Wednesday, January 3, 2024


 Ever since that Dubai Move story broke the Pakatoons have been in panic. Everyday their cybertroopers are coming up with all sorts of obviously panic driven paranoia to deny the Dubai Move.

The latest I received (Finance Twitter) says that Dr M and Tun Daim had set aside RM750 Million to pay for the Dubai Move but the money had somehow disappeared. Meaning? Meaning that the Dubai Move is dead because the shopping money has been stolen.  A really silly story. 

May I add my own concoction how the RM750 million was 'stolen'? The RM750 million was in the form of cash and kept in that tower. Dr M and Tun Daim spent the whole night tying the cash neatly in bundles. Dont know if their wives helped. Then they placed the cash bundles neatly inside 55 full sized suitcases. The suitcases were bought at that mamak department store in Masjid India - because they had a suitcase sale. All this work made them so tired that they fell asleep. They forgot to lock the doors. So some moving company contractor (who could work late at nite) backed up his moving truck and with a few other conspirators they loaded the suitcases and made their escape. For obvious reasons (aka my imagination has run short) they did not make a Police report.

Well its a stupid story isnt it. The Pakatoons are panicking and getting quite desperate over this Dubai Move story. 

A couple of days ago I received this : 

Again Pakatoon cybertroopers at work. 

Then Murray Hunter has written an analysis that may interest you. You can read it at Eurasia Review here.  Some snippets :

  • Tun Daim claims actions against him plain political persecution
  • much conjecture if Tower seizure pre-emptive move to shore up gomen 
  • move could easily backfire, isolating ‘Malay' voters even further
  • charges against Muhyiddin Yassin dismissed  by the Court
  • compare with DNAA of 47 charges against Zahid
  • supports allegations of selective prosecution 

  • coordinated attack upon opposition 
  • strategists believe attack is best defence

  • meetings among PBB, GPS, UMNO MPs in Dubai last week 
  • speculation of attempt to bring down madani 
  • new govt comprising PAS, Bersatu, UMNO, East M'sian parties
  • presence of YDPA in Dubai at same time on official duties
  • rumours alone enough to create political instability

Now we come to the Occupational Hazard part of the story.

Politics in this country has always been an occupational hazard. Bahaya di tempat kerja. But it has become worse since Najib got kicked out in 2018 and went to jail. He is still inside jail. If the Dubai Move comes through, they will throw away the key on Najib. And I think a few more people will be joining him.

Now this set of Pakatoons are going a bit way back in history. To the 1990s. Lets see if they can make anything stick. 

But nothing much has changed in the way money is being swallowed up. The players have changed but the old game is still in play.

  • 10% is still being bounced about. 
  • That young lady is now handling the files. 
  • There is talk TP is baking many pies.  
  • Renewable energy and digital this and that are the next big tickets.

If the Dubai Move goes through may I suggest the Pakatoons have their passports ready. Have a plane waiting at the airport with the engines warmed up. Or if you can afford your private jets already, then all the better.  Because certainly they will be coming for you as well.

  • What goes around also comes around. 
  • That is the occupational hazard. 
  • It comes with the job. 

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