Monday, July 29, 2024

MCMC to ensure that 5G price remains at existing rate, says Gobind


Free Malaysia Today
Digital minister Gobind Singh said the price aspect of 5G was taken into account during the network’s evaluation process. (Bernama pic)
The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) will ensure that the price of 5G under the second network remains at the existing rate, says digital minister Gobind Singh Deo.

Bernama reported him as saying that the price aspect had been taken into account during the network’s evaluation process.

MCMC has taken steps to ensure that the price will remain when the second network is established. The process is still ongoing,
 he told reporters after signing a cooperation agreement between Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) and Cybersecurity Malaysia (CSM) to improve the country’s 5G network security here today.

The cooperation involves the development of 5G security guidelines for the industry and future 5G security foundations.

DNB and CSM will also establish a national 5G cybersecurity test centre to serve as a platform for industry players to identify vulnerabilities, ensure compliance with standards and track security measures.

Following the recent global information technology outage, he said the companies involved need to guarantee an audit will be conducted to ensure affected systems are safe.

“They need to ensure that such disruptions do not recur. If there are weaknesses, they have to be dealt with immediately.

I have already informed the parties and we are in the process of getting a report. A media conference will be held thereafter,
 he said.

Former minister Khairy Jamaluddin was previously reported as saying the proposed second 5G network could pose financial risks for taxpayers.

Both he and former Umno information chief Shahril Hamdan said the move, which might involve China’s Huawei, would lead to increased costs due to the need for additional infrastructure.

We’ve highlighted that this structure isn’t optimal and it might not succeed, causing losses for the government and taxpayers,
 Khairy said in an episode of the Keluar Sekejap podcast.

In September last year, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said that a dual 5G network would allow for more effective participation by Huawei, balancing both Western and Eastern technology.

Despite some Western countries urging Malaysia to adhere to its original plan, the government announced that a second 5G network would operate from this year on to break the monopoly of a single state-run network. - FMT

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