Friday, May 31, 2024

NGO: Alleged assault victim treated like suspect, not victim

An NGO has accused the police of treating the disabled man who was allegedly assaulted by a royal’s escort in an unprofessional manner.

Malaysian Deaf Advocacy and Well-being Organisation (Dawn) claimed that the disabled man was treated as a suspect.

“We are deeply disappointed after getting the report from the disabled man concerning the alleged assault incident which happened at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur,” Dawn said in a statement today.

On May 29, Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department chief Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain said the alleged victim filed a report at 1pm on Tuesday and the case is being investigated under Section 323 of the Penal Code.

However, Kuala Lumpur police chief Rusdi Mohd Isa issued a statement later that the man had lodged another report at 9.45pm on the same day.

“(The report) stated that the issue had been resolved amicably and he did not want to prolong the matter,” Rusdi said.

Relating the victim’s ordeal, Dawn said after the alleged assault, the victim was disturbed and unsure of what to do next. He was then advised to lodge a police report in Brickfields and it was filed based on a message prepared by his friend.

“He was then asked to show proof of being punched in the face, which he did by producing a video captured on his phone. After that, he was instructed to undergo a medical examination.

“While undergoing treatment, he received a message from the police asking him to return to the station on the same day, which was May 28,” the NGO added.

The group said the victim was instructed to forward the video to the police personnel so that they could extend it to their superiors.

However, upon his arrival at the police station between 5pm and 6pm, the NGO claimed that the disabled man was escorted to the police officer’s office and left unattended for hours.

“He was then requested to hand over his phone to the police officer in charge. The victim did not receive any explanation for the phone inspection or the prolonged retention of his phone.

“He was treated as if he was the suspect,” Dawn alleged.

Why confiscate victim’s phone?

The disabled man then asked for his phone to be returned so that he could contact his wife and the friend who helped him earlier but was refused.

“Why was the victim’s mobile phone kept for police investigation? His privacy should be respected because he is the victim in this case.

“His child just died three weeks ago and he was still mourning. The assault had profoundly affected him, making it difficult for him to cope.”

Dawn claimed that the disabled man was given two options - proceed with the case and go to court or drop the case and get compensation.

If he had chosen the first report, Dawn added, it would mean that the police would have to confiscate his phone.

“But the question is, how is the phone (a communications means essential to a deaf person) related to the assault incident?

“Under pressure, the victim decided to drop the case and agreed to be compensated. However, after the negotiations, he was asked to read and sign another police report, which he never intended to file.

“He then received a text message asking him to collect his identity card, which was not returned to him earlier by the police.

“After taking his identity card, he was asked to sign a third police report. He confirms the format is very similar but was unable to distinguish between the second and third reports," the group added.

Lack of protection

Dawn emphasised that the police should have engaged the services of a sign language interpreter to ensure things were conducted professionally.

“This incident also highlights the deaf community’s lack of protection, leaving them increasingly vulnerable.

“And we stress regardless of whether it was a misunderstanding or otherwise, all victims must be treated fairly, with the right to report incidents to the police for self-protection.”

In a related development, Johor Regent Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim has responded to the alleged incident and revealed that it involved a police security team.

Calling for a thorough probe and justice to be accorded to the victim, his highness stressed that he does not condone illegal actions or acts of intimidation. - Mkini

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