
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

'More spoon than gravy' - PKR Youth chides Akmal for exaggerating


PKR Youth communications director Haziq Azfar has taken aim at Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh over his “exaggerated” statement regarding his willingness to go to court on the issue of the halal certification.

“His claim that he is out to defend Islam and the Malays in the issue of halal certification is, in fact, more spoon than gravy (lebih sudu dari kuah - a proverb meaning an exaggeration without substance).

“This statement is an exaggeration compared to the issue of halal certification, which is a consumer issue.

“Any differences in point of view related to the halal certification issue with (Seputeh MP) Teresa Kok can be counter-criticised by anyone, but it should be focused on the main issues in halal certification, not exaggerated into an issue of race and religion,” said Haziq (above) in a statement today.

Yesterday, Akmal defended his outburst against Kok during police questioning over the halal certification issue, telling investigating officers that his remarks were only a response to Kok’s statement.

Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh

“My response was that (halal) is a very sensitive issue, and we have issued reminders many times before that if we want to keep the harmony in our country, such sensitive issues must never be touched.

“My remarks were merely a response to what Kok had said (on the issue).

“We did not attack anyone but just responding to her statement, which has hurt not only myself but all Malay Muslims in this country,” Akmal told reporters and his supporters outside the Jasin district police headquarters in Malacca.

Inappropriate move

Haziq warned Akmal against stoking the flames of ethnic and religious tensions.

“It is not appropriate for politicians to ignite the fire of anger with racial and religious issues in the minds of the public when the fuel does not even exist.

“Every politician is responsible for educating the public by responding to issues through a more objective assessment,” he said.

Akmal had called the DAP lawmaker a “Nyonya tua” (old Nyonya) who should not have interfered in Islamic affairs, adding that he would ask the government to prepare a non-halal logo to stick to her forehead.

Teresa Kok

This came after Kok questioned the proposal to mandate restaurants and businesses not serving pork or alcohol to obtain halal certification, a move reportedly under consideration by the Islamic Development Department.

However, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi announced on Sept 18 that the cabinet had decided to maintain the status quo on the matter. - Mkini

Gelar 'nyonya tua' tak boleh diterima di Sabah - DAP negeri

Ahli Jawatankuasa DAP Sabah, Chan Foong Hin, menegaskan pentingnya Umno mengawal pemimpin Pemudanya menjelang pilihan raya negeri yang akan datang.

"Jika Umno tidak dapat mengawal atau menangani pemimpin Pemuda yang berani memperjuangkan agenda mereka sendiri, kita akan bayar harganya dalam politik Sabah.

"Sebagai contoh, saya tidak fikir panggilan ‘nyonya tua’ akan diterima di sini," katanya seperti yang dilaporkan oleh New Straits Times.

Ini merujuk kepada kecaman Ketua Pemuda Umno, Akmal Saleh, terhadap Naib Pengerusi DAP, Teresa Kok, berhubung isu pensijilan halal.

Akmal menggelarkan Teresa sebagai "nyonya tua" dan meminta kerajaan menyediakan logo non-halal untuk ditampal di dahi ahli parlimen veteran itu.

Kenyataan itu sekali gus dilihat menggugat kerjasama antara DAP dan Umno.

Ahli Parlimen Kota Kinabalu itu mengulas kenyataan Pengerusi BN Sabah, Bung Mokhtar Radin, yang menyatakan formula kerjasama BN-PH terbukti berkesan dalam pilihan raya kecil Mahkota di Johor minggu lalu dan perlu diteruskan di Sabah.

Bagaimanapun, Chan berkata sikap ekstremisme dan serangan peribadi tidak akan diterima di negeri itu dan perlu dielakkan.


Dia juga meminta Bung mempertimbangkan untuk menangani perkara itu sebelum isu kerjasama dibincangkan.

"Saya tidak kata saya tidak bersetuju dengannya (Bung), tetapi sebarang kerjasama harus berdasarkan rasa hormat bersama," tambahnya.

Sebelum ini, Presiden Umno, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, berkata parti itu telah memutuskan untuk bekerjasama dengan PH dalam pilihan raya negeri Sabah.

Bagaimanapun, Pengerusi PH Sabah, Christina Liew berkata pilihan masih terbuka untuk gabungan itu.

"Setakat ini, saya telah diminta oleh perdana menteri yang juga pengerusi PH untuk bekerjasama erat dalam kerajaan perpaduan. Beliau telah memberitahu saya perkara itu.

"Saya kata, 'ya, kami sedia. Kami akan berbincang'," katanya pada 4 Sept lalu.

Kerajaan negeri Sabah dibentuk oleh Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) dan mendapat sokongan daripada PH Sabah.

GRS dan Umno Sabah memiliki pendirian serupa selepas Umno Sabah pada Januari 2023 menarik balik sokongannya terhadap Hajiji Noor, menyebabkan dia hampir disingkirkan.

Malam tadi, Hajiji berkata dia belum "mendapat inspirasi" untuk membubarkan dewan undangan negeri.

"Kalau sudah dapat inspirasi, saya akan panggil media untuk saya umumkan bila pilihan raya akan diadakan," katanya seperti dilapor Sinar Harian.

Sabah perlu mengadakan pilihan raya negeri selewat-lewatnya Oktober tahun depan.- Mkini