Friday, November 30, 2018

Confidence in Malaysia restored by transparency, fairness – Japan envoy

Malaysia's new administration has paved a new policy platform for fairness, transparency and governance to guide Malaysia along a sound path of growth, says Japanese Ambassador to Malaysia, Dr Makio Miyagawa (above).
"This has restored internal and international confidence in Malaysia, thus reinvigorating interactions with regional and global actors.
"The new business environment in Malaysia has started to turn the mind of the Japanese industry into a positive mood to cast a new bright light on Malaysia as a destination of their investment," he said.
Miyagawa was speaking at a reception to celebrate the 85th birthday of Japan's Emperor Akihito in Kuala Lumpur Thursday evening.
Also present were Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and wife Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali.
Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, who also present made salutation and offered a toast to the emperor on behalf of the Malaysian government.
Miyagawa said the Look East Policy mooted by Mahathir had always been the guiding light and was still shining between Japan and Malaysia.
He added Mahathir, the original designer of the policy, had stated after returning to power that it should be resuscitated and rejuvenated.
"The security cooperation has always been expanding, as an integral pillar of the strategic partnership. All of those make us fully convinced that the continued bilateral close friendship will never ever flicker," he noted.
On the event, Miyagawa said the emperor's birthday reception this year was special as Emperor Akihito (above) had announced that he will hand over the throne to Crown Prince Naruhito at the end of April next year.
"On the following day, May 1, our nation will enter into a new reign," he said. - Bernama

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