
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Reporting On The Prime Minister

Consider the following. If the task force produces a report, where will it submit it to? To whom will it submit the report? Most likely to the PMO and to the PM.

Let’s not be made silly fools by our PM and the government. Let’s adopt the Napoleonic Code and hold these people who hold power, in the court of public opinion, guilty until they proved themselves innocent. This is the only way we keep them in check and balance.

Answer this. Will the PM approve a report that wrongs him? He will call the 4 individuals and tell then. Mr IGP-here’s a file on you. It’s a thick one. Mr AG you have accumulated so much money. MRS Governor, your husband has been investigated for quite some time and we have these things on him. Mr MACC, these are reports on you and your staff.

These are not necessarily true but are highly possible. Regulatory capture, the theory that explains the hows and whys  any person who has power to regulate, if given a chance, will try to capture some benefits immediately or in future, will do so.

The theory says, it’s possible for the men and women of the highest standard of integrity to do strange things. And these 4 people are of people with the highest integrity in our nation.

When the PM says that, will the 4 people, all with skeletons in the cupboard and beholden to Najib and staying in office at the pleasure of Najib report anything but only that which clears Najib?  Make me appear pristine he says.

The PM says he is confident that the task force will clear him. The DPM, who was just a few weeks ago was all fire and brimstone urging investigation into the Accountsgate scandal, has turned into a pussy cat declaring that he too, is confident in the task force.

Do you think, these people will produce a report and meet up Muhyidin first? Muhyidin then summons enough courage to see the PM and say- look here man- this is a most damning Report which gives you no other choice but to leave office. The PM will merely answer- I haven’t seen the report myself so how can I verify what you say is true? 

What about you yourself. You seek equity, but you must come with clean hands. I see your hands are as black as mine.

Then Muhyidin will beat a hasty retreat with his tails in between his legs.

We just can’t trust the PM and his cabal of ministers.

How can some improprieties directed at a sitting Prime Minister be met up with an insistence that he remain in office while investigations are carried out? He will impede investigation and will use all resources available to defeat the investigations.

Any self-respecting leader with a higher standard of propriety and probity than the ordinary person ought to take leave and allow investigation to take place. The PM can’t be expected to operate on the standard of probity belonging to that of a fishmonger at Pasar Selayang! He is the PM.

USD700 million is a huge sum of money. RM42 million is a big sum of money. There are issues of possible CBT and money laundering involved here. These are grave wrongs.

A leader with strict moral code will resign on lesser wrongs. Mark Harper the cabinet member in UK resigned when he was discovered to have employed an illegal immigrant. Another cabinet member, Chris Huhne resigned for dodging speed limits. Another minister, Denis Macshane resigned for having knowingly submitted numerous false expense claims over a three year period. He was a former Minister for Europe who resigned after the Standards and Privileges Committee concluded he had knowingly submitted 19 false invoices that were “plainly intended to deceive” Parliament's expenses authority.

These non-Muslims are behaving in a more exemplary manner than the PM, whom one former finance minister described as utterly devoid of shame and moral standards.

Here the PM not only refuses to step down and allow investigation but constitute a task force mandating them to probably clean up all evidence linking him with any impropriety.

So we tell the PM and the DPM- unfortunately we shall suspend our judgment on the task farce force.

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