Friday, May 24, 2024

Skip the 'taichi' and take responsibility, PN MP tells Loke


Transport Minister Anthony Loke should stop with the “taichi” act and provide answers about the proposed deal involving Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB), said Machang MP Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal.

“You’re a member of the cabinet and there is a thing called collective responsibility…where the nation’s interest should be prioritised instead of a pro-Zionist company.

“Loke should come down and read our memorandum. Not only did we chide him as the regulator but also the prime minister, who also serves as finance minister and Khazanah Nasional (Berhad) chairperson for allowing this deal to take place,” Wan Fayhsal (above) said on X.

On May 15, Khazanah announced that it was leading a consortium, Gateway Development Alliance (GDA), in a pre-conditional voluntary offer to acquire all the shares in MAHB not yet owned by the consortium at an offer price of RM11 per share.

The consortium’s shareholders also comprise a joint venture between the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (Adia) and Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) - through GIP Aurea Pte Ltd.

The pre-conditional offer stated that GIP Aurea would have a 30 percent effective economic interest in MAHB if the deal materialised.

This would make GIP’s effective stake in MAHB at 25 percent.

However, controversy erupted when it was found that BlackRock, a company deemed to have close ties with Israel, is in the midst of acquiring GIP.

Yesterday, about 30 anti-Israel activists, including politicians, demonstrated against the planned acquisition of MAHB at the Transport Ministry in Putrajaya.

The group, Palestine Solidarity Secretariat (SSP), submitted a memorandum of protest to a ministry representative, demanding the government cancel the shareholding acquisition process.

Wan Fayhsal, who was at the rally, said the government should not attack the opposition for opposing the project but understand that Malaysians oppose the sale of MAHB shares.

However, Loke later said that Wan Fayhsal should have sent the memorandum to Khazanah instead of the Transport Ministry.

Transport Ministry Anthony Loke

“Wan Fayhsal and his team are barking up the wrong tree and shouldn’t have sent the memorandum to the Transport Ministry.

“I have mentioned this many times that the decision (MAHB deal) doesn’t come under my ministry’s purview,” the DAP leader was reported as saying.

‘Look for other alternatives’

On that note, Wan Fayhsal said it did not make sense for the government to abandon its ethics and moral compass when the entire world was supporting movements to boycott companies that were supplying arms to kill Palestinians.

“It’s imbecilic to pass the buck on this by saying it’s not your responsibility.

“Remember, this is not only a demand made by Perikatan Nasional but the majority of Malaysians, especially NGOs that are championing the Palestinian cause.

“So, don’t be a hypocrite and (practise) double standard! MAHB won’t go bust without BlackRock’s funds. There are other alternatives,” he added.

- Mkini

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