Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Parliament session to be extended by 2 days


PARLIAMENT | The First Meeting of the Second Session of the 15th Parliament has been extended by two more days on April 3 and 4, bringing the duration of the sitting to 31 days.

Dewan Rakyat speaker Johari Abdul said the decision was made by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim as the leader of the House, in line with Standing Order 11(2) of Dewan Rakyat.

“This is to allow several bills and government matters to be tabled and passed in the Dewan Rakyat. A written notice will be issued to all Members of Parliament after this,” Johari announced before the Minister’s Question Time today.

According to Standing Order 11(2), the leader or deputy of the House shall determine, at least 28 days before the commencement of each session, the dates on which the House shall meet in the session.

However, the leader or deputy of the House may change the fixed dates from time to time.

The current Dewan Rakyat sitting was scheduled to end on March 30.


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