Monday, January 1, 2024

Deputy minister to sue YouTuber linking him to 'Dubai Move' conspiracy


Deputy Human Resources Minister Abdul Rahman Mohamad will be suing a man who - in a YouTube video - allegedly linked him to the purported "Dubai Move" plot.

He has also lodged a police report over the matter today, with some 100 Lipis Umno division and branch leaders accompanying him.

In a Facebook post, Rahman denied being anywhere near Dubai - where Perikatan Nasional leaders allegedly met with government lawmakers to hatch a scheme to topple the government.

"In the past several weeks I - the Lipis MP - have been in Malaysia, specifically in Lipis to attend programmes and connect with the local community," he said.

"I have never conspired with anyone to topple this government.

"This government has the support of 153 MPs, so why would I take part in any 'move' and be racing to topple this government," he also said in a video accompanying the posting.

In the YouTube video implicating Rahman (above), a man is seen reading out a list of names - including Rahman's - from an article posted on a content farm website.

The man then alleged that the conspirators were disappointed because they were not made cabinet ministers.

Rahman had been appointed as deputy minister in the cabinet reshuffle last month.

The deputy minister said that to avoid such allegations being repeated and to clear his name, "stern legal action" will be taken against the YouTuber.

How it started

On Saturday, Department of Community Communications (J-Kom) deputy director general Ismail Yusop claimed that a movement was being planned to topple the coalition government.

Ismail said the plan dubbed ‘Dubai Move’ was hatched by several PN leaders who had met with government MPs while on holiday in the Gulf state.

The meeting was allegedly held to appoint 'agents' whose task was to entice government MPs to defect.

PN has denied the existence of such a plot. - Mkini

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