
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Large crowd gathering outside Low Yat Plaza after melee on Saturday

A reader's pic of hundreds of people gathering outside the Low Yat Plaza in Kuala Lumpur tonight, a day after seven men ran amok at the premises after their friend was allegedly accused of stealing a mobile phone. – July 12, 2015.A reader's pic of hundreds of people gathering outside the Low Yat Plaza in Kuala Lumpur tonight, a day after seven men ran amok at the premises after their friend was allegedly accused of stealing a mobile phone. – July 12, 2015.
Hundreds of people are seen gathering outside the Low Yat Plaza in Kuala Lumpur tonight, a day after seven men ran amok at the premises after their friend was allegedly accused of stealing a mobile phone.
A bystander captured this image showing people congregating outside the building, despite police warning against speculating on the case as it was still under investigation.
Kuala Lumpur CID chief Datuk Zainuddin Ahmad has announced that the brawl last night was not racially motivated, but purely an act of revenge by a group of youths unhappy that one of their friends was arrested for allegedly stealing a mobile phone.

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