
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, November 30, 2015

Hands off Americk, legal eagles sink talons into cops

Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) has called on the police to rescind their intention to question Americk Sidhu on his client's explosive statutory declaration (SD).
LFL executive director Eric Paulsen today cautioned that such an act amounted to harassment of a lawyer who was merely performing his duties in acting for his client.
"Needless to say, Americk, like any other lawyer, must be allowed to carry out his work freely and without improper interference.
"We further call upon the police to recognise and respect the vital function played by lawyers in upholding the rule of law and constitutional rights, including the right to legal representation as guaranteed by Article 5 of the Federal Constitution," Paulsen said in a statement.
Americk is expected to be questioned by the police tomorrow on the SD by Charles Suresh Morais, which is on the murder of his brother, senior deputy public prosecutor Kevin Anthony Morais.
The US-based hotelier had left Malaysia soon after disclosing the SD to the media last Wednesday.
Meanwhile, Paulsen (photo) said the move to investigate lawyers representing clients is a serious assault on the independence of the Bar and the fundamental principle of lawyer-client privilege, upon which all lawyers are bound.
"It is basic that all communications and consultations between lawyers and their clients within their professional relationship are confidential and privileged.
"Further, lawyers shall not be identified with their clients or their client's causes as a result of discharging their functions.
"The government has a duty to ensure that international standards such as the United Nations Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers (1990) are complied with," he added.
Paulsen also cited the case of lawyer Matthias Chang, who was arrested together with his client, Umno member Khairuddin Abu Hassan, on charges of attempting to sabotage the nation.
The arrest came after Khairuddin, accompanied by Matthias, lodged reports against 1MDB in several countries. The two of them are currently out on bail.
As for Charles' SD, inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar said Americk has a responsibility to his client and is answerable to questions pertaining to the allegations in the SD.
Disagreeing with this, Americk said: "My client is responsible for himself because he is a grown-up. I am not answerable to any questions pertaining to the SD because I did not affirm it.”
"The person answerable for the contents of the SD is my client because he declared those contents to be true, not me," he added.
Americk also accused Khalid of defaming him and is exploring his legal options on this matter. -Mkini

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