
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, July 12, 2015

MAHATHIR VS NAJIB: The three most likely outcomes

MAHATHIR VS NAJIB: The three most likely outcomes
As we get overwhelmed with all the goings on in Malaysia, not forgetting the overdose from late night TV-shows and ‘Breaking news’ before retiring for the night each day, dreams keep us alive with hope.
Considering the mother of all battles raging within Umno for and against the sitting prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak and his spouse who is also under the radar of public scrutiny, we may even dream of an eventual outcome.
Similarly, considering how the once hopeful opposition coalition or convenience of association has now been battered by the PAS fallout, there is also some dreaming for an eventual outcome.
The dreams center on the most elusive question of our present times, namely, 'What then could be the next big change for Malaysia?'
Can everything be 'semuanya OK' ever again?
For some it will be a case of yet another ‘Semua nya okay’ (all is fine) scenario and life returning to normal, and then only to be getting jump-started all over again with yet another spin of bad or confusing political weather.
Others who given the long decades of indoctrination, would be more inclined to be dreaming of them standing on the wayside and saying – much in the hallmark fashion that is typical of Malaysians, “Let us wait and see”.
PM Najib and Rosmah Mansor
Arrest Dr M, Opposition and foreign media
Other more dramatic or volatile scenarios that are possible in our dreams include the following.
One, the Dr. Mahathir camp will relent in defeat. The Umno crowd jumps ship. The jubilant mood swing will be punctuated with cries of “Arrest Dr. M”. It may even be spiked by the traditional, tested and proven rowdy sporadic displays eventually leading to his arrest.
Propaganda quickly changes to overdrive mode accelerated with the television and print media painting on a new canvas of how Umno under Najib is bringing salvation to the people who were shortchanged for a long time. The name of God Almighty will be invoked to give the consecration a divine touch too. Race priority will be the marching song of victory.
Meanwhile, the opposition will become the whipped horse. Sedition, creating instability and malicious chaos would be the charges of the day while the one political party that breaks away from the group will become glorified by Umno.
The enemies have been singled out. The ‘maruah’ has been victoriously returned to its rightful owner. It is time to put the pains behind and move on with more money that will be given out as injury costs. And the shift takes on a grand preparation for a visit by Barack Obama and teh signing of the TPPA.
Nice dream. But others will dream a different scenario.
Umno to the fore, Najib & Rosmah forgiven - it was all the non-Muslims' fault!
The sitting prime minister will be vanquished. And along with him his spouse will boomerang into a public enemy numero. The tremor that follows will see a scampering of sorts within cabinet as the once defender-politicians dash for safer grounds.
The dust will quickly settle and Umno emerges as the champion of the people again. Shouts of ‘Kami sudah capai Transformasi’ (We have been transformed), will peel from Putrajaya as the crowds wave the Umno flag in a victorious mood.

The media will be working overtime to paint the streets red with stories of how some foreign agents have been working in cohorts and misleading certain people within Umno.
The scene than progresses quickly, and Najib and Rosmah will be blessed with forgiveness – again playing religion to the hilt, and meanwhile life returns to normal as a re-invented team of politicians helm the government.
Meanwhile, opposition will return to nurse its injured wounds and re-strategize again with re-invented partnerships.
Umno crushed, Malay supremacy replaced by Malaysian supremacy?
But there will also still be pockets of others among Malaysia’s thirty million population plus some foreigners who have a place for Malaysia in their hearts through association, affiliation or relationships having a different dream of sorts.
For them, Umno will be so battered that even its coalition partners cannot mend the shattered glass house. A huge exodus never seen before in Malaysia takes place as people move fast to re-align their allegiance. And out sprouts a new coalition of political power sharing.
Pronouncements are made. Old and archaic laws will be quickly dismantled to create a celebration atmosphere crowning a mood of jubilant victory. ‘People-friendly & Clean Malaysia’ will be the song of the day as Malaysians race to build a euphoric nation of not ‘Lime Bangsa’ but ‘Malasyian Bangsa’.
Now, which dream did you have? - MAILBAG

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