Monday, December 28, 2015

Zahid must tackle lopsided privatisation contracts, says PKR

Instead of pointing fingers, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi should take the problem of lopsided privatisation jobs by the horns and do something about it.
PKR communications director Fahmi Fadzil said this in response to Zahid who today urged the people not to blame the current government for the lopsided privatisation contracts signed by the previous administration.
“Zahid has the moral obligation as the country’s number two leader to do something to tackle this problem,” Fahmi said in a statement today.
“It’s sad how Zahid is more interested in giving hints on the person behind the problem instead of solving it.”
Fahmi, who is also PKR vice-Youth chief, also urged Zahid as well as cabinet ministers to reveal all contracts and agreements that affect the cost of living instead of hiding behind the Official Secrets Act.
“If it is true that these agreements and concessions do not benefit and instead burden the people, isn’t it possible for them to be reviewed and a more beneficial agreement sealed?” Fahmi asked.
He also pointed out that the people are always observing the actions taken by the country’s leaders.
“When the time comes, leaders, especially those involved directly with the government’s administration, will be judged at the ‘rakyat’s court’,” he said.
Zahid, although he did not mention former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad by name, had today likened the consequences of signing such contracts to "shit" that was rubbed on the people.
Zahid admitted that the highway and independent power plant contracts, as well as those of Express Rail Link (ERL) projects, were lopsided, which the current government was forced to observe.
"I don't want to name anyone. I don't want to lay blame on anyone," he said.
"Don't blame us and compliment only the previous one (administration)," he said. "Don't blame us for the shit rubbed (on you) previously.” -Mkini

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