Monday, May 1, 2023

NGO moots royal pardon for drug-related offenders, ex-prisoners


The government should consider a royal pardon for reformed prisoners who were convicted of drug-related offences, mooted the Malaysian Substance Abuse Council (Masac), saying it can help lessen the congestion at prisons nationwide.

In a statement, the NGO's secretary-general Raja Azizan Suhaimi also proposed that the government consider a pardon for former drug addicts who have been free from substance abuse for at least five years.

This, he said, would help the former addicts to have another chance at living a normal life and start with a clean slate.

"In conjunction with the International Day Against Drug Abuse this June 26, Masac calls the Madani government to choose 25 percent of prisoners who are being jailed for drug-related offences and have served more than half of their sentence and recommend them for royal pardon by either the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or sultan of the respective states.

"They should be chosen from all kinds of drug-related offences, including drug abuse, distribution of drugs, or those who have committed repeated offences, with the condition that they are being recommended by the Prison Department for having successfully undergone reform programmes in the prison.

"Masac believes that this idea will help to ease congestion at prisons nationwide and decrease the (government) spending on drug-related convicts who the Prison Department believes are ready to be sent back to society and contribute to developing the country and help their family," he said.

According to Raja Azizan, the practice of granting royal pardons with the aim of giving convicts a second chance in life is commendable and should be expanded to those sentenced for drug-related offences.

He said royal pardon can also help former convicts to secure employment suitable to their skills and passion.

"Such a good move will send a clear message about this country's efforts to improve people's life by giving them a second chance, and those chosen for (pardon) can become examples to show society and the whole world that addiction is something treatable," Raja Azizan added. - Mkini

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