
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, January 22, 2012

1Best Malaysia in a Loose Package

If one believes every superlatives that come out of 1Malaysia and BolehLand's government, the uninitiated to our condition, real condition and life would think we are living in a blissful paradise of sorts.

We are told we are the best melting potpourri of culture, race, religion and language, even surpassing countries like US of A or even our colonial ole England or down south Australia.

Somehow the local BolehLand fellows are reminded of all the haram stuff in the pot which needs to be thrown out. Those who don't conform to the men in robes' dictates of moral behaviour, socialising style, even culinary choice or entertainment are strained away from the pot or even asked to be thrown away or return to their motherland.

Even advocating to learn an international language called English is considered anti patriotic and ridiculing someone's mother tongue and you'd get a lashing for sidelining a language that serves no purpose for survival or get anywhere after leaving BolehLand's space!

And we are told of the vibrant colours, sights and sounds we are blessed with when even religious chantings, gongs, church bells, tall deity statues are deemed to have violated someone's else Almighty space!

Then we proclaim we have the best of cuisines that even threaten the livehood of those who wish to serve alcohol or food considered 'haram' or don't bear the green label - which has nothing to do with organic food! Those who wish to cater to international taste are told to compromise on ingredients deemed offensive to certain religion.

From life to even politics, our leaders shout to the world we are a nation of moderates, of right thinking mature people, a religious state that practice moderation. But then things are all black or white and extremism with regard to race, religion, language are being promoted all in the name of survival and ward of imaginary enemies else no licence to operate.

When we even tell Uncle Sam we have the best democracies, we have laws to restrict basic rights that are tenets of democracy, freedom of speech, association, assembly, even choice of religion!

The latest we are the best of the best is when 1Malaysia tell some lower income poor fellows we offer the best place in the world to live in as it provided the“best value for money”. Never mind inflation is on the rise, Never mind we are told we are going to be bankrupt because we are too pampered and has a subsidy mentality. The subsidy mentality which the government try and pin it on everyone than single out the group that receives the most subsidy.

Never mind if by virtue of one's race, you have better value discounts to homes than others, never mind if you are millionaires. Similarly, never mind if parents are millionaires, there is no guilt to demand for rights and privileges to scholarships or priority of shares or business licence.

We wonder what best package we have over others when we are told the government or rather the dominant UMNO party needs a thousand more years to make it country best value for money. Never mind if currently they are spending like there is no tomorrow and incurring HUGE debt for the future generation and perhaps go bankrupt too!

If after over 50 years the brain drain is not symptom of the worst deal the country offers to those who left, someone is living in denial or we are very optimistic people who think the way to replace the brain drain is to produce more babies!

The ones who believe what they hear that 1Malaysia and UMNO/BN have done so much to make us the best place in the world, are probably those who either have not gone out of their shanty neighbourhood or have travelled to only third world terrible package places.

Even the person uttering it with so much of shioksendir conviction may have thought he was in a banana war torn or even theocratic Islamic state when in New York, London, Paris, Tokyo even Bangkok thinking those places he and the other shopaholic have visited are terrible compared to their Putrajaya kampung backyard!

While former leaders have admitted we have first world infrastructure, we have third world mentality, transport system, housing, education bothering on fourth world, justice at the behest of a powerful race based party and leader, education standard that seem to only find that the origin of the human race is from their own backyard and what have you - this present 1leader has never been short of coming up with superlatives of we are the best of the best for everything his rural audience wants to year.

Our leaders might think the audience are all backward rural conservative fellows who can't compare if such boasts or claims have an ounce or even a gramme of truth.

It's ironical, a leader who claims to be a leader for all, feel happy and vindicated the people are being deprived of funding even though they pay federal taxes, just because they voted or are under opposition rule. And even bargaining with the people like they are beggars unless they vote them, the people are not getting anything. And our leaders think it is moral, just and even Islamic we can supposed too, to withhold amenities, facilities and even tar potholed roads to those under opposition rule or voted in!

We wonder how long the ordinary folks are made to be some stupid fools to believe leaders who proclaim we are the simply the best and better than  all the rest because they owe it to UMNO or BN???

Given such mentality, we are the best at shioksendiri for some people at least.

Modesty doesn't exist with our leaders bent on holding on to power or grabbing more!

Never have we heard 1Malaysia saying we need to be the best at stopping the rot in corruption, nepotism, patronage, racism, shioksendiri attitude, stopping the sliding standard of English, stopping unfair practices in education,business, share allocation, housing, rights to worship, even right to choose God!

It's all about me, me, me... because of UMNO or BN or 1Malaysia or ETP, we are the best. Well if we are the best, who are we comparing with really?

We wonder if the audience listening to our leaders sloganeering about their achievements stop to think and ask, why the heck are we struggling and slugging out in life, why our children can't compete globally, why even those who are not well off can't get a scholarship, why non Malay lower income group can't get discount for housing, or why if we are the best, there is need to fear anyone want to change horses and stick with the ole one for another 1,000 years huh?

But then politicians will always claim they have been misquoted. I didn't say we are the best, but we have the potential to be the best. So we need to rule for another 1,000 years before we are the best, no?

So if we have the potential, it means you are not good enough even over 50 years and billions and billions being spent. Which means, you need to change the guard and retire the old horse and give another a chance right?

Our leaders can say all kinds of superlatives we are as evidence they are the best to be in charge. But we haven't achieved higher than the down south red dot or the chief migrant legal and illegal source of labour nation which even got more FDI than BolehLand'

We might agree there is truth BolehLand is 'best value for money' for those in power and the corrupt milking the coffers dry and pampering themselves or their cows in cowdominiums! It certainly is the best place were you can be an racist, extremists, bigot, corrupt and even play God, you get away with it. Better still you are protected by the law and the security apparatus? If they try to do such 'best deal' acts in other democracies like US of A where our leaders ridicule at times as the 'Great Gay Satan', they know they won't get away with such nonsense. Our leaders can only brag in their own backyard and do all these nonsense because they made it the 'best place in BolehLand' to behave mischievously and arrogantly.

Rather than believing our superlatives are of the good noble kind, BolehLand folks are a pessimist lot, thanks to how we have been molded the past 50 years, a majority of BolehLand fellows think our superlatives refer to the negative or yang side of the scale, no?

If we still believe 1Malaysia we offer the best package, well, many of us have yet to receive that good deal, best place, world class democracy or world of moderates package right? The horse that is delivering this best package must have got lost or retired due to exhaustion. Perhaps, the rider, the postman has hijacked the best package as they have been doing for the past 50 year leaving us the mess we are experiencing - the melting potpourri is getting rancid than bring out the best we can offer!

If you still haven't got your best package delivered on time and in good hands, will you trust the horse or the rider? Or would you want to change the horse, rider even the package, even if it is mid way to its destination, huh? Given that our rider and horse are still unable to rein the cowherd issue that is getting ordinary folks becoming raging bulls over this faisco, we wonder if our rider has time or qualified to even offer a good package eh? - YAHMEH!!!

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