Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Nasty Mat Rempit accident caught on video; serves him right, say netizens


A VIDEO of a Mat Rempit (slang for a youngster who participates in hooliganism and illegal activities such as street racing) losing control of his bike whilst attempting a stunt on a public road has gone viral but elicited very little sympathy from viewers.

The short clip uploaded on X (formerly Twitter) by user @belialrising has generated 812.k views at time of writing. The simple caption sarcastically stated, “this is how Malay youths are returning to their kampong for festivities”.

The video shows sparks flying as the Mat Rempit loses control and falls off his bike while being dragged along by a fellow road pest. While the mishap looks serious, netizens were largely unsympathetic.

Here is a sample of what they had to say:

One highlighted the consequences of such injuries and asked these daredevils to repent.

Another poked fun at UMNO Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh by suggesting that there be a boycott of motorcycles.

The joke very obviously highlights how the Merlimau state assemblyman has incessantly rallied for the boycott of KK Super Mart despite management of the 24-hour convenience store chain having apologised for the Allah inscription on socks issue.

While another chided that the riders in the video were a great example of Dr Akmal’s followers.

One very pointed comment drew attention to the current vernacular school debate by sarcastically saying these law-breakers were the product of these institutions.


One netizen who seemed to be speaking from experience explained why the stunt went wrong. He further reckoned that the trauma would only be short-lived before renewed attempts are made post-Raya.

It was also postulated that if the country had proper race tracks to harness these talented riders, Malaysia would probably have world-class champions in MotoGP.

Some said this was a product of bored youth with too much time on their hands.

At a time when a number of non-issues are being touted as being of national importance, one netizen simply asked why the issue of Mat Rempit is not being properly discussed.

In the past, some politicians have tried to harness this group as a vote bank which was met with disdain from the public at large.

Fact of the matter is that the Mat Rempit phenomenon – like almost everything else in Malaysia – becomes a political hot potato when touted as a racial issue instead of one about road safety.

Just like the basikal lajak (usually fixed-gear bicycles that have been heavily modified for racing purpose) issue, a major incident that claimed multiple lives were spun into a racial issue instead of the safety of these modified bikes.

Large groups of youngsters speeding along public roads on these bikes remain and there seems to be little political will to address either the basikal lajak or Mat Rempit phenomenon.

A few lives sacrificed daily seems to be a small price for politicians to pay for furthering their twisted agendas. Meanwhile, Malaysian roads will continue to be the platform for such shenanigans…. – Focus Malaysia

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