
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 13, 2012

Crumbling fortress, yet BN and its media continue to spin outrageous lies

Crumbling fortress, yet BN and its media continue to spin outrageous lies
For a nation to keep progressing it must have a political will. That will must be manifested by able leadership and backed by a team of substance.
But if you examine the doings, un-doings, deeds and misdeeds that have of late plagued the BN coalition you begin to suspect that the going concern for BN is not all that healthy and ale as the main stream media portrays things to be.
Let them lie, why bang your head against a crumbling fortress
Of course the journalists on the payroll of the main stream media have placed job security above all else. You cannot fault them entirely especially when they are equally suspicious of their Union as well. A journalist could be a father, mother, brother or sister. He or she has to put food on the table, educate the children and / or siblings, pay the mortgage and live a life.
Hence, keeping the job is not an option but a necessary evil for journalists on the main stream media employment. So forget about journalism ethics and the corner stone philosophy that the role of the media is to inform without bias as the reader has the right to know.
In any case the only solace is in as what one senior journalist whispered, “if they (BN) need the rope to hang themselves, we will just keep giving it to them; why bang your head against the crumbling fortress-lah.”
Fighting in public
So thanks to the on-line media and the social network that technology has offered humanity, for without this we would still be living in a blinkered world.
Going by the breaking news one cannot help establishing that BN is sinking.
Take Samy Vellu for example. After decades of swearing with his life that his boss is right, now in his vintage he blurts that Tun Dr Mahathir fixed him up for good.
And in rebuttal, his boss says that the man whom he stood shoulder to shoulder all through his 22 years of power wielding, deserved to go unceremoniously and through a wicked plot.
But both also claim that they hold no grudges. Then why come pour your sorrows and bitterness against each other in the public?
Floodgates have opened, BN resorts to patchwork to stem the tide
Next, you have one senior ex-minister from the BN fold pointing out the ugly deeds of his very political party that he championed for so long. He confirmed that UMNO is into dirty politics using money to get votes.
Yes why did he not open the flood gates then? Never mind lah, at least his conscience is awakened now. God forgive him too.
Another senior veteran and royalty in politics has been voicing out his disapproval over the UMNO and BN doings and un-doings of late. But although he appears just as helpless in creating a tsunami, at least he is also confirming that all is not well within BN.
Next, if you look at the statements being made by the cabinet ministers who are within the BN block, you can easily decipher that they are doing patch-work politics to redress their political party machinery that is shredding at its seams.
Given this background and if you add the many scandals that have been puncturing the BN – thanks to the persistent efforts of the opposition block, it would be a mystery if the rakyat still vote BN back to power in the GE-13.
Mystery question - why would people would vote for BN
The mystery of a BN win eventually will deepen especially when you already witness the following developments of late:
1. Even the Tun Dr is having doubts about BN’s future victory.
2. Even Tun Daim is having a bout of feverish pessimism now.
3. The children of Who’s Who within the corridors of power are being exposed for their strange bed-fellows and lavish lifestyles.
4. The PDRM is also going on the defensive of late given its own rank and file doing some expose after expose.
5. BN’s public events are now filled with civil servant crowds (present ‘atas arahan’), whereas the opposition draws the rakyat by the tens of thousands without even an invitation.
6. Civil society is determined to save the nation from the fangs of warlords.
Defining moment has been reached
In no uncertain terms, the nation is at crossroads. The GE-13 is a defining moment in its five over decades of history.
Hopefully Malaysia will be allowed to transform and reform itself without evil over-powering the good. BN must recognize that staying in power at all costs is treason of the highest order. Rather, political parties and their leaders as well as all misled followers must realize that civil society is the deciding integer of politics. Not the other way around.
Malaysia Chronicle

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