Monday, July 22, 2024

Penang DCM Jagdeep on ‘short break’ amid talk of advice to take leave


Free Malaysia Today
Datok Keramat assemblyman Jagdeep Singh Deo was named Penang deputy chief minister in August 2023.

Penang deputy chief minister Jagdeep Singh Deo says he is taking a 
short break
 from work, amid talk that he has been advised to take leave from his role in the state executive council.

Jagdeep told FMT he has 

some matters in Kuala Lumpur
 to address and that he would be going on 
a short break with my kids

He said he was currently in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, to seek a second opinion for an ankle injury, adding that this had caused him chronic pain for the past few months.

The Datok Keramat assemblyman also said he was seeking treatment for psoriasis, a skin condition that causes flaky patches of skin all over the body, which he had recently developed.

A senior DAP leader declined to comment when contacted. FMT has also reached out to chief minister Chow Kon Yeow for comment.

Jagdeep was named Penang deputy chief minister alongside PKR’s Batu Maung assemblyman, Mohamad Abdul Hamid, in August 2023 after the Penang state election.

Earlier, The Star quoted sources as saying that a certain exco member started his leave today after being advised to do so to resolve a certain 

personal problem

Without naming the person, it reported that the personal issue is said to have affected his duties as a member of the exco. - FMT

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