
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cowgate, Copgate, Condogate and now Amangate

YOURSAY 'My prediction on Najib's response: We will not act on unsubstantiated claims from unrecognised websites. Case closed.'

Anifah pleads ignorance of timber-graft allegation

your sayAnonymous #88568176: The saying that "A thief will never admit he stole" applies to Foreign Minister Anifah Aman.

It is not that easy these days to keep secrets locked away. The wise among the Malays within government service and the enforcement agencies will continue to give Umno and its thieving allies nightmares, and I wouldn't be surprised if Umno starts a vendetta against potential whistleblowers in these organisations.

But my fellow Malaysians, whoever you are, wherever you are, carry on your excellent work of providing justice to the people.

Anonymous #00470101: This is according to Sarawak Report: "(Attorney-general Abdul) Gani Patail, who gained a mere third-class law degree at the University of Malaya, has never been regarded as one of the country's best legal minds, yet he has been promoted to the top of the judiciary.

"Critics regard him as primarily a BN ‘yes man', appointed to a pole position to protect corrupted politicians.

"With Malaysia rocketing to the top of the international league forillegal capital flight, many are concerned that it was Gani's refusal to allow high-level corruption investigations to go ahead that has allowed BN politicians to continue to siphon out the country's wealth unhindered."

Headhunter: Finally the noose is tightening around Gani Patail's neck. What PM Najib Razak cannot or will not do, this Amangate will be his Waterloo.

Paul Warren: Anifah, you're sounding like Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil when the NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) was first exposed. Very lame lah. Better do one better.

My free advice to you: Say yes, and that you had applied for the logging concession and got it because you gave the best deal to the state. Then you move the goalpost a bit.

GoneBananas: You think anybody believes you, Anifah? The can of worms has been opened.

All you can do is wriggle and squirm till some fisherman takes pity on you and impales you on his hook so you can at least become fish food.

Rafizi wants PM to act on RM400mil timber scandal

Dont Just Talk: PKR strategic director Rafizi Ramli, how do you expect Najib to act on Anifah and Sabah CM Musa Aman over the RM400 million timber scandal when he has yet to act on the Wanita Umno chief's RM250 million cow-condo scandal?

Anyway, Deputy Finance Minister Awang Adek Hussin said that Malaysia's debt to GDP ratio at 53% is not critical yet and have another 2% to spare, so don't worry Malaysians - another RM400 million is peanuts by Umno's standard.

Aquinas Says: My prediction on Najib's response: We will not act on unsubstantiated claims from unrecognised websites. Case closed.

Smartvoters: As with Abdul Taib Mahmud in Sarawak, Najib will have no guts to take action in this Sabah case.

That's why Najib has even decided to take over the Women Ministry from Shahrizat. He might as well take over the Wanita Umno post from Shahrizat too.

YF: Who is clean in Umno? The answer is no one. It's time for the people to vote in a clean government and get rid of the tainted one.

Steve: By the way, how come the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) is unaware of this?

MACC, where are you? For your information, so many siblings of the CMs (in East Malaysia) are VVIP in many casinos in Macau.

We, small potatoes, know about this, how come MACC with so much fund and advance technology doesn't know?

Anonymous_3f4a: This is yet another piece of evidence that Umno's culture of corruption, cronyism and nepotism is very much alive and kicking, and growing unabated despite Najib's acclamation that his Government Transformation Programme (GTP) is bearing fruit.

The culture of collusion between Umno leaders and high officials of the public service is so deeply rooted in the system of governance that it would take total destruction of the system and a complete overhaul to save it from further erosion.

Najib is right, the Chinese have remained bystanders in their support of his GTP and ETP (Economic Transformation Programme). They prefer to wait and see the result of these programmes because it would take decades to eradicate such systemic problems, the same time it took to build.

MACC may be modelled along the lines of ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) of Hong Kong but they are vastly different in terms of effectiveness in fighting graft - independence, professionalism, integrity and public trust and confidence.

PaperRoses: PM: Anifah, Macam mana sekarang? RM400 million ini memang banyak. Rakyat memang marah.

Anifiah: Dato Seri, Tak banyak la. RM400 million tak sampai RM500 million dari submarine deal itu.

Najib: Ok, ok, ok. You tolong saya, saya tolong you. Tak payah la cakap lagi. Nanti bangitkan Altantuya pula. - Malaysiakini


  1. PRU semakin dekat, ada kabar2 angin bahawa ada pihak yang mahu menjatuhkan Anifah supaya tidak dapat bertanding pada PRU13 di Kimanis. Mungkin ini adalah salah satu daripda konspirasi tu.

    1. pasti ada usaha pihak tertntu untk menjatuhkan mereka, lebih2 lagi dekat PRU.

  2. berita2 yang disebarkan oleh Sarawak report tak boleh dipercayai sangat.

  3. Tidak perlulah kita percaya dengan berita ini jika tidak ada bukti yang dibawa ke mahkamah. Sedangkan Media tidak ada mengadili seseorang itu. Ini kerana semua itu terletak ditangan mahkamah untuk membuat keputusan.

    Media hanya tahu memberikan berita sama ada yang buruk, yang tidak benar dan tanpa ada bukti yang benar. Itulah yang sebenarnya berlaku dengan media pembangkang sekarang yang hanya suka memberikan pelbagai isu negatif yang berkaitan dengan kerajaan.

  4. Datuk Musa dan Datuk Anifah menafikan semua apa yang diperkatakan itu. Ini bermakna tidak ada kebenaran dalam isu ini. Siapakah yang pandai-pandai mereka cerita sebegini. Harap pihak tersebut tampil dan serahkan bukti.

  5. Masih menjadi persoalan sekarang setakat mana kebenaran dalam laporan ini. Kita sendiri tidak tahu adakah benar atau tidak mengenai perkara ini. Bukti kukuh pun tidak ada.

    Beginilah bila ada orang tidak senang dengan kejayaan yang dibuat oleh Datuk Musa. Ada pihak yang cuba untuk menjatuhkan beliau.

  6. Kerana kita juga perlu ingat apa rasuah sebenarnya. Kerana setiap orang ada pandangan mereka sendiri mengenai rasuah. Maka kita tidak pasti adakah kes ini boleh dikatakan rasuah atau bukan. Namun itu semua tidak penting sekarang yang penting kalau benar itu rasuah buktikan dengan bukti kukuh.

  7. so how about some 265 logging licences covering over 300,000 ha (an area 5 times larger than the island of Singapore) approved by YTL during his tenure as Chief Minister of Sabah?? why not Sarawak Report and other opposition leaders reveal this irresponsible act??

    we should call it Yonggate!!

  8. I wonder what is actually Calire agenda to meddle in the affairs of the Malaysia state government which has nothing to do with her? I’m sure, she will not do it for free, there is something behind the actions..


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