A vegetarian meal served at a quarantine centre in Penang. — Picture courtesy of Nicholas Theng Jie Wey
GEORGE TOWN, Aug 31 — A Penang Island City councillor, Nicholas Theng Jie Wey, is crying foul over the purportedly substandard food being served to those in Covid-19 quarantine centres in Penang.
The DAP councillor, who furnished pictures of the food, claimed the meals served daily were “appalling” and “borderline atrocious” despite those in quarantine having to pay RM150 daily.
“Each person in quarantine is served three meals a day, with a combination of one soup, one type of vegetable, one type of meat, one fruit and white rice. However, it is clearly shown that the meat is naught but bone!” he said in a statement issued today.
He said pictures sent by a friend who is currently in quarantine at one of the quarantine centres showed that fish curry was served with only the fish head and some bones while chicken curry comprised tiny slivers of meat.
“To make things worse, vegetarians are served just spring rolls, vegetable soup and white rice for some meals,” he said.
Theng said these meals do not even meet minimum nutritional values and are unacceptable since those under quarantine had to bear half the cost of quarantine which totalled RM2,100 each.
“That is equivalent to RM150 a day, more than enough to cover the costs of a proper meal,” he said.
Nicholas Theng claimed food served at a quarantine centre in Penang was substandard. — Picture courtesy of Nicholas Theng Jie Wey
Additionally, he said if the federal government is subsidising the remaining RM150 daily, this brings the total cost to RM300 per day.
“If that is the case, how can the people be forced to stomach such poor meals?” he asked.
He said those under quarantine had no other option but to consume what is served to them and claimed food served in quarantine centres in Kuala Lumpur were of better quality than in Penang.
“Is the Perikatan Nasional government trying to bully the people of Penang because we are an Opposition state?” he asked.
He said Penangites under quarantine had to pay the same rate as those in other states and yet they are getting a lower standard of treatment and food.
Theng called on the Health Ministry to look into this complaint and take immediate action.
“The PN government must be fair to all states regardless of whether they are Opposition or not,” he said.
He reminded the government that the people under quarantine are not foreigners but Malaysians who only wished to return to their country to see their loved ones. - malaymail
Negri Sembilan Police chief Datuk Mohamad Mat Yusop broke his left shoulder after falling off his high-powered motorcycle while riding the machine in Bentong, Pahang today. — Picture by Ahmad Zamzahuri
SEREMBAN, Aug 31 — Negri Sembilan Police chief Datuk Mohamad Mat Yusop sustained a broken left shoulder after he fell off his high-powered motorcycle while riding the machine in Bentong, Pahang today.
Negri Sembilan Police deputy chief SAC Che Zakaria Othman said the incident occurred at about 2.30pm.
“During the incident, he was riding his motorcycle, however, he fell on his own.
“He was treated at Bentong Hospital but later transferred to KPJ Seremban Hospital for further treatment and his condition is stable,” he told Bernama when contacted. — Bernama
Christian Federation of Malaysia chairman Archbishop Julian Leow Beng Kim said Nik Muhammad Zawawi Nik Salleh made a spurious claim that belittled sacred scriptures, and had done so at a time when unity is needed most. — Picture by Hari Anggara
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 31 — The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) blasted today the PAS leader who claimed the Bible had been corrupted, calling his words an assault on the country’s Christians and an attempt to sow discord.
In a strongly worded statement, Archbishop Julian Leow Beng Kim, the federation’s chairman and the executive committee, said Nik Muhammad Zawawi Nik Salleh made a spurious claim that belittled sacred scriptures, and had done so at a time when unity is needed most.
The insult, Leow stressed, was uttered when Malaysians are in distress and facing economic hardship wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic, which reflected poorly on an elected official.
“To be told that the Holy Book on which they rely as a firm foundation for their faith has been ‘manipulated’ is an affront to the uttermost,” his statement read.
“That this belittlement of their sacred Scriptures occurs during a time of distress and economic hardship and anxiety about an uncertain future as a global pandemic rages displays not just gross insensitivity, but a blatant disregard for the well-being of fellow humankind,” he added.
Nik Zawawi sparked public outrage with his comment made during a debate on a transportation bill in Parliament’s Lower House last week.
While debating the Road Transport (Amendment) Bill 2020 to propose heavier fines for drink-driving offenders, the Pasir Puteh MP asserted that the Bible had been perverted or corrupted, which immediately drew condemnation from other members of the hall.
CFM said Nik Zawawi’s assertion showed reprehensible disrespect not only towards followers of the faith, but also of all Malaysians because it sought to divide the country’s multiethnic society.
“In trampling with shocking audacity on the sacred and holy Word of God, the Representative for Pasir Puteh showed a reprehensible disrespect for not only for his fellow Malaysians who are Christians,” Leow said.
“But also for all the efforts of our forefathers in forging peoples of diverse creeds, colour and cultures into a peace-loving and harmonious nation.”
The umbrella church group also said Nik Zawawi’s insult came at a time when strenuous calls for national unity were made by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
Leow said Muhyiddin had called for a caring Malaysia, and chose Prihatin (care or empathy) as the theme for this year’s Merdeka Day celebration, and the 57th anniversary of Malaysia Day.
“It is an outrage that a Member of Parliament who sits on the Government’s benches shows little concern for the need to rebuild the nation,” CFM said.
“But instead intentionally promotes feelings of ill will and hostility on the ground of religion in a significant segment of the population,” it added.
Despite the uproar, Nik Zawawi has refused to apologise.
News portal Malaysiakini on Saturday reported Zawawi as saying that he had no reason to apologise since his statement was “a fact”, and then suggested the community had “no right to be offended.”
CFM has called for PAS and the Perikatan Nasional coalition to denounce Nik Zawawi. To date, no member of the ruling coalition has openly rebuked the PAS lawmaker.
“Not having taken to date (any) apparent action to rein in and admonish its member for his divisive and incendiary remarks, the party to which he belongs, being a component member of the ruling coalition, should denounce such egregious behaviour,’’ it said.
“No person being above the law, relevant authorities also need to undertake appropriate investigations into the offensive conduct of this lawmaker,” the group added. - malaymail
Ketua Polis Daerah Kuala Muda Adzli Abu Shah berkata mereka memberitahu hendak ke rumah datuk namun alasan itu tidak munasabah untuk membolehkan mereka berada di luar kawasan rumah
ALOR SETAR: Polis menahan 2 beradik lelaki dipercayai melanggar perintah kawalan pergerakan diperketatkan bersasar (Temco) di Amanjaya, Sungai Petani semalam.
Ketua Polis Daerah Kuala Muda Adzli Abu Shah berkata, kedua-duanya berumur 17 dan 19 tahun, ditahan pada 10.20 malam berhampiran kawasan Sekolah Kebangsaan Ambangan Heights oleh anggota polis yang membuat pemantauan di zon Kenanga.
“Pemeriksaan awal mendapati mereka memakai gelang berwarna merah jambu yang dikeluarkan Kementerian Kesihatan. Mereka memberitahu hendak ke rumah datuk namun alasan itu tidak munasabah untuk membolehkan mereka berada di luar kawasan rumah.
“Kedua-dua mereka yang telah diambil keterangan diberikan jaminan polis dan akan dituduh di mahkamah selepas ini. Kes akan disiasat mengikut Akta Pencegahan dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit 1988,” katanya dalam kenyataan malam ini.
Khamis lalu, Menteri Kanan (Keselamatan) Ismail Sabri Yaakob mengumumkan pelaksanaan Temco di Amanjaya yang melibatkan 3 zon iaitu Kenanga, Melur dan Mawar bermula Jumaat lepas hingga tempoh yang akan dimaklumkan kelak.
Adzli juga berkata, seramai 59 individu masing-masing dikompaun RM1,000 kerana mengingkari perintah kawalan pergerakan pemulihan (PKPP) di sebuah kedai makan di Bukit Selambau Estate dekat Sungai Petani tengah malam tadi.
Beliau berkata, semua individu berusia lingkungan 20 hingga 40-an ditahan pada 12.30 tengah malam kerana didapati tidak menjaga penjarakan fizikal ketika berkumpul di premis itu.
“Pemeriksaan lanjut mendapati beberapa orang sedang berkumpul sambil leka mendengar muzik serta tidak menjaga penjarakan fizikal dan penjaga premis berusia 37 tahun gagal mengemukakan sebarang lesen hiburan yang sah,” katanya.
Adzli, berkata kedai makan itu menyediakan kemudahan untuk pelanggan berkaraoke dengan bayaran RM2 bagi setiap lagu. - FMT
Sabah caretaker chief minister Mohd Shafie Apdal at the state-level National Day celebrations today. (Facebook pic)
PETALING JAYA: Sabah caretaker chief minister Shafie Apdal has warned PAS of the deadly dangers that extremism could wreck on the country, and said national harmony should not be put at risk for the sake of achieving power.
Shafie’s remarks in Facebook posting today made reference to Pasir Puteh MP Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh of PAS who recently alleged that the Bible had been altered and distorted.
“I would like to remind political leaders, especially PAS, not to issue extreme statements that could divide the multi-racial community in this country,” said Shafie.
“If race and religion are used without thinking about the importance of human life, deaths would surely occur because of the existence of extremism in society,” he said in a statement.
Last week, Zawawi had said in the Dewan Rakyat that biblical injunctions about drinking alcohol had been “distorted or altered”. It led to widespread condemnation from church groups and political parties.
Zawawi has since said he would not apologise, and that Christians had “no right to be offended”.
Shafie acknowledged that the statement has “angered” the Christian community, but said such statements do not help the country progress.
“Let us not put aside the harmony that exists today just because we want to be in power,” he said. “We need to preserve the unity we have today for the future generations. If we show a bad example, danger will befall us.” - FMT
Sarawak PKR has become the latest to call out PAS' Pasir Puteh MP Nik Muhammad Zawawi Nik Salleh over the latter's remark on the Christian Bible in parliament.
Josephine Mawat, who is part of the state party leadership committee, said that Zawawi's (above) remark that the Bible is "distorted" was an insult to all Christians.
"These remarks are completely unacceptable and an insult to Christians everywhere. We call on Zawawi to immediately retract his callous remarks and urge him to make a public apology to all Christians.
"Such blatant disregard for the beliefs of other races and religions has no place in multi-cultural Malaysia. It also goes against the spirit of Malaysia’s Independence and Merdeka which emphasized mutual respect, tolerance and harmony amongst all communities," Josephine said in a statement today.
She called for the Sarawak state government and its ruling party GPS, which is also part of the Perikatan Nasional federal government, to reject PAS over the disrespect, and cease any form of cooperation with the party.
"We reject all forms of religious bigotry and intolerance in Sarawak and Malaysia. We will not allow political groups such as PAS to destroy the diversity and unity in Sarawak that is our precious and unique heritage.
"We call on the Sarawak state government and component parties in GPS to also reject PAS over their complete disregard and respect for the religious beliefs of Sarawak’s Christian community and to cease any form of co-operation with PAS in the Perikatan Nasional Government with immediate effect," she said.
Zawawi had made the supposedly offensive remarks in the Dewan Rakyat on Wednesday while debating the Road Transport Act amendments bill - which seeks to increase punishment for drink driving.
He had declined to apologise when asked to do so, saying that the Christians have no right to feel offended and claimed that what he said was not an accusation but "a fact".
Learn from Sarawak
Jospehine also called for the Dewan Rakyat speaker to take disciplinary action against Zawawi for the statement, besides inviting Zawawi to have a visit to Sarawak.
At the state, she added, Zawawi can learn about respectful engagement and religious tolerance in the state.
"PKR Sarawak condemns all acts of disrupting unity and peace in our nation which we love. Sarawakians are peace-loving people. In Sarawak, we are proud of our long heritage of religious tolerance and racial unity.
"We have shown the world that we are able to live side-by-side as fellow brothers and sisters with trust, understanding and respect. We cannot afford for the seeds of disunity and religious hatred to be sown in our society and to poison the future generation.
"We invite the MP of Pasir Puteh to visit us in Sarawak to learn the fundamentals of peaceful and respectful engagement and religious tolerance in Sarawak. We in Sarawak hold firm to the saying ‘No matter how many times the teeth bite the tongue, they will still stay and work together’," she said.
According to Jospehine, they are willing to forgive the politician over his comments, but he must first recognise his mistake and be willing to apologise for it. - Mkini
The current top earner is now human resources minister Datuk Seri M. Saravanan with his monthly income of RM143,628.55. — Picture by Yusof Mat Isa
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 31 — Despite his monthly income of RM104,000, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has been dislodged as the highest earner in the Perikatan Nasional (PN) federal government based on the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) latest updated list.
The asset declaration portal, which went “live” on July 22, currently lists 65 out of the 70-member PN administration.
In the earlier days when only 56 members of the administration were listed, Muhyiddin ranked number one with his declared total monthly income of RM93,841.65 at that time.
As of August, the PM is now listed with a revised total monthly income of RM 104,841.65, which places him in the second spot in terms of earnings. His declared assets however remain unchanged, falling in the same range of RM10 million to RM15 million.
The current top earner is now human resources minister Datuk Seri M. Saravanan with his monthly income of RM143,628.55.
Saravanan — who has declared assets of less than RM1 million — was one of the five remaining ministers who had not declared his wealth on July 22. All five of them have since declared their assets during the July 23 to August 10 period.
The list of top 10 earners in the PN administration has changed in the space of just one month following the new additions and revisions to the information on the MACC asset declaration portal.
Apart from the composition of the list of top 10 earners changing, their range of monthly income of between RM64,000 to RM93,000 (as of July 22) has also changed to the range of RM68,000 to RM143,000 (as of August 26).
Based on the latest information available on the MACC portal, dropped from the list of top 10 earners would be Federal Territories Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa; Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin; Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department for Special Functions Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof; Transport Minister Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong; and Deputy Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Ahmad Amzad Mohamed @ Hashim. This could be due to their monthly income revised downwards, or as the latest information showed, others with higher income have been added to the list.
As for those who have newly joined the top 10 list as of August 26 in terms of total monthly income, they are minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri, deputy minister Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker, minister Datuk Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali, and deputy minister Datuk Seri Ismail Mohamed Said.
The list of top 10 earners in the PN administration has changed in the space of just one month following the new additions and revisions to the information on the MACC asset declaration portal. — Picture by Choo Choy May
Asset value review
The MACC asset declaration portal lists the category or range of asset value held by a minister or deputy minister, instead of specifying the exact value of the assets declared by them.
When the current figures as of August 26 are compared to the initial details in July, the number of individuals in certain categories have changed, either due to ministers and deputy ministers newly declaring their wealth subsequently or others who had their wealth information updated.
With the new updates, the numbers of those in the PN administration that have assets in the range of RM8.5 million to RM10 million have increased from two to three individuals, while those in the RM5 million to RM8.5 million bracket for assets have increased from eight to nine, and those in the RM2.5 million to RM5 million range have increased from 12 to 16 individuals, and those in the RM1 million to RM2.5 million bracket have increased from 15 to 16 individuals, while the lowest bracket of declared assets below RM1 million have increased from eight to 10 persons.
There are three reasons for the changes to the top 10 earners’ ranking as well as the number of individuals for the categories of declared asset values, namely those who had only recently declared their wealth, those who seem to have recently submitted fresh asset declarations, and those who had previously submitted asset declarations but whose details have been revised.
Although four of the PN ministers had declared their assets much earlier before the MACC portal first went live on July 22, it appears that they have updated their details to the MACC.
These four are:
1. Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican, with figures increased for income and reduced for assets.
(Initial May 12, 2020 declaration: RM 24,687.00 monthly income, RM2.5 million to RM5 million assets. Latest July 23, 2020 declaration: RM 59,561.20 monthly income, RM1 million to RM2.5 million assets)
2. Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof, with figures increased for assets.
(Initial November 14, 2019 declaration: RM 65,407.20 monthly income, RM8.5 million to RM10 million assets. Latest July 24, 2020 declaration: RM 65,407.20 monthly income. RM10 million to RM15 million assets.)
3. Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Maximus Johnity Ongkili, with figures reduced for both income and assets.
(Initial December 6, 2019 declaration: RM 59,500.20 monthly income, more than RM10 million in assets. Latest July 24, 2020 declaration: RM 41,578.13 monthly income, RM5 million to RM8.5 million in assets.)
4. Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri, figures for income increased.
(Initial September 30, 2019 declaration: RM 44,138.32 monthly income, RM1 million to
RM2.5 million in assets. Latest July 24, 2020 declaration: RM 79,347.83 monthly income, RM1 million to RM2.5 million assets.)
These four ministers are the obvious ones whose details have been updated after July 22.
Other updates
But there are those who were not indicated as having submitted fresh details after July 22, but now have revised figures on the MACC portal since then. It is unknown when these revisions were made, since there is no timestamp for the changes.
There are altogether 18 such individuals including Muhyiddin, where the details revised are only their total monthly income, while their declared assets’ value have stayed the same.
Here’s the list for the 18, with a comparison of their previously declared total monthly income and the latest figures. 10 of them now have a higher declared monthly income, while eight of them now have a revised lower figure:
world’s biggest oil exporter, Saudi Arabia, lost Chinese market to US
China, world’s top oil importer, boosted imports from America
reduced purchases from Saudi Arabia
China imported record volumes of crude oil in recent months
taking advantage of lowest crude prices in two decades
snapped up cheap U.S. oil in April, loaded in May, arrived June
Chinese opportunistic buyers in March and April
Chinese oil imports from Saudi slipped in July
in July Saudi slipped to 3rd spot as China’s key oil supplier behind Russia, Iraq
1st time in 2 years Saudi not the no. 1 or no. 2 supplier to world’s top oil importer
OPEC+ production cut, pushing up price of Middle East benchmark
Saudi exports to China in July declined 23.4% to 1.26 million bpd
making Saudi China’s 3rd largest oil supplier
Chinese imports of U.S. crude soared 139% to 864,200 bpd
Saudi lost market share in China not only to U.S. but also to Brazil
China’s U.S. oil imports will continue to be strong in Aug
Bloomberg report : China buying record 37m barrels from US in Sept
record-high China imports of US oil result of bargain-hunting in March-April
market dictated by demand, margins, price differentials, China’s forward purchases
My comments :
Even Saudi Arabia is having trouble finding markets to sell their oil.
Not too long ago there was a weird theory called Peak Oil going around.
The Peak Oil Theory said that the world's production of oil had peaked.
That there was no more oil in the ground.
This was before President Lula of Brazil declared that 'god is a Brazilian'.
Because they suddenly found huge amounts of oil off the Brazilian coast.
This was before tiny Israel found huge amounts of gas deposits off their coastline.
And more "new" oil fields are being 'discovered'.
And this was before something called shale oil.
Then there is the increasing competition from renewable energies like wind and solar, as well as nuclear energy. Plus the huge efficiencies in the consumption of oil (electric vehicles, hybrids).
In short nothing lasts for ever. The only constant is change.
Ketua Penerangan Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Joniston Bangkuai menyifatkan kenyataan ahli Parlimen Pasir Puteh, Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh tidak berasas dan boleh mencetuskan perbalahan antara kaum dan agama di negara ini.
KOTA KINABALU: Ketua Penerangan Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Joniston Bangkuai berkata, kenyataan ahli Parlimen Pasir Puteh, Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh yang kitab Injil terpesong daripada makna sebenarnya tidak berasas dan boleh mencetuskan perbalahan antara kaum serta agama di negara ini.
Katanya, kenyataan Zawawi itu berunsur hasutan dan tidak boleh dimaafkan kerana Malaysia adalah negara berbilang kaum dan agama.
“Kenyataan seperti itu boleh menimbulkan kebencian antara kaum dan agama, ia tidak dialu-alukan kerana kita hidup di negara berbilang budaya, pelbagai etnik dan agama.
“Daripada membuat kenyataan tidak berasas, kita sepatutnya mendukung dan mempromosikan nilai toleransi tinggi serta mengamalkan budaya saling hormat-menghormati antara 1 sama lain setiap masa.
“Di Sabah dan Sarawak, kami semua hidup dalam keadaan harmoni walaupun berasal daripada latar belakang agama berbeza.
“Keluarga pelbagai kepercayaan dapat duduk dan menghabiskan waktu bersama tanpa sebarang masalah, begitulah tingginya sikap toleransi dan rasa hormat kami antara 1 sama lain dan oleh sebab itulah kenyataan seperti ini tidak pernah didengar di Malaysia Timur,” katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.
Joniston berkata, sebagai ahli Parlimen, Zawawi sepatutnya memberi contoh yang baik dengan mempromosikan perpaduan dan bukan perpecahan.
Katanya, kenyataan Zawawi yang juga ahli Parlimen PAS itu bukan saja menghina umat Kristian tetapi dianggap menghasut dan melanggar Perlembagaan persekutuan dan Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 yang menjamin hak semua rakyat untuk mengamalkan kebebasan beragama.
“Kami menggesa beliau (Zawawi) membuat permohonan maaf secara terbuka dan selain itu, kami berharap rakyat Malaysia jangan terlalu terbawa dengan perasaan marah yang disebabkan kenyataan sebilangan individu mempunyai pemahaman yang berlainan dan kepentingan lain,” katanya.
Pada 26 Ogos lalu, ketika perbahasan Rang Undang-Undang untuk mengusulkan denda lebih berat kepada pesalah yang memandu bawah pengaruh alkohol, Zawawi mendakwa kitab Injil sudah dipesongkan atau diubah. - FMT
Johor PH leader Aminolhuda Hassan (left) says he hopes Osman Sapian of PPBM will switch sides.
PETALING JAYA: Johor Pakatan Harapan has laid out the welcome mat for Osman Sapian of PPBM, who has been in touch with old friends in the coalition, with the hope that others from PPBM will return and help to retake power in the state.
Johor PPBM chief Aminolhuda Hassan said today the coalition would welcome Osman with open arms if he decides to leave PPBM.
Osman, who is assemblyman for Kemas, was menteri besar of Johor when Pakatan Harapan was in power before PPBM left the coalition to form the Perikatan Nasional alliance with Umno, BN and PAS.
Perikatan Nasional holds 29 seats in the state assembly, of which PPBM has 12. Pakatan Harapan, now comprising PKR, DAP, and Amanah, are in the opposition, with 27 seats.
Aminolhuda told FMT that Osman has been in touch with his old friends in Pakatan Harapan. “They have met, there have been meetings,” he said, but declined to reveal details.
“We would welcome him if he returns to PH to form the government, on the condition that the administration is stronger and better as before this, we had already formed the state government,” said Aminolhuda.
He added a “hung” state assembly would result if Osman switches sides, as both sides would have 28 assemblymen each.
“That is why I invite our friends who were with PH to return because before this we went through good and bad times together; it is better if we form the government together in an environment in which the people can accept us,” Aminolhuda said.
“It is better if they (PPBM assemblymen) return, four to five people rather than just one. It could be that Osman is not happy with Perikatan Nasional.”
Osman was menteri besar for 11 months and resigned in April 2019 in a controversy over his academic qualifications.
Recently, a video which went viral showed a man, believed to be Osman, campaigning for Amir Khusyairi Mohamad Tanusi, the independent candidate in the Slim by-election. Amir represented the Pejuang party formed by former PPBM chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
In the video, the man says he is still a PPBM leader but criticises the party for straying from its original struggles.
Osman has said that he went to Slim only to meet his old friends and denied his trip there had anything to do with politics.
Aminolhuda said Osman had already met Johor PH leaders even before the video surfaced.
Yesterday Johor PPBM chief Mazlan Bujang said the state leadership will leave it to the party’s disciplinary board to decide on any action against Osman in relation to the video as the state chapter does not have the power to take action against members. - FMT
AirAsia Group chief executive Tony Fernandes says he worked on a new app during the Covid-19 slump in aviation.
PETALING JAYA: AirAsia boss Tony Fernandes is developing a “super app” that he hopes will rival the likes of Grab and Gojek, as his budget airline struggles with the impact of Covid-19 on aviation and travel.
In an interview with the BBC, he said the “all-in-one” app would be used for food delivery, shopping, payments, entertainment and travel.
Fernandes, who is chief executive of AirAsia Group, said he was looking for new ways to generate income after the Covid-19 lockdown left planes grounded.
AirAsia recently reported a net loss of RM992.9 million in the three months that ended on June 30. Sales plunged 96% to just RM119 million.
Fernandes said he spent his time during the slump improving the company’s app and payments platform, BigPay.
“The downturn was a blessing in disguise in some ways as it allowed us to focus more on it. Running an airline takes up a lot of our time but we have been given the opportunity and time to focus on our digital business,” he said, the BBC reported.
Fernandes hopes the AirAsia app, which also offers a messaging service, can compete against super apps like Singapore-based Grab, Indonesia’s Gojek and China’s Meituan.
AirAsia, he said, had always been a digital company, adding it was among the first airlines to sell online.
“I know a super app sounds like a lofty target but Grab and Gojek also started out small as food or mobility apps. Plus, people also questioned me the same way when I said I wanted to start AirAsia,” he told the BBC. - FMT
Former PPBM Youth leader Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman hopes to change politics through young people.
PETALING JAYA: Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman says he did not want to join Pejuang as he wanted to empower the youth and promote a more multiracial Malaysia.
Syed Saddiq recently confirmed he would be forming his own youth-centric party instead of joining Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s new party, Pejuang.
He is believed to have chaired a meeting today with about 30 people, who included entrepreneurs, lawyers and activists, about the new party, and is expected to make an announcement soon.
Separately, in an interview with Malaysiakini earlier, he said that an end to money politics was among the aims of his party, as well as to disrupt the political status quo and give young people a greater voice.
“I will always have my respect (for) Mahathir but I think it is time for us to create and harness the energy of multiracial Malaysia and the great diversity that comes with it,” he said.
“I have already informed him (Mahathir) and the leadership of Pejuang of my decision not to join the party and the reasons why. I wish them all the best,”he added.
Syed Saddiq was PPBM Youth chief and also youth and sports minister until the rift in PPBM led to his exit from the party with Mahathir and other MPs.
In the interview, he also touched on how his time at the party had been an eye-opener on political funding.
He said PPBM Youth had sourced funds through crowdfunding and donations before the 2018 general election; once Pakatan Harapan won the election, corporate funding quickly became the norm.
“However, post-election, when we don’t change the culture of money politics, that is when (you have) discussions (on how) these corporates are the ones we need to meet up with and this is how you do it,” he said.
“There is a nominee structure which can be pushed forward, there is a contract structure and there are many other things… Without a big shift, (things) will be the same,” he said, adding how PPBM divisions would “request” for contributions from the party every month.
He said his youth party would take a principled approach towards “genuine and concrete reforms, no matter how hard and unpopular it may be” with young people who had the political will to do so.
Syed Saddiq, who is MP for Muar, said his struggle might come at a cost. “I may lose my seat. I may lose everything. I have come to terms with that,” he said. - FMT