
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Endless Possibilities With RM1.35 Billion Welfare Funds

First here is some English - what is the difference if we say 'chicken sh*t Prime Minister's advisors" versus "Prime Minister's chicken sh*t advisors"? Any English experts out there? 

The latter refers to the advisors only whereas the former is more all encompassing. In deference to the former I think I will stick with the latter 

Some of them (the PM's advisors) are getting very, very rich. Do read on.

Anyway the arrest of the former political secretary to the former Minister of Women, Family and Community Develop-ment (Shahrizat Abdul Jalil) is making the rounds in the newspapers plus the Blogs.

Dont forget two other political secretaries to one Minister (also during the time of Badawi) were also arrested and charged in Court for corruption. One got away in a dubious cloud. I dont know what happened to the other. They are such a cosy bunch arent they??

I also want to reproduce a few comments that have been sent into my Blog about this political secretary's case. Here they are :

i. Anonymous said...BILLIONS more earmarked for UNMOPUTRAS to swindle and steal.  This is the real meaning of 

hidup umno..mati rakyat  -   Wednesday, September 18, 2013 10:12:00 AM
ii.   Anonymous said..... I personally think that Shahrizat is a very selfish lady. She is embroiled in scandals. Regardless of whether she is guilty or not guilty, in the public eyes she is deemed "tainted" thus not qualified to lead Wanita UMNO and all the other government (including GLCs) posts. UMNO is in worse shape because of her... same thing with Isa Samad, Ali Rustam, Nor Mohd Yaacob, Khairy Jamaluddin etc etc. UMNO dah kurang sangat pemimpin ke yang Najib tak sudah-sudah nak recycle tainted politicians? Dalam 3 juta ahli UMNO, takde ke pemimpin yang takde scandal money politics yang boleh dipilih?  Wednesday, September 18, 2013 8:55:00 AM
Well that is what the people are saying. Can we blame them for saying so?  Just the day before yesterday Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed the former President of UMNO said this :  
  • Ramai yang membongkok di sekeliling pemimpin, yang mengulangi cerita tentang keupayaan dan keberkesanan mereka sebagai pemimpin. 
  • Dan mereka pun percaya cerita pembodek ini.
  • Lambat laun orang akan berasa bosan, bahkan naik meluat akan pemimpin yang sudah lapuk dan ketinggalan zaman tetapi masih tidak terima kebenaran.
  • mereka sanggup hulur wang untuk mendapat sokongan
  • Percayalah apabila pemimpin yang kita pilih adalah perasuah, mereka tidak akan teragak-agak menjual bangsa pun.
  • Kita harus akui bahawa UMNO sekarang tidak lagi dipercayai oleh ramai orang Melayu
Pendek kata tak lama nanti UMNO akan mati.  Ok here are two news reports about this "10 kereta mewah" case. The first one is from the Utusan Malaysia : 

  • bekas set-pol dibebaskan selepas ditahan lima hari membantu siasatan (SPRM)
  • penyelewengan program membantu golongan berpendapatan rendah
  • dibebaskan selepas membayar cagaran RM10,000 
  • Beberapa lelaki ..ditahan bagi membantu siasatan 
  • 10 buah kenderaan disita - Alphard, Vellfire, Camry & Volkswagen Golf GTI 
Here is The Star :

  • alleged misappropriation from 1Azam welfare programme for poor
  • 54-year-old Datuk was detained Friday in Putrajaya
  • related to 1Azam under Woman, Family and Community Develop-ment Ministry
  • seized 10 luxury vehicles Alphard, Vellfire, Camry & Golf GTI

  • 1Azam introduced in Jan 2010 to provide opportunities to hardcore poor 
  • welfare spent RM1.35bil so far to provide aid to 473,928 people 

Wow !! RM1.35 Billion?? A Media Boss called me this morning. He suggested that the 10 cars that were bought with this money are only the tip of the iceberg. I think these 10 cars are worth about say RM2.0 Million. That is only 0.15% of RM1.35 Billion. 

Folks, do you see why they are so hard up to be appointed to this post and that post? Depa langsung tak malu. They have no sense of shame at all. Period. Bukan immoral tapi amoral - without any moral values. They will kill to be appointed minister, advisor, chairman, director, CEO etc. Because billions of Ringgits are involved. It is no more just millions. Billions and billions.

In this case RM1.35 Billion earmarked for the poor. This RM1.35 Billion Ringgit has already been spent. 

Just the pol-sec alone used (allegedly) 0.15% of RM1.35 Billion to buy 10 cars. And he parked the cars in front of his office - how stupid can these people get? Ya Allah you certainly removed their brains!!

Takkan the pol-sec was a 'loan-assassin' who acted all by himself and took the money that was supposed to be given or loaned out to the poor? Surely others must have been involved. Kalau machai boleh beli 10 biji kereta mewah, takkan lengku-chai pula beli pisang goreng saja? Be realistic ok. 

So I hope the MACC will investigate this matter thoroughly and dig out all the culprits that are involved. 

Here is something from the Quran :

Surah 4:10  "Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang memakan harta anak-anak yatim secara zalim, sebenarnya mereka itu hanyalah menelan api ke dalam perut mereka; dan mereka pula akan masuk ke dalam api yang menyala-nyala.

So I am afraid it is too late for all these people who were involved. Awak makan duit orang miskin, duit untuk anak yatim, ibu tunggal, orang susah dan sebagainya maksudnya awak telan api ke dalam perut awak. Awak pergi berumrah atau naik haji 100 kali pun untuk mencuci dosa - sorry its too late kut. Pakai tudung macam Mother Theresa pun dah too late. Telan api saja ke dalam perut awak.  

But do you think they care? If you quote one ayat Quran or even 100 ayat Quran does it frighten them at all?  I dont think so. There are many of them who do not even believe in the Quran. You quote the Quran to them and they laugh. Ha ha ha. This is kuffur. But thats what they are.

Lastly here is that thing about the PM's chicken sh*t advisors. One or two of them are wasting even more taxpayers money writing nasty things about me - OutSyed The Box - in some chicken sh*t blogs they control.  Tak ada kerja lain ke bahalols? Is that what you are doing in your working hours as the PM's chicken sh*t advisors - wasting more money and time writing rubbish to cover up your crooks and your crooked behaviour? 

I just found out that one of the PM's chicken sh*t advisors lives in an apartment that is worth RM15.0 Million. Can you imagine that - RM15 Million !!  Either the guy is a very clever businessman (in which case what the hell is he doing hanging out in the PM's office as a chicken sh*t advisor?) or the guy is a thief. So which one do you think folks ? Businessman in the wrong office or thief in the right place?

Another chicken sh*t advisor to the PM bought a Porsche (for cash) AFTER the May 5th General Elections. When some Blogs highlighted the Porsche, he quickly sold it and bought an Alphard or a Vellfire.  What the hell is going on? Where do these people get all this money? If you are a businessman fine. Saya tabik hormat. Go and buy another Porsche or Mercedes or Ferrari. All the best to you.  

But if you are a businessman working for your own profit what the hell are you doing in the Prime Minister's office? You should not be doing business from inside the PM's office. And if you are NOT a businesssman then where do you get the money? You must be a thief. 

Yet another chicken sh*t advisor to the PM has even more controversial crap about him. There are more stories. I wont say anything because ...because the cat may jump out of the bag and the coffee may run away with the cup.

So the pol-secs, the chicken sh*t advisors, the con-sultans are all raking it home. Now here is the big question - Boss tak tahu ke? Really endless possibilities isnt it?

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