when working with heavy thoughts and feelings. Throughout the day, take a moment to pause, feel your feet as they connect to the ground, even place your hand on your belly and take three deep breaths.

Spend time in nature.

Our Mother Earth is one of the most powerful and free energy healers that we have and allowing yourself to be supported by it can be deeply restorative. Most nature spots are full of negative ions, which, contrary to their name, actually help us with creating positive energy. Forest bathing has become very popular and is a great way to get grounded and centred and remove yourself from fight-or-flight mode - but you do not need to make it complicated. A simple walk down a quiet tree-lined street can often shift your energy.

You should consider spending some time near or close to the ocean, if you can. Whether you are swimming or dipping your toes in the water, or simply breathing in the salty air and listening to the sounds of the waves, you will find that it is a powerful way to bring your energy into equilibrium and feel more centred as a result.

Practice visualization to channel a more positive energy.

You should consider visualizing the following scenario when you leave your house and when you return back home: Imagine yourself being surrounded and protected in a beautiful warm light that holds all the wisdom, sweetness and love from the universe. You should visualize your entire body filling up with this light, every cell being bathed in it. You should imagine it surrounding you. Once you feel, sense and know that it is, you then send it out to any situation, person or place that could use a higher vibration.

You can also visualize yourself having a healing energy pouring through your body and travelling along your spine. You might start to feel certain body parts get warm or you might feel tingling or even pressure. You could also see some colours. All of those things are just indicators that energy is shifting and releasing.

As usual, we remind you to take your Memo Plus Gold daily. It will help to keep you alert and mentally sharp. For more information or to order for Memo Plus Gold, please visit :

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