
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, November 30, 2016

[VIDEO] Kisah Sedih: Balak Dilahapkan, Orang Asli Ditangkap & DIgari, Pondok Mereka Dirobohkan!

Belum habis Orang Asli nyanyi lagu Negaraku, Perhutanan Kelantan mara roboh sekatan 

Dilihat banyak pihak sebagai tidak berperikemanusiaan, kerajaan negeri Kelantan tetap berdegil meredah sekatan jalan (blockade) Orang Asli di Gua Musang semalam walaupun mereka sedang menyanyikan lagu Negaraku. 

Satu rakaman video yang mulai tersebar pagi ini memaparkan pihak Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Kelantan menggunakan pembesar bersuara meminta Orang Asli yang berkumpul di sekatan Simpang Petei itu supaya berundur dan mengosongkan lokasi tersebut. 

Turut dimaklumkan dalam video yang menyaksikan kedatangan ramai anggota polis dan Pasukan Gerakan Am (PGA) adalah untuk merobohkan binaan di sekatan itu dengan alasan menyalahi Enakmen Perhutanan Negara. 

“Tuan-tuan diminta berundur dan mengosongkan kawasan ini,” dipetik daripada rakaman video berdurasi dua minit itu sebelum lebih 200 anggota pihak berkuasa terbabit mara sebaik palang buluh yang merentangi laluan balak itu diangkat. 

Sumber aktivis di tempat kejadian memberitahu Malaysia Dateline, operasi berkenaan telah memusnahkan tidak kurang 20 bangsal dan binaan Orang Asli yang berfungsi sebagai tempat mereka berkumpul bagi menghalang lori balak keluar dari kawasan Hutan Simpan Kekal (HSK) Balah, Perias dan Stong Selatan dengan menggunakan gergaji berantai. 

Sementara itu, seramai 47 Orang Asli ditahan dalam operasi merobohkan 35 bangsal semalam. 

Turut dirampas dua bilah parang dan sumpit selain menyita beberapa unit motosikal milik Orang Asli. 

Timbalan Pengarah Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Mohd Radhi Chu Abdullah dilaporkan berkata, mereka ditahan mengikut Seksyen 32, Seksyen 47 dan Seksyen 81 Enakmen Perhutanan Negara 1984 (Pindaan 1993) kerana menduduki dan memasuki kawasan hutan simpan tanpa kebenaran. 

Konflik Orang Asli dengan kerajaan negeri yang dilihat berpihak pada kepentingan syarikat pembalak berlaku apabila masyarakat tempatan mendapati aktiviti pembalakan di kawasan didiami mereka semakin mengancam sumber air dan makanan. 

Malangnya, saranan Orang Asli terbabit supaya kerajaan negeri menghentikan aktiviti pembalakan terbabit tidak dilayan bahkan pada 28 September lalu, terdapat Orang Asli nyaris terputus kaki dalam usaha menghalang pihak syarikat pembalak daripada memasuki wilayah tanah adat mereka. 

Turut mengejutkan pada hari kejadian apabila dua das tembakan dilepaskan oleh salah seorang daripada kira-kira 30 individu terbabit dipercayai bagi menakutkan dan menggertak Orang Asli yang membuat sekatan di Simpang Petei, Pos Tohoi itu. 

Masyarakat Orang Asli mengambil keputusan membina sekatan terbabit selepas notis tuntutan kepada syarikat pembalak serta aduan kepada Majlis Pensijilan Kayu Malaysia (MTCC), Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli (Jakoa) dan Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah (KKLW) tidak berhasil. 

Rayuan sama turut diajukan kepada kerajaan negeri Kelantan dan Pejabat Perdana Menteri serta memorandum kepada Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (Suhakam) tetapi masih gagal menghalang aktiviti pembalakan di tanah adat yang didiami keturunan mereka sejak bergenerasi lalu. 

Untuk rekod, sebanyak 100,000 hektar hutan di Gua Musang iaitu dua kali ganda keluasan negeri Perlis musnah akibat aktiviti pembalakan sejak 20 tahun lalu. 

Perhutanan Kelantan menuduh Orang Asli menceroboh walaupun mereka sudah bergenerasi mendiami kawasan hutan di hulu negeri itu. -MD 

‘Apa salah ayah, dia hanya pertahan tanah kami’

GUA MUSANG, 30 NOV: Penahanan dan operasi pemusnahan blockade serta pondok Orang Asli di Gua Musang oleh Kerajaan PAS Kelantan semalam terus mendapat perhatian rakyat negara ini.

Tindakan itu tambah mencetuskan tidak puas hati rakyat apabila seramai 49 Orang Asli ditahan dan dalam operasi tersebut.

Rentetan itu, orang ramai, kumpulan masyarakat sivil dan parti politik yang mula berhimpun di Gua Musang sejak malam tadi mengadakan himpunan solidariti di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah menuntut agar kesemua Orang Asli yang ditahan dibebaskan segera.

Bagaimanapun pembebasan 49 tahanan Orang Asli itu tertangguh apabila Mahkamah Majistret Gua Musang hari ini membenarkan permohonan reman Timbalan Ketua Polis Gua Musang, DSP Yap Sow Sing selama 2 hari, daripada 7 hari yang dimohon.

Lebih 100 orang asli dari seluruh negara termasuk dari Pahang, Perak, Melaka, Johor dan Negeri Sembilan pada hari ini telah datang ke Gua Musang memberi sokongan ke atas penangkapan saudara-saudara mereka.

Mereka berarak dari IPD Gua Musang ke mahkamah majistret Gua musang.

Menurut Inah binti Amat, saudara kepada salah seorang tahanan iaitu Saudi a/l Asli, dia hadir pada hari ini untuk menuntut supaya semua tahanan dibebaskan segera.

“Saudi adalah adik saudara saya, saya sedih dia ditahan,” katanya sebak.

Inah berkata, kawasan hutan yang dimusnahkan pembalak telah memberi kesan buruk kepada masyarakat Orang Asli di mana sumber makanan, pendapatan, perubatan dan adat istiadat terjejas.

Kemelut balak melibatkan kerajaan PAS Kelantan dan Orang Asli Temiar di Gua Musang yang mencapai kemuncaknya semalam juga menyebabkan Herry Boy bin Angah yang merupakan seorang pelajar di sebuah institusi swasta Kuala Lumpur pulang ke kampung halaman.

Ia berikutan penahanan ayahnya Angah bin Tengau dalam operasi penangkapan pihak berkuasa semalam.

“Saya marah, mereka memperlakukan ayah saya seperti penjenayah.

“Dia (ayah) tidak buat apa-apa kesalahan, dia hanya mempertahan, melindungi sumber untuk anak-anak dan demi masa depan kami,” ujar Herry.

Katanya, dia terus memberikan sokongan kepada perjuangan masyarakatnya yang tertindas sehingga pembalakan dihentikan. 


Sungguh menyayat hati. 

Semenjak berkawan rapat dengan UMNO, PAS sudah meniru dan mengambil-alih banyak perangai dan tindak-tanduk UMNO. 

Tidak berupaya untuk mencari sumber selain dari balak untuk meneruskan pemerintahan di Kelantan. Maka dilakukan apa saja cara bagi mempastikan pembalakan dapat diteruskan. 

Dan kehidupan orang asli menjadi mangsa. 

Di sebelah tangan PAS beriya-iya hendak membela Rohingya di Myanmar, tetapi di sebelah tangan yang lain kerajaan PAS sendiri menzalimi kaum orang asli di Kelantan. 

GB tertarik dengan keratan-keratan di bawah ini: 


PETALING JAYA: MCA Youth has condemned PAS for issuing a warning that it would resist amendments to the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act should non-Muslims interfere in amendments to Syariah laws.
Its secretary-general Datuk Leong Kim Soon said the warning by PAS’ secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan should be “condemned in the harshest terms.”
“This warning is an unequivocal threat against non-Muslims and cannot be accepted,” Leong said in a press statement on Wednesday.
On Tuesday, Takiyuddin said Muslims would oppose amendments to the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act if non-Muslims continued to interfere in the Private Member’s Bill on enhancing Syariah laws.
The proposed amendments to the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act revolve around the custody and conversion of children from a civil marriage where one spouse has converted to Islam.
PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang had moved the Private Member’s Bill to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, commonly known as Act 355, which would increase the power of the Syariah courts to impose stiffer penalties for offences, excluding the death penalty.
“It is disappointing that PAS blames non-Muslims who oppose Act 355 as violating the rights of Muslims,” said Leong.
He said MCA did not object to the Bill simply “for the sake of opposing” but because PAS had not explained clearly how non-Muslims would not be affected by it.
“If PAS demands mutual respect, it should listen to the voices of the masses who oppose the Private Member’s Bill, rather than insisting on the implementation of hudud criminal codes which are unconstitutional,” he said.


KUALA LUMPUR: A Wanita Umno delegate has questioned the Government for appointing non-Malays in top positions in government-linked companies (GLCs).
“When top positions are filled by other races, the effect is that opportunities for contractors, consultants and lawyers are all given to them (their community),” Hamidah Arshad  from the Bagan division said in her debate at the 70th Umno general assembly Wednesday.
Hamidah said there are other qualified Malay professionals who could have easily filled the positions.
“GLCs belong to us, but why are we giving them (top positions) away to other races? Who will help our own race? Whose fault is this? It’s ours,” she said.


KUALA LUMPUR― The live bullet sent to Bersih 2.0 chairman Maria Chin Abdullah was an “act to gain sympathy”, claimed “Red Shirts” leader Datuk Seri Jamal Yunos.
Commenting on the bullet that Maria said was sent to her home along with the third death threat she has received, he asserted that the electoral reforms group was losing support.
“This is just a ploy to gain sympathy,” Jamal told reporters at the sidelines of the Umno general assembly here today.
“She only has influence among her followers. We saw that Bersih 5 failed. Now she will create stories and slander to cover up that failure,” he added.
However, Jamal said that police will handle the case in the event it is genuine.
Maria was detained using the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act on the eve of the Bersih 5 rally on November 18 and was kept in solitary confinement for 10 days.
Jamal, who had led his group to rally against Bersih 2.0, was also arrested on the eve of the rally.
MEANWHILE, according to Malaysiakini:
The Sungai Besar Umno division chief showed up at the assembly today with a placard criticising PKR’s Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli, labelling the latter as a slanderer.
Jamal said that Rafizi had tarnished the reputation of Wanita Umno chief Tan Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil over the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal, and that the women’s wing of the party should not believe him.
“The women will never forget what he has done, until Shahrizat had to leave her position,” he added.
Sungai Besar Umno division head Jamal Md Yunos was greeted with thunderous applause when he made an appearance at the Wanita Umno annual assembly today.
Jamal, who strung a large cut-out depicting PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli from his neck, was invited on stage to acknowledge his supporters.
The cut-out was accompanied with a text which claimed that Rafizi had defamed Wanita Umno head Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.
Several Wanita Umno delegates could be heard thanking Jamal for standing up for their leader.
Umno supreme council member Ismail Sabri was seen giving Jamal a standing ovation when he entered the hall.
Earlier, Jamal worked the floor at Putra World Trade Centre, shaking hands and posing for photographs.
Jamal told reporters that he wanted to highlight the fact that Rafizi’s allegations against the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) had hurt Shahrizat’s career.
“We must remind ourselves of Rafizi and his actions. My message is that because of Rafizi, the Wanita Umno head had to step down as a minister.
“Umno members must remember this. Although Rafizi has been given a jail sentence, his effect on Umno will not be forgotten,” he said.
‘Jamal got the details wrong’
Apart from Shahrizat, said Jamal, many others in Umno had fallen victim to Rafizi’s slander.
“He accused the prime minister’s wife Rosmah Mansor of buying a ring for RM24 million.
“But when Rosmah tried to sue, he said he was merely joking. Therefore, I feel compelled to remind Umno members that Rafizi is a kaki fitnah (person who likes to slander),” he said.
In an immediate reaction, Rafizi said the message on Jamal’s cut-out was factually wrong because Shahrizat had withdrew her defamation suit in 2012.
Rafizi said that he did not apologise to Shahrizat.
On Jamal’s attempt to link Rafizi’s 18-month jail sentence with Shahrizat, the PKR politician said: “He is definitely an idiot.”
Rafizi was given a 18-month jail sentence for breaching the Official Secrets Act 1972, which had nothing to do with Shahrizat.
He lost a defamation suit brought by NFC last month and was ordered to pay RM200,000 in damages. NFC is headed by Shahrizat’s husband.

Donald Trump Delivers Before Taking Office : To Save 2000 Jobs And Carrier Plant From Closing in Indiana

Trump to Announce Carrier Plant Will Keep Jobs in U.S.

NOV. 29, 2016

Carrier plant in Indianapolis. 
company plans to move 2,000 jobs to Mexico. 
Trump made keeping manufacturing jobs his signature economic issue
On Thurs Trump to appear at Carrier’s Indianapolis plant 
struck deal with company to keep half the jobs in the state
forcing Carrier to reverse course powerful tactical strike even before he takes office
Trump expected to reiterate pledges to ease regulations, overhaul tax code

Carrier air-conditioners, heating, cooling equipment, furnaces, fan coils 

My comments :  Carrier has already agreed to keep the plant running in Indianapolis.

If Trump succeeds in doing this, it means he can do the same for  other American manufacturing plants as well. And Trump can do this even before he takes office.  Meaning whatever he has promised Carrier is only a 'Band Aid' fix.

We can imagine what else Trump can do AFTER he takes office. US Presidents can rule by getting bills passed in Congress or through Presidential powers (or 'decree').

Mr Trump has pledged to ease regulations and overhaul the American corporate tax code. He has said that for every new regulation, two older regulations must be abolished.

Conclusion :  Here is my advice for the Tan Sris, Dato Sris etc who populate the Civil Service, the gomen etc. I dont know how many of you can read and understand English anymore but do read and understand this.

In any country there are the people who can organise things by themselves, people who can achieve things by themselves, people who can strive and work hard by themselves, people who know and can create new wealth, new jobs and new industries by themselves.

These are the businessmen, the entrepreneurs, the people who take risk in the market. 

If you dont want to help these people -well its not ok - because you are too stupid, lets leave it at that. 

But you must make things easy for this group of people to do whatever it is that they wish to do.  

Meaning make life easy for them.
Meaning do not make life difficult for them.

Then they will create new jobs and new opportunities for everyone. 
Then our engineers may not have to sell nasi lemak at the roadside.  

This is what Mr Trump is doing.

Invest in people, not new RM3.5b Umno HQ, says PPBM

PPBM supreme council member Tariq Ismail questions necessity of billions spent to benefit a few when people are struggling with rising cost of living.
Tariq-IsmailPETALING JAYA: Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) has raised questions over Umno’s plans to build a new RM3.5 billion headquarters at a time when people were struggling with the rising costs of living.
Speaking to FMT, PPBM supreme council member Tariq Ismail questioned how much the project would cost and who would pay for it.
“Is it necessary for Umno to spend such money on a headquarters? To me, now is the time for Umno to invest in people not themselves.”
He said people in urban and rural areas, including Umno’s three million members were faced with rising prices.
“We have seen subsidies fall and price of goods rising. The price of ikan kembung (mackerel) in some areas has risen almost 50% since 2013 from RM8 a kilo to RM12 a kilo.”
“This even affects those living in areas such as Jerantut in Pahang, Muar in Johor and Kuala Kedah in Kedah,” he said, adding he found this out during PPBM’s outings throughout the rural heartlands.
Tariq, who is the grandson of former deputy prime minister Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman, said that Umno should instead use that money to train the unemployed or sponsor students to further their studies.
“It would make sense if a government infrastructure project to benefit the people is announced but Umno’s headquarters will only benefit a few, such as the Umno elites.”
It was reported in the New Straits Times today that the project will see the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) redeveloped into KL Putra World Trade Centre (KL PWTC).
The project will feature an integrated lifestyle environment comprising the development of a 70-storey office and hotel tower, a new world-class Tun Razak Hall and exhibition halls, a 5,000-capacity mosque as well as a retail podium.
The 70-storey office and hotel tower, to be built on the site of the existing Hentian Putra Bus Terminal and car park, will have an area of 1.2 million sq ft for offices, a six-star hotel with 250 rooms and a sky lounge-restaurant with panoramic views of the Kuala Lumpur skyline.
The tower’s 70 storeys will represent 70 years of Umno.
The entire project will be financed by bank loans and internal funding, and is slated for completion within the next four years. -FMT

Pahang MB urged to answer about forest reserve invasion in his area

Up to 2,735 hectares of forest reserves in Bentong, Pahang have been invaded through activities such as logging and mining, alleged PKR's Kuantan MP Fuziah Salleh.
"The state government, especially (Pahang Menteri Besar) Adnan Yaakob, has to answer. This is his area," she said in a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today.
Adnan is the assemblyperson for Pelangai, which is within the Bentong area.
Fuziah said the forest reserves which were being exploited in the area were Bukit Tinggi, Kelau/Raka and Lentang.
Bukit Tinggi and Lentang were sensitive areas because they were hilly and were water reservoir areas, she said.
The proof of the impact of forest exploitation, she said, was the landslide on the Karak Highway on Nov 11 last year, which shut down the highway for four days.
The firefighters said it was caused by an overflowing water reservoir, but Fuziah claimed many parties had scouted that area and found traces of logging, which was denied by the state government.
Informants had also purportedly told her that 502 hectares at Bukit Tinggi had been used for illegal mining.
"This is a worrying piece of news seeing as illegal mining involves uncontrollable elements," she said.
For example, she said, there was a high possibility of cyanide contamination in the process of gold mining.
She also brought up the Kemasul forest reserve, which she said had about 10,776 hectares which had yet to be restored.
The Kemasul forest reserve was used as a plantation forest as early as 1974, she said, and it was a failure.
The special audit report showed that only 52 percent of the land area had been restored, she said.

Yesterday, she and Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli pointed out invasions of forest reserves in Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's constituency Pekan.
She said she had information on forest invasions in other parts in Pahang and would reveal them later.
Malaysiakini has contacted the Pahang Forestry Department and is awaiting its response on this matter.- Mkini

Probe papers on cartoonist Zunar’s case almost ready

The investigation papers on controversial political cartoonist Zunar, who held an exhibition at Komtar, George Town, last Friday are almost completed after police recorded statements from seven individuals.
Penang police chief Abdul Ghafar Rajab said he had ordered that the investigation papers be completed soonest possible to be submitted to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
“I believe the investigation papers will be ready soon,” he told reporters after the handing-over of duty of the state Criminal Investigation Department (CID) chief in George Town, today.
SAC Zainol Samah, 51, has been appointed as Penang police CID head, effective today. He replaces Razarudin Husain, 54, who has been promoted as Sabah deputy police commissioner.
Zainol was previously Dang Wangi district police chief.
Last Saturday, Zunar or his real name Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque, was detained by police to assist in the investigation over his caricature exhibition which was disrupted by a group of Penang Umno Youth members led by their division wing head, Rafizal Abdul Rahim.
According to Rafizal, the cartoons drawn by Zunar had insulted Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, and police seized Zunar’s cartoon pieces put up at the exhibition in Komtar to facilitate the investigation.
Asked on the setting up of the Voluntary Patrol Body (PBS) by the Penang state government, Abdul Ghafar said a report on the matter had been sent to Bukit Aman (federal police) for further action.

“I think, let the inspector-general of police, Khalid Abu Bakar, make the announcement or decision on the matter,” he said.
BPS was launched on Nov 12 and Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng had said that he would meet with the Home Ministry to discuss the newly-established patrol body.
The body was formed under the state’s village development and security committees. To date, it involves 40 areas in Penang with over 600 registered members.

How will Umno to pay for new 70-storey HQ, MPs ask

Two DAP MPs have questioned how Umno can embark on an ambitious plan to redevelop its headquarters, despite the party being in the red.
Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming said news reports have indicated that Umno was making losses of late and questioned how the party would fund the project.
"As the largest political party in Malaysia, which also controls the government machinery and resources, they must be subject to greater public scrutiny," Nga said in a statement today.
He cited reports by The Malaysian Insider, which claimed Umno's financial documents for the year-ending 2014 showed that the party made a loss of RM30 million that year.
The new project, dubbed KL Putra World Trade Centre, was launched yesterday by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
How was land acquired?
It will include the refurbishment of the existing Putra World Trade Centre and the taking over of the adjacent Putra Bus Terminal.
When completed in four years, KL PWTC will comprise a 70-storey office and hotel tower, a 5,000-capacity mosque and a retail podium.

The project would be undertaken by Malaysian Resources Corporation Bhd, a public-listed company which is about 40 percent owned by the Employees Provident Fund.
Umno has not revealed the price tag for the project.
Similarly, Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai said it was only right for Umno to provide details on how the project would be financed in view of the party's eagerness to implement a law to regulate political financing.
He also urged Umno to reveal details on the acquisition of the Putra Bus Terminal.- Mkini

Standing ovation for Jamal at Wanita Umno meet

UMNO AGM Sungai Besar Umno division head Jamal Md Yunos was greeted with thunderous applause when he made an appearance at the Wanita Umno annual assembly today.
Jamal, who strung a large cut-out depicting PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli from his neck, was invited on stage to acknowledge his supporters.
The cut-out was accompanied with a text which claimed that Rafizi had defamed Wanita Umno head Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.
Several Wanita Umno delegates could be heard thanking Jamal for standing up for their leader.
Umno supreme council member Ismail Sabri was seen giving Jamal a standing ovation when he entered the hall.
Earlier, Jamal worked the floor at Putra World Trade Centre, shaking hands and posing for photographs.
Jamal told reporters that he wanted to highlight the fact that Rafizi's allegations against the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) had hurt Shahrizat's career.
"We must remind ourselves of Rafizi and his actions. My message is that because of Rafizi, the Wanita Umno head had to step down as a minister.
"Umno members must remember this. Although Rafizi has been given a jail sentence, his effect on Umno will not be forgotten," he said.
'Jamal got the details wrong'
Apart from Shahrizat, said Jamal, many others in Umno had fallen victim to Rafizi's slander.
"He accused the prime minister's wife Rosmah Mansor of buying a ring for RM24 million.
"But when Rosmah tried to sue, he said he was merely joking. Therefore, I feel compelled to remind Umno members that Rafizi is a kaki fitnah (person who likes to slander)," he said.
In an immediate reaction, Rafizi said the message on Jamal's cut-out was factually wrong because Shahrizat had withdrew her defamation suit in 2012.

Rafizi said that he did not apologise to Shahrizat.
On Jamal's attempt to link Rafizi's 18-month jail sentence with Shahrizat, the PKR politician said: "He is definitely an idiot."
Rafizi was given a 18-month jail sentence for breaching the Official Secrets Act 1972, which had nothing to do with Shahrizat.
He lost a defamation suit brought by NFC last month and was ordered to pay RM200,000 in damages. NFC is headed by Shahrizat's husband.- Mkini

Rafizi reveals withdrawal of RM530k Tabung Haji funds

PKR's Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli has continued his annual tradition of declaring his assets and revealed that his total net assets had decreased over RM600,000 since his last asset declaration last year.
His total net assets in 2015 was RM1,564,407 which decreased to RM953,021 this year, he stated.
He made his asset declaration in a press conference today at his NGO Invoke Space in Kuala Lumpur.
The biggest contributor to this significant decrease, he said, was him withdrawing most of his money from his Lembaga Tabung Haji account, which he did in stages beginning April this year.
He had initially deposited RM70,000 into his Tabung Haji account between October last year and January this year, he said, but after he began to scrutinise Tabung Haji's finances in February, he made the decision to withdraw most of his money.
"(I did not reveal the withdrawals earlier because) it could have triggered a panic if I said I was going to withdraw half a million (from Tabung Haji," he said.

Throughout the period of April to September this year, he withdrew a total of RM530,000 from his Tabung Haji account.
From that amount, RM500,000 was used to set up and fund his new NGO Invoke, while the other RM30,000 was used to pay part of his house renovations costs, he said.
Another significant reason why his assets decreased was because he removed two cars worth almost RM150,000 in total from his assets as they were used and paid for by his staff, even though they were bought under his name.
(More to come)

Pedestrian bridge collapses in Bangsar, three critically injured

Four persons have been injured, three of whom are in critical condition after a pedestrian bridge under construction near the Abdullah Hukum LRT station in Bangsar collapsed, reports Bernama.
According to the report, the incident took place at around 3.30pm.
The bridge was supposed to link KL Eco City, which is also under construction, to The Gardens shopping centre.
It is part of planned construction to integrate the Abdullah Hukum LRT and the soon-to-be completed Eco City KTM, with both KL Eco City and the Mid Valley shopping complex.
Additionally, China Press and Harian Metro have both reported one death following the incident.
[More to follow]


  1. Apabila serangan boleh dirancang terhadap MP pembangkang oleh menteri,maka negara tidak lagi berperadaban. Inilah sbhg dari budaya RM2.6 billion
    Timbalan Menteri Tajuddin membisu tentang polis cari anaknya kerna cuba serang MP Khalid Samad.Semuanya tambah cemarkan PM Najib
    MP pembangkang Khalid Samad diserang kerana kata sial dalam Parlimen pd seorang timbalan menteri. Datuk Jamal boleh bangga kerana dia jadi contoh
    Rosmah bangga dengan peranan hubungkan phone suaminya dg Trump Presiden US yg dibenci.Tak payah ceritalah.Betul2 tak sensitif terhadap perasaan rakyat.Meluat org dengar.Menjadikan Najib semakin dipandang rendah
    Hudud dah jadi politik. Nak tenteram MCA Najib kata bukan Hudud. Orang Pas mesti terima bukan Hudud asal tapi ini Hudud Umno campur Pas