Tuesday, July 23, 2024

School donation: Circular issued when MCA in power, DAP MP reminds Wee

A DAP lawmaker has pointed out that a circular which forbids schools from receiving funds generated from the sale of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages was issued in March 2018 when MCA was part of the BN government.

Kampar MP Chong Zhemin also highlighted that at the time MCA secretary-general Chong Sin Woon was serving as deputy education minister.

Chong Zhemin (above, right) was responding to MCA president Wee Ka Siong, who criticised DAP over the controversy surrounding a Chinese vernacular school in Sepang, Selangor receiving donations from a company producing alcoholic beverages.

Accusing MCA of “collaborating” with PAS, he claimed that Wee was attempting to confuse the public and tarnish the coalition government’s image.

“MCA dares not criticise PAS but instead blames DAP. Clearly, MCA is attacking and criticising the unity government because they have no (cabinet) positions.

“Despite MCA's continuous attacks, DAP ministers, deputy ministers, and representatives will continue to stand firm in defending Chinese education,” he added in a statement.

In a separate statement today, Chong said DAP should use its position in the government to retract the circular and resolve the issue, instead of deflecting public attention by blaming MCA.

“I advise DAP to seek paths to success, not excuses for failure. Since DAP is a ruling party with the power to make policy decisions, it should perform its responsibility to defend Chinese education through practical actions.

“Or, it could learn from BN’s consultative style to persuade the minister to order her officers to retract the circular, which would immediately resolve the problem.

“There is no need for (Deputy Education Minister) Wong Kah Woh to scold PAS, or (Ipoh Timur MP) Howard Lee to demand MCA for an explanation. If it can’t even do such a simple thing, does MCA have to explain for DAP’s impotence?” he said, in response to a similar call from Lee to hold MCA accountable for the guideline.

Yesterday, Wee recalled how DAP had chastised MCA for allegedly failing to defend Chinese education issues when it was in power. Yesterday, Wee recalled how DAP had chastised MCA for allegedly failing to defend Chinese education issues when it was in power.

However, he said DAP is “worse” than MCA and has failed to achieve anything significant such as recognition for the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC), which is implemented in private Chinese secondary schools.

“They say you are MCA 2.0, but I think you don’t deserve (that title) at all,” Wee said, suggesting that MCA performed better in safeguarding issues related to the Chinese community compared to DAP.

Brewery’s donation

Yesterday, the Education Ministry said it is probing the fundraising event involving the school in Sepang and reminded school administrators to adhere to the existing guidelines.

Earlier, Selangor PAS launched a salvo against Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister Aiman Athirah Sabu, who was at the event and photographed holding a mock cheque presented to the school with the brewery company’s logo on it.

This morning, two Chinese education groups condemned Selangor PAS Youth chief Mohamed Sukri Omar for purportedly stoking racial tensions and attacking a fundraising event for Chinese vernacular schools for political mileage.

Aiman in response to PAS’ criticism has called the Islamist party “hypocrites”, pointing out that while they accused her of supporting alcohol consumption in her participation in the event, PAS was fine mingling with people who were drinking alcohol and eating pork during election campaigns.

- Mkini

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