Friday, April 28, 2023

Open houses excessive? We want to mingle with rakyat - PM


Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has asserted that his Aidilfitri open house tour across six states is not excessive and instead, is aimed at allowing the people to get close to him and other government officials.

“All states are doing it (open houses). States under Pakatan Harapan are organising it. The same goes for BN states and PAS-held states.

“What’s important is we are treating the people to food (at the open houses), that’s not a waste,” he told reporters after performing the Friday prayers at Masjid Jamiul Ehsan in Sungai Buloh, Kuala Lumpur today.

This comes after PN chief whip Takiyuddin Hassan said the open houses are clearly excessive and indefensible.

Takiyuddin had also turned the tables on Anwar’s administration - implying that it is the latter who are "penunggang agama" (riding on religion).

PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan

Takiyuddin, who is also PAS secretary-general, accused the government of “hijacking” an important annual Islamic event for political purposes.

Asked about the PAS leader’s criticism, Anwar refused to comment further, saying it’s “inappropriate to make prejudiced statements in the spirit of Aidilfitri”.

The prime minister is hosting Aidilfitri open houses in Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, Penang, Selangor, and Negeri Sembilan - the six states where polls will be held a few months from now.

Anwar has previously denied that the open house tour is motivated by the state polls. - Mkini

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