Monday, February 6, 2023

PAS does not limit charity to election season, says Hadi


PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang has stated that party members and leaders constantly perform charity and do not limit it to election season.

In a statement today, Hadi said many PAS ulama and lawmakers have been providing free services to the public since the party’s formation in 1951.

"There are also PAS lawmakers who have complained that they are in heavy debt because of the services they provide. They help everyone, even those who are not their constituents.

"The debts are only cleared after they retire. This proves that PAS lawmakers constantly help people and not just during election season," he said.

Hadi said now that PAS has a large membership base and has many associated NGOs, the type of services to the public has been expanded.

"Now, our reach is international. (We can provide aid during) natural disasters and wars," he said.

Hadi said many groups who have worked with PAS can attest to their volunteers providing aid in various situations without wages.

"This is the result of our upbringing which does not separate our worldly matters from that of our religion which prepares us for the hereafter.

"This is something that exists only in Islam and not man-made ideologies," he said.

Cash handouts to voters by some PAS activists came under scrutiny after several election petitions were filed. These handouts were allegedly bribes.

On Feb 2, MACC sources told Malaysiakini that 90 voters had been identified as recipients and will be called in for questioning.

However, PAS leaders have claimed that these handouts were not bribes but "sedekah” (charity), which were permissible under the law. - Mkini

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