KUALA LUMPUR: An hour-long downpour and blocked drainage system have caused flash floods up to a metre high at Km25.6 of the Kajang Silk Highway today.
Selangor Fire and Rescue Department director Norazam Khamis said vehicles headed to Kajang and Sungai Ramal could not pass through the stretch at 4.52pm.
Fire and Rescue Department personnel from the Kajang station were deployed to the scene and were assisted by the police and the highway concessionaire's personnel.
"The flash floods, however, subsided 30 minutes later and gradually cleared. Motorists can use the road now," said Norazam. - NST
Hopes are being pinned on new Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to influence, implore and convince non-Malays other races to agree to a single stream education system. -BERNAMA PIC
KUALA LUMPUR: Hopes are being pinned on new Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to influence, implore and convince non-Malays other races to agree to a single stream education system.
Majlis Perundingan Melayu (MPM) education bureau chairman Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Ibrahim Abu Shah said only the Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman can persuade non-Malays and other races to resolve this issue once and for all.
He said the single stream education system is not only meant just for Malays, in fact it is also for the benefit of all other races.
Ibrahim said the demand and struggle of non-Malays in relation to the education system currently is at odds with the federal constitution.
At present, the new prime minister has been appointed because of the strong support and acceptance, especially from the Chinese community. And for sure with his drive and will as well as tenacity, he can convince the Chinese community.
"(Asking them) to accept what is essentially the foundation of the federal constitution, what they are doing can be said to be 100 per cent goes against the federal Constitution," he claimed.
Ibrahim said this in a press conference at Wisma MPM here today.
In a related development, he said MPM will present a memorandum containing 62 suggestions with the theme of "Building a Prosperous Nation" (Membina Negara Makmur) to the new unity government.
The memorandum was prepared by the MPM secretariat with the cooperation and input contribution from 12 Bureaus, which are part of the Pemandu Committee.
The Pemandu committee was set up in September last year, involving 10 representatives from the government and the opposition and was in effect throughout the period of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on transformation and political stability under the leadership of then prime minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
With the agenda of the country's prosperity being the principal claim of the memorandum, MPM implored the government to place more emphasis on the development agenda. - NST
Celcom Digi akan memberi perkhidmatan kepada kira-kira 20 juta pelanggan.
KUALA LUMPUR: Axiata Group Bhd, Telenor Asia Pte Ltd dan Digi.com Bhd (Digi) telah selesai menggabungkan operasi telekomunikasi Celcom Axiata Bhd dan Digi.
Menerusi kenyataan kepada Bursa Malaysia pada Rabu, Axiata menjelaskan pihaknya dan Telenor akan memegang pemilikan yang sama dalam Celcom Digi iaitu masing-masing sebanyak 33.1%.
Setelah selesai, Axiata menerima saham Digi yang baru diterbitkan mewakili 33.1% serta tunai berjumlah RM2.5 bilion yang dibiayai oleh Digi dan akan diambil alih oleh entiti gabungan (Celcom Digi).
Digi juga menerbitkan saham untuk Telenor bagi mencapai pemilikan yang sama susulan pembayaran Telenor sebanyak RM300 juta kepada Axiata.
“Dalam memacu proses penyatuan, pihak-pihak bergerak dengan tujuan bermanfaat untuk membentuk syarikat telekomunikasi digital Malaysia berkelas dunia yang akan menyumbang secara signifikan kepada pertumbuhan ekosistem digital dan ekonomi negara.
“Celcom Digi akan menjadi syarikat teknologi tersenarai tempatan terbesar di Bursa Malaysia,” tambahnya.
Sementara itu, Axiata and Telenor pula menjelaskan berasaskan proforma bagi tahun kewangan 2021, Celcom Digi akan memberi perkhidmatan kepada kira-kira 20 juta pelanggan, dengan perolehan sebanyak RM13 bilion serta keuntungan sebelum faedah, cukai, susut nilai dan pelunasan (EBITDA) berjumlah kira-kira RM5.8 bilion.
“Celcom Digi kekal komited kepada sasaran sinergi RM8 bilion seperti yang diumumkan sebelum ini,” menurut kedua-dua pihak dalam kenyataan bersama.
Axiata and Telenor juga menambah bahawa Celcom Digi akan mengemukakan saranan kukuh untuk memacu peralihan negara ke arah masyarakat berpendapatan tinggi yang menggunakan digital menerusi penggabungan skala, kompetensi, kekukuhan kewangan dan pengalaman dalam memenuhi pelbagai keperluan pengguna Malaysia.
Pengerusi Axiata, Shahril Ridza Ridzuan berkata bagi pihak lembaga pengarah Axiata, beliau mengucapkan tahniah kepada pasukan Celcom Digi atas permulaan baharu ini yang merupakan kemuncak setelah berbulan-bulan kerja penyepaduan yang teliti dilakukan untuk mencipta juara digital Malaysia.
“Dalam melangkah maju, saya yakin Celcom Digi berada di kedudukan baik untuk memberi perkhidmatan kepada pengguna dan perusahaan Malaysia yang mahu meningkatkan daya saing digital dalam era masa kini,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Naib Presiden Eksekutif dan Ketua Asia Telenor, Jørgen C Arentz Rostrup berkata syarikat itu komited untuk menjadi pemilik aktif, membawa pengetahuan teknologi, pengalaman di seluruh pasaran antarabangsa serta perkongsian global dengan firma-firma utama industri kepada Celcom Digi.
“Pelancaran Celcom Digi mewakili pencapaian penting dalam perjalanan usaha pendigitalan Malaysia, sejajar dengan aspirasi Telenor untuk membangunkan pengendali terkemuka yang memberi perkhidmatan kepada pelanggan menerusi produk dan perkhidmatan yang relevan, menarik dan mudah,” katanya.
Axiata dan Telenor juga menjelaskan sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha membina negara, Celcom Digi akan melabur sehingga RM250 juta dalam tempoh lima tahun untuk membina pusat inovasi bertaraf dunia di Kuala Lumpur.
“Matlamatnya adalah untuk memangkinkan transformasi digital Revolusi Industri Keempat (4IR) dan memperkukuh ekosistem tempatan melalui penerimagunaan Internet Pelbagai Benda (IoT), kecerdasan buatan (AI), pengkomputeran awan dan 5G.
“Merapatkan jurang digital di kawasan luar bandar untuk menggalakkan penyertaan sosio-ekonomi yang lebih besar akan menjadi keutamaan,” jelasnya.
Selain Axiata dan Telenor, pelabur institusi Malaysia seperti Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP), Permodalan Nasional Bhd dan Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (Diperbadankan) (KWAP) adalah antara pemegang saham syarikat baharu itu. - FMT
Rumah, kedai serta harta benda seperti kereta dilaporkan rosak teruk susulan ribut dan hujan lebat yang melanda Johor Bahru dan Iskandar Puteri. (Gambar Bernama)
PETALING JAYA: Sejumlah rumah, kedai serta harta benda seperti kereta dilaporkan rosak teruk susulan ribut dan hujan lebat yang melanda Johor Bahru dan Iskandar Puteri, petang tadi.
Menurut laporan Bernama, tinjauan mendapati rumah penduduk di Kampung Pasir, antara yang terjejas ialah beberapa dengan bumbung rumah tercabut malah turut dilanda banjir kilat.
Penduduk kampung, Hishamudin Ma’in, 48, menggambarkan kejadian yang berlaku kira-kira 3.30 petang itu seperti puting beliung, yang hanya reda kira-kira dua jam kemudian.
“Macam puting beliung petang tadi dengan angin yang sangat kuat, rumah saya sendiri bumbung teralih.
“Lihat ke luar tingkap langit sangat gelap dan kita tidak boleh nampak apa-apa sebab angin kuat,” katanya ketika ditemui di lokasi kejadian.
Bapa kepada lima cahaya mata itu berkata penduduk di kampungnya itu sudah terbiasa dengan banjir kilat namun ini merupakan kali pertama ribut berlaku di kawasan itu.
Sementara itu, Zanariah Jaafar, 44, pula berkata tempat meletakkan kenderaan dan bumbung rumahnya musnah akibat ribut sementara air banjir kilat berada kira-kira di paras lutut.
“Kereta saya juga alami sedikit kerosakan. Bagaimanapun saya lega kerana tiada kecederaan dialami ahli keluarga, tetapi agak mengejutkan juga kerana sebelum ini banjir kilat sahaja, tetapi kali ini disertai ribut pula,” kata ibu kepada dua cahaya mata itu.
Sementara itu, Komander Operasi Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Skudai Faisal Ismail menerusi kenyataan berkata tiga kereta dihempap sebatang pokok akibat ribut di Simpang Empat, Taman Ungku Tun Aminah.
Bagaimanapun, kejadian pada jam 3.12 petang itu tidak melibatkan sebarang kecederaan dan kesemua mangsa sempat keluar daripada kereta masing-masing.
“Pihak bomba bertindak memotong pokok dengan menggunakan dua unit gergaji sehingga selesai (bagi mengalihkan pokok dan kereta) dan operasi tamat pada jam 5.40 petang,” katanya. - FMT
Malaysia Airports said China’s recent announcement to ease its Covid-19 measures provided even greater optimism for the aviation sector.
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd’s (MAHB) passenger movements for its network of airports continued to grow steadily with 8.3 million movements recorded in October 2022, reaching 71.1% of the October 2019 level.
In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, MAHB said Malaysia’s traffic recovery contributed significantly to the increase in the group’s total passenger movements in the month, which accounted for 65% of the total number.
The local performance continued to be driven by the progressive relaxation of travel protocols across the region, supported by the airlines’ additional frequencies and the introduction of new routes.
Malaysian traffic recorded more than five million passengers for the second consecutive month (5.4 million passenger movements for October 2022), hitting 63.2% of the October 2019 level.
“International passenger movements recorded 2.1 million passengers, surpassing two million passengers for the first time since March 2020, while the domestic sector registered 3.3 million passenger movements in October 2022,” MAHB said.
Meanwhile, Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen International Airport’s (SGIA) total passenger movements amounted to 2.9 million passengers in October 2022, trending close to pre-Covid levels and reached 92.6% of the October 2019 level.
International passenger movements totalled 1.6 million passengers and had been stable, well above the 1.5 million mark for the past three months.
“Domestic passenger movements there registered 1.4 million passengers and was at 74.2% of the October 2019 level,” the airport operator said.
Overall, MAHB recorded 66.5 million passenger movements in the first 10 months of 2022, reaching 56.9% of the levels seen in the corresponding period in 2019.
It said China’s recent announcement to ease its Covid-19 measures provided optimism for the aviation sector, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, as it signalled the republic’s readiness to move towards normalisation gradually. - FMT
Jewellery, luxury watches and designer handbags were confiscated from Pavilion Residences in Kuala Lumpur on May 17, 2018. (Bernama pic)
KUALA LUMPUR: The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) says it is not appealing a ruling by the High Court to return to Najib Razak and his wife, Rosmah Mansor, RM80 million worth of jewellery, luxury watches and designer handbags confiscated from Pavilion Residences here on May 17, 2018.
Attorney-General Idrus Harun, when contacted, said the AGC would not be appealing the decision by justice Jamil Hussin.
“Yes, the AGC is not appealing against the decision of the learned judge as we agree with His Lordship’s decision,” said Idrus via a WhatsApp message.
On Nov 14, Jamil ruled that the prosecution had failed to prove that all the items confiscated by the police from the Pavilion Residences, which was owned by Obyu Holdings Sdn Bhd, were obtained through the misappropriation of 1MDB funds.
The judge also rejected the prosecution’s request to stay the execution of the decision pending an appeal to be filed and decided by the Court of Appeal.
The former prime minister and his wife are third parties in the prosecution’s application as the plaintiff to forfeit the rights to the items.
Any third party who claims to have an interest in the confiscated goods can appear in court to present reasons why they should not be forfeited to the government.
In 2019, the prosecution had filed a forfeiture application against Obyu Holdings to forfeit the 2,435 pieces of jewellery, seven luxury watches and 29 designer handbags and cash amounting to RM114,164,393.44 allegedly belonging to Umno and Najib.
However, the government failed to forfeit the money.
The items, alleged to be proceeds of illegal activities linked to the 1MDB scandal, were confiscated under the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001.
The jewellery and handbags allegedly belonged to Rosmah and the watches to Najib. - FMT
Flat land areas in the interior, such as Kelantan, Pahang and Perak, and places like Genting Highlands would be colder than other areas.
KUALA LUMPUR: The cold spell that is engulfing the country is expected to last until February next year, according to experts.
Malaysian meteorological department (MetMalaysia) deputy director-general (strategic and technical) Hisham Mohd Anip said the cold weather phenomenon following the north-east monsoon involved a change in cold winds sweeping in from mainland China and also continuous rain clouds since early November.
“So, when there are a lot of rain clouds, the sun’s rays are being shielded. This causes the temperature to be lower compared to other periods of the year,” he said.
He said the rotation of the earth around the sun in December will also cause the sun’s position to be far in the southern atmosphere.
“When the sun shifts to the south, the northern hemisphere will experience winter. This affects countries (like Malaysia) on the equator,” he said.
When asked about the lowest temperature the country is likely to experience, Hisham said flat land areas in the interior, such as Kelantan, Pahang and Perak, would be colder than other areas.
“In 2014, the temperature in Kuala Krai, Kelantan, was recorded at between 17°C and 18°C. So, it is possible that it could happen again in that area,” he said.
Universiti Malaya meteorologist Azizan Abu Samah said the chilly conditions would also prevail in several locations such as Terengganu and Kedah.
“Now if you are in Kedah at night, it will be cold but during the day it will be scorching hot,” he said.
Azizan said the winds that blew from China into Malaysia in early November were expected to end in February next year and could cause temperatures to plunge as low as 22°C.
“The change in (direction of) the monsoonal wind will indeed affect the temperature and this situation will also be influenced by the geography or position of an area. If it is in Genting Highlands, the temperature will be even more chilly,” he said.
Azizan also said the cold spell was the effect of the north-east monsoon surge coming from the north.
“This season affects the amount of sunlight received in Malaysia as this would be reduced in cloudy and rainy weather conditions.
“In addition, the chilly factor experienced is due to the northeast wind blowing from Siberia,” he said. - FMT
Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and Sabah Barisan Nasional chairman Bung Moktar Radin sharing a light moment during their meeting in Putrajaya this morning. (Facebook pic)
PETALING JAYA: Sabah Barisan Nasional chairman Bung Moktar Radin paid a courtesy call to Anwar Ibrahim in Putrajaya today, the latest political leader from Sabah to visit Anwar after he was appointed prime minister on Thursday.
In a Facebook post, Bung said that the two leaders discussed current issues and Sabah’s development.
“Sabah BN is confident the 10th prime minister can successfully develop the country,” said Bung.
On Sunday, Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) chairman Hajiji Noor and Warisan president Shafie Apdal called on Anwar separately at his office in Putrajaya in a show of support for the unity government.
This followed a visit from Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) chairman Abang Johari Openg on Saturday.
Apart from Pakatan Harapan, Anwar’s unity government includes BN, GRS and GPS. It also has the support of MPs from Muda, Warisan, Parti Bangsa Malaysia, Parti Kesejahteraan Demokratik Masyarakat, and two independents. - FMT
BN’s candidate in Padang Serai, C Sivaraj said he had been working on the ground for three years and already knows most of the voters. (Bernama pic)
KULIM: The Barisan Nasional candidate in Padang Serai, C Sivaraj, said he had not received any instruction from the party’s top leadership to give way to other contenders for the parliamentary seat.
As such, Sivaraj said he would continue campaigning although Pakatan Harapan (PH) candidate Sofee Razak had suggested that BN make way for PH to reciprocate PH’s gesture in the Tioman election in Pahang.
“I have not been contacted by the leadership about this and I will continue to campaign more aggressively until directed otherwise.
“By right, they (PH) should be the one giving way because I have been working on the ground for three years and I already know most of the voters,” he told reporters during his campaign rounds today.
He was asked to comment on PH’s decision to give way to the BN candidate in Tioman and whether he had been asked to do the same for the PH candidate in Padang Serai.
Meanwhile, Sofee said PH needed to work hard to retain the Padang Serai seat if BN refused to compromise and give way to PH.
“I have a big responsibility to ensure PH wins here to preserve the legacy of the late M Karupaiya (who won the seat in the last general election).”
However, Sofee said he had not held any discussions with Sivaraj about BN giving way to PH as this was a matter for the top leaders of both coalitions to decide.
Yesterday, Amanah announced that its candidate contesting on the PH ticket in the Tioman state seat would make way for the BN candidate to increase the latter’s chances of winning.
Amanah secretary-general Hatta Ramli said the move was aimed at strengthening cooperation between the two coalitions in the Pahang and federal unity governments.
The Tioman and Padang Serai contests in the 15th general election were postponed following the death of a candidate in each seat. Polling for both seats will now be held on Dec 7. - FMT
The irrigation and drainage department hoped the early warning will allow residents to be ready to face the floods. (Bernama pic)
KUALA LUMPUR: The irrigation and drainage department (DID) said there is a possibility of floods occurring in several areas in Terengganu and Kelantan tomorrow (Dec 1) and Friday.
The DID, in a statement today, said that floods could occur if there is heavy rain in the basins of Sungai Setiu, Sungai Dungun, Sungai Kemaman, Sungai Paka, Sungai Besut in Terengganu and Sungai Golok in Rantau Panjang, Kelantan.
It said this was based on the rain forecast information from the Malaysian meteorological department (MetMalaysia) and flood forecast model simulations.
In Terengganu, several areas at risk of floods tomorrow are in the Setiu district (Kampung Che Mohid, Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampong Besut and surrounding areas), starting from 5pm, and Kampung Permaisuri, Kampung Nyatoh and surrounding areas, from 8pm.
“On Friday, the DID expects floods to occur in the Dungun district (Kampung Wa and its surrounding areas) as well as the Kemaman district (Sungai Pinang and its surrounding areas) from 8am,” the statement added.
On the same day, the DID also expects floods to hit Kelantan in the Pasir Mas district (Kampung Lubok Stol and its surrounding areas) from midnight, while the areas around Kampung Kubang Pak Hitam, Kampung Tok Deh, Kampung Lanchang and Kampung Siput are expected to be hit from 9am.
The DID also forecasts floods to occur in Terengganu in areas such as the Besut district (Pelagat Pump House and its surrounding areas) and Paka district (Kampung Luit and its surrounding areas) from 7pm on Friday.
“These floods may happen earlier or later than expected.
“This warning is issued so that residents in the areas expected to be hit will be alert and comply with the instructions given by the authorities or flood disaster management agencies,” it added.
The National Disaster Management Agency (Nadma) said three districts in two states were still affected by floods as of 4pm today.
It said a total of 402 evacuees were seeking shelter in four temporary evacuation centres (PPS) so far.
This was due to continuous rain that resulted in flooding in several areas in Sepang, Hulu Selangor and Ampang Jaya districts.
“Two PPS have been opened in Sepang district to accommodate 90 victims from 24 households,” it said.
DID said at 4.30pm, only Sungai Junjung in Simpang Empat, Seberang Perai Selatan, Penang, was reported to be at a danger level. In Selangor, Sungai Semenyih and Sungai Bernam are reported to be at the warning level.
The DID also issued a flood warning for Terengganu and Kelantan at 3pm today, involving Sungai Setiu, Sungai Dungun, Sungai Kemaman, Sungai Paka, Sungai Besut and Sungai Golok. - FMT
Just over four and a half years ago on May 13, 2018, I led a small group of activists to hold a protest against the newly minted Pakatan Harapan government in Johor, just four days after they won the right to form the state government after GE14.
We protested over two matters. The then-menteri besar, the late Osman Sapian told the media that he wasn't giving any constituency allocations to the opposition (Umno) because why would he give "bullets" to the opposition to shoot him?
The second issue was that he (Harapan) was receiving several political frogs who were leaving Umno to join Bersatu.
In a swift reversal, Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin then instructed Osman to give allocations to the opposition in Johor, though far from equal. However, they continued to accept defectors from Umno at the state and federal levels.
To us activists, accepting defectors from other parties was an act of encouraging betrayal of their voters and not giving equal allocation to opposition representatives is disrespecting the right of their voters to choose whom they want to represent them.
Such practices have no place in a democracy.
For our principled stand, many hardcore Harapan supporters and even friends criticised, slammed and mocked us, calling us idealistic, naive and other worse names.
To them, the ends justified the means. They said Harapan needed to build a convincing two-thirds majority to amend the constitution for reforms and "frogs" are welcome. Furthermore, BN deserves to be "punished" for what they did to the country and to the opposition all those years.
Guess what? These two issues - party hopping and the often-given reason for hopping, unequal allocations, brought down the Harapan government after 22 months.
I am not saying that these were the only reasons but unprincipled actions had given justification for unprincipled consequences.
Leaderswith court cases
Now, after GE15, with the outcome being a Harapan-led "unity government", these same pragmatists and realists are saying the same thing, principles don't matter and what is all-important is staying in power, even if it means compromising on your own so-called principles and promises.
Even as Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is contemplating his cabinet line-up, he is under pressure to assemble a team that consists of not just his Harapan coalition alone but also MPs from other parties that gave him the majority.
Among the candidates touted for the deputy prime minister’s post is Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who still has an ongoing trial involving 47 corruption-related charges. Others with ongoing cases are Lim Guan Eng (DAP), Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman (Muda), and Bung Mokhtar Radin (Umno).
Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
My stand is that anyone with ongoing criminal cases should not be appointed to the cabinet until their cases are fully disposed of by the courts - without interference by the executive through the withdrawal of charges by the attorney-general, who is a political appointee.
We should be fully aware that the AG is also the public prosecutor and has the power to withdraw ongoing cases. We just have to remember Lim's case in 2018, Musa Aman's case in 2020, Riza Aziz's in 2020, and spy chief Hasanah Abdul Hamid's case in 2021, just to name a few.
Would we be satisfied that the cases against Zahid, Lim, Syed Saddiq and Bung Mokhtar be dropped by the AG without going through the due process of the law? Even if the executive denies interference, would we believe it or are we okay with such interference?
DAP chairperson Lim Guan Eng
The usual pragmatists and realists are again urging us to look at the "big picture" and be "strategic". To them, this whole Harapan-led unity government was made possible by the benevolence of one man, Zahid, and the viability of Anwar as prime minister also depends on him.
To let Zahid be appointed as deputy prime minister and even to be let off his corruption charges is a small price - think of the "big picture".
Let me tell you about my "big picture". It is not about installing Anwar as prime minister or having a Harapan government. My big picture is to have a Malaysia that has zero tolerance towards the “cancer’ called corruption - a scourge that has plagued our country for decades.
Most Malaysians, including those who voted for Perikatan Nasional (PN), voted for a clean government because we are sick of corruption at every level of our society.
By appointing Zahid or any of those with ongoing corruption charges to our cabinet, Anwar is sending a clear message to the world, that corruption can be tolerated if it achieves a "greater good".
If that is the case, we have not voted for systemic change but just for a change of prime minister or government. We are already a lost cause as a nation.
Yes, a person is innocent until proven guilty. Then let the court prove their innocence and if they are, reshuffle the cabinet and bring them in. There is no shortage of talent among our elected MPs and we would not suffer without their contribution in the meantime.
Sabah Umno chief Bung Mokhtar Radin
The role of civil society and activists in a nation is to be that voice of conscience for what is right. We will continue to speak out on what is universally accepted as just, inclusive, proper and reasonable so that the powers that be can be reminded of their responsibility to the rest of us.
To silence or mock the concerns of civil society is to set ourselves up for a fall - a mighty fall.
As a responsible civil society organisation, Bersih, which I am leading, we have not only consistently voiced out our concerns and views on many democratic governance and process issues but we are cognizant of "realpolitik" and offer alternative solutions without compromising on principles.
In other words, we don't just slam but we offer real-world solutions.
For Anwar to achieve political stability for his government, we have proposed the signing of confidence and supply agreements (CSA) with both his coalition partners and the opposition - as well as reforming Parliament to allow backbenchers and the opposition to play their roles as effective checks and balances.
We have issued several statements since Nov 19 that provide solutions and guidance to the formation of the government. These are derived from over two years of research we commissioned and can be found in our new book titled "Making Democracy Work".
With GE15, we have a golden opportunity to rebuild Malaysia, let's not throw it away by compromising on key principles that we have fought for all these years.
Principles are what distinguish us from the old ways of governing. Corruption is a scourge and for that, most people of this divided nation are in agreement.
Let us send a clear signal that Malaysia is back in business and we won't tolerate corruption or the corrupt. - Mkini
THOMAS FANN is Bersih 2.0 chairperson.
The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.