
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Of 1 million, 995,000 don't support Himpun rally

YOURSAY ‘People say, ‘Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups'. No, we don't.'

Himpun's 'one million people' rally comes to Penang

your sayMulti Racial: Islam is under threat in Malaysia? If you ask any of the Muslims in any state in this country, they will laugh.

Good luck to this ‘Himpunan Sejuta Umat' rally. The last time Himpun media information committee chief Mansor Ibrahim called for one million Muslims to gather in Shah Alam Stadium, only 5,000 turned up. That also if you include Ibrahim Ali and Hasan Ali.

It showed that 995,000 did not support such a call and did not share such view. I think the police should charge these people with inciting hatred among religions.

Lin Wenquan: "Islam is currently being threatened by a Christian movement outside the country that is behind certain political parties to convert Muslims and to establish a Christian state in Malaysia."

Pray tell, which movement, country and political parties? Name them or else these allegations are merely purulence discharged from the minds of the likes of Ibrahim Ali and Hasan Ali.

Clearly, these bigots are cooking up an excuse in furtherance of Umno's agenda to salvage their diminishing grip on some of the Malays through Christian-baiting again.

Also note that Himpun has selectively organised such gatherings in Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states. It is killing two birds with one stone.

As for PM Najib Razak's call for 'Global Movement of the Moderates', it reminds me of the quack in Jalan Melayu peddling his medicine.

Anonymous: Grow up, Mansor and Himpun. You are making a mockery of yourself, and worse, spoiling the holy name of Islam.

Your imagination of threats against Islam borders on being a paranoid schizophrenic. Never try to use religion for your own selfish cause.

Keturunan Malaysia: People say, "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups". No, we don't.

But what is disgusting is that there are people in power who happily give these so-called stupid people the time, space, money and licence to go mad.
Remember Umno-BN, madness takes its toll. Please have the exact change when the time comes.

Ferdtan: If Himpun wants to get the kind of crowd Anwar Ibrahim is getting most of the time, you should think seriously of engaging Siti Nurhaliza to perform a concert.

Get Umno to sponsor her - they got plenty of money. It will be a sure success.

Bozo: Will the home minister bring in the water cannon, etc, just like they did for Bersih 2.0?

YF: Himpun 1 million? You mean Himpun ‘1,000,000 - 999,500'. That was the number of people who attended the last Himpun which shows that the rakyat are not taken in by Himpun's Umno-based political agenda to blame the Christians so as to save Umno's lifetime of corruption.

Is this what Islam is all about? Shameful. PAS is wise enough to know the real enemy of Islam - the corrupt and vile Umno.

ForTheNation: They would be lucky to gather 500 guys this time... In fact, I bet even the famous rotund ‘katak' who makes a lot of noise will not likely to be there. His wife would not let him go, for sure.

CiViC: Yet another attempt to create racial and religious conflicts. Sigh. What has this country become? Why are these people allowed to publicly and openly instigate hate and fear?

Podeh: Himpun is sick in the head and its leader, Mansor Ibrahim, needs to have his head examined thoroughly.

He said the roadshow was meant to rescue the Islamic faith as well as prevent apostasy and the crime of homosexuality.

His morbid fear about Christians trying to convert Muslims is laughable but when such a fanatic Muslim is dead serious about the goings-on in his mind, nothing can change it.

It will have to be left to die a natural death and thankfully, most absurd ideas do.

Anonymous_408b: I think Himpun should continue their cause. That is nothing wrong with that. We should support freedom of speech and the right to assembly.

That is what we are fighting for - to change the way BN government rules this country.

Onyourtoes: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Perkasa, and Pekida were all found ineffective. So this is the last ditch attempt - Himpun in cooperation with a reject from PAS.

You know what; some professor should supervise someone to do a PhD in double-talk. If we don't document this rare phenomenon, future generations will be arguing and quarreling about whether or not double-talk exist in our country.

Solaris: Never thought mass dementia was possible - till now.

- Malaysiakini

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