Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday sermon in Perak: Boycott not in line with prophet's teachings

Muslims are urged to stop boycotting certain businesses as such moves are against Islamic principles of upholding justice, according to the text of Friday sermon delivered in Perak today.

Quoting Perak mufti Wan Zahidi Wan Teh’s views, the text stated that the religious leader was of the view that the current boycott movement was not in line with Prophet Muhammad’s teachings and could lead towards cruelty.

“Worse, the issue has been sensationalised without being backed by proper understanding, spreading hate and anger. Hence, it has steered from the principles of justice.

“The Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (Ikim) is also of the view that a boycott move should be premised on the principles of justice and maslahah (considering the best interest of the community) and mafsadah (conditions that could lead to negative consequences),” it added.

The text was prepared by the Perak Islamic Religious Department.

Since March, Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh has been calling for a boycott of retail chain KK Mart after one of its outlets was found having several socks with the word “Allah” on it.

Despite an apology and police investigation against its founder, Akmal persists in the boycott campaign.

Justice in Islam

In the sermon today, it was mentioned that when it comes to upholding justice, Islam outlines six aspects which touch on punishment, economy, politics, the community, and education.

As such, the principles involve all aspects of life and are universal.

“Justice is an important value under Islam, and it comes from one of the holy names of God, which is al-Adl. The principle must be upheld at all times for all races without any exceptions.

“It is stressed in Surah an-Nisa 58, which was preceded by a command that justice is a responsibility that must be upheld to all regardless of race,” it added.

The text also cited an example during Prophet Muhammad’s time after the Hudaibiah peace treaty on 6 Hijrah, when the prophet was leading an army of 1,400.

Two years after the agreement, Muslim soldiers’ number rose to 10,000 people - which meant the proselytisation of Islam was more successful during peace compared to the years that were filled with tensions and war.

“So, we need peace and harmony between people of various faiths to help the spread of Islam. Al-Quran stressed the need to use wisdom and reasoning when it comes to proselytisation.

“Hence, the calls to boycott a particular race is not in line with the prophet’s teaching.”

The sermon also noted how the recent boycott move had affected the people, including Muslims, who had their salaries cut and even lost jobs.

“We fear the boycott call, which was emotive and unplanned, could also jeopardise the economic activity of Muslims who are involved in the supply chain, distribution, marketing and others.

“Not only is it affecting the economy but also companies that are paying taxes and zakat,” it mentioned.

The full text is available here. - Mkini

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