
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

'Bystander' Chinese a convenient punching bag

YOURSAY 'They had to stomach the insults, innuendos and humiliation hurled at them by Umno and its soulmates.'

Chinese should not be bystanders, says Najib

your sayLin Wenquan: For too long the Chinese have watched with exasperation and dismay at the inequalities that have insidiously inched their way into their daily lives.

They had to stomach the insults, innuendos and humiliation hurled at them by Umno and its soulmates.

We become convenient punching bags for the failures of BN's economic policies to enrich their cronies. When PM Najib Razak and gang ingratiated themselves to their flock, the keris was brandished and Chinese blood was demanded.

Where were MCA and Gerakan during those dark days? There wasn't even a whimper from them. They are now paying for their sins of omission.

Najib can effect his much vaunted 'transformation' any time at his own volition if he has the guts. By asking for the Chinese mandate as a prerequisite to activate changes is subtle blackmail at its best.

This ntv7 interview has displayed more of the same old Najib traits - non-commitment, dithering and dodging pertinent issues - in short, keeping his feet dry.

Anonymous_3f4a: Najib shouldn't be talking what Chinese should do, but rather he should be talking what he and Umno should do.

After decades of corruption, the system of governance is already so rotten that it would take more than 'sloganeering' to convince the rakyat he is serious.

To start with, Najib should publicly admit responsibility and apologise for Umno's failures in rooting out corruption.

Anonymous #18452573: The majority of Chinese Malaysians are not bystanders. They have worked hard in this country - from businessmen to the ‘char keow teow' sellers.

The majority pay their taxes. Their hard work and taxes have contributed to this nation's growth. They are not bystanders. They are participants.

They don't get handouts. They took a stand. And their stand is against a corrupt and racially-based coalition government which includes Umno, MCA and MIC.

Swipenter: Najib, the Chinese are made into bystanders after decades of discrimination under the guise of NEP (New Economic Policy) by eroding their basic rights, steal the fruits and labour of their hard work, use administrative barriers and quota system to stifle their entrepreneurship, denied their bright but deserving children scholarships, denied them equal and fair opportunities in all aspects of their lives, threatened them with bloodshed should they show dissent to discriminatory policies and ultimately insult them as ‘pendatangs', and blamed for Umno's mistakes and failings of the Malays.

Trust is earned not given, but after decades of discrimination you have taken their trust for granted and the Chinese community is saying enough is enough of the kind of treatment they have so long being subjected to by Umno-BN.

DontPlayGod: How can the Chinese not be bystanders? Umno has totally ignored the Chinese feelings and requests all these decades.

Not a single new Chinese-medium school has been built since independence. Instead, the number of Chinese schools have been reduced while the Chinese population has increased, and more and more Chinese have sent their children to Chinese schools due to the poor standard of national schools and the overstressing on the Malay language to the detriment of the study of English and other mother-tongue languages.

CiViC: Najib, you have all the power and capability to make things happen, don't blame the Chinese or anyone else if you fail. You lack determination and at very least sincerity.

Lynn: It's so very strange to conclude that Chinese should not be bystanders but take an active role. All political pundits, including those from Umno, are saying that Chinese will most certainly vote for opposition.

Does this not prove that we love our country so much that we demand change? Supporting a ‘transformation agenda' is not necessarily good for the country and because it is espoused by Umno, it will most certainly be bad for the country.

Boonpou: I am confused by Najib's rhetoric. Now he says Chinese Malaysians cannot be bystanders. But we have been bystanders since the implementation of the NEP, a policy orchestrated by his very own father.

You want Chinese to truly participate in the making of Malaysia, abolish NEP and its successors that practiced discrimination based on race, class, and religion. Restore meritocracy and the Chinese and other minorities will ceased to be bystanders.

Until then, don't double speak. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

Gobsmacked!: All these ‘transformations' - what do you think cause them? A stronger opposition, that's what caused them.

We should continue to support the opposition so that these Umno-BN leaders do not return to their old arrogant ways. Even under current circumstances, Umno-BN arrogance flares up every now and then. A leopard cannot change its spots.

Come on Najib, don't be so two-faced. The day you are able to speak out boldly against such injustices will be the day we give credence to what you say.

Maplesyrup: A Felda settler, although aware that the BN has many failures, but insists on keeping BN in power lest he will enjoy less 'perks'.

Sadly, this is the mentality of many, who only protect their personal selfish interests disregarding the greater good of the nation as a whole.

As I see it, giving BN another five years would mean more looting and more NFC-type (National Feedlot Corporation) fiascos.

The way BN is going, they will not stop until they bankrupt the nation. With Idris Jala's help, we are told BN is doing a good job.

Pemandu's efforts are all in vain, for they are only delaying the inevitable. - Malaysiakini

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