Friday, December 1, 2023

Deepen Tebrau river, say villagers hit by flash floods

Children in Kampung Pasir playing in floodwaters after the Tebrau river in Johor overflowed into five villages last night. (Bernama pic)

JOHOR BAHRU: Villagers of Kampung Pasir Tebrau and Kampung Paya Kenangan here hope the authorities will deepen the Tebrau river to prevent flash floods from recurring.

Anisah Pardi, 48, said flash floods in the area often occurred as their houses are close to the river.

The housewife who lives in Kampung Pasir Tebrau said continuous heavy rain from 11pm last night had caused the river water to overflow, forcing them to evacuate at around 2.30am.

“This river has not been widened or deepened for a long time. The last time seems to have been many years ago. Yesterday, just past midnight, river water entered my house through the kitchen and rose quickly up to window level, reaching one metre deep at 2.30am,” she said.

Anisah said Kampung Kangkar Tebrau which was inundated was close to the river.

However, she praised the authorities for acting quickly in ordering residents to evacuate immediately at midnight yesterday.

Murad Yunus, 54, a resident of Kampung Paya Kenangan, said the river water overflowed into his house and rose about one metre at 3am, before receding five hours later.

However, he said flash floods could happen again at any time if it rains heavily today.

“I hope this river can be deepened and widened as soon as possible, seeing that it has breached its banks twice this year,” he said.

Earlier, heavy rain since last night caused floods in Kampung Paya Kenangan, Kampung Pasir Tebrau, Kampung Kangkar Tebrau, Kampung Sentosa Damai and Kampung Sentosa Barat.

A total of 538 people from 158 families in the five villages were evacuated to two relief centres. - FMT

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