Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Sabah cabinet approves name change of two ministries


Sabah Agriculture and Fisheries Ministry is now known as the state Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Industry Ministry, and the Industrial Development Ministry is now called the Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship Ministry.

Chief Minister Hajiji Noor (above), when announcing the changes, said the Sabah cabinet approved the name change so that the objective, function and role of the ministries would be clearer, particularly on food security and the importance of entrepreneurs, including the small and medium entrepreneurs.

“With the reshuffling of the state cabinet and restructuring of the federal cabinet, the state government had also decided to align the jurisdiction of each state cabinet member to the respective federal ministries,” he said in a statement today.

Hajiji said the state government has also appointed organising chairpersons for the various state festive celebrations and events, namely the state Science, Technology, and Innovation Minister Mohd Arifin Mohd Arif who will be in charge of the Maulidur Rasul, Tilawah Al-Quran, Maal Hijrah and Aidil Fitri.

Pesta Kaamatan celebration will be led by Deputy Chief Minister I Jeffrey Kitingan; National Day by state Finance Minister Masidi Manjun; Malaysia Day by state Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Christina Liew; and the Head of State’s official birthday by Deputy Chief Minister II Joachim Gunsalam.

Meanwhile, Kapayan assemblyperson Jannie Lasimbang has been appointed Korporasi Pembangunan Desa Sabah chairperson, and she leads the state agency under the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Industry Ministry, effective Jan 19 this year.

In another statement, the Parti Bersatu Sabah president Maximus Ongkili, who is also the former Kota Marudu MP, was appointed as the chairperson of the Energy Commission of Sabah (ECoS) today.

Ongkili, who has vast experience as a four-term federal minister, including the Energy, Green Technology and Water minister, said that he will serve ECoS and the energy industry of Sabah to the best of his ability.

“We will ensure that any issues related to ECoS will be executed for the good of Sabah and Sabahans," he added.


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