
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

‘Musa’s government ineffective’

Sabah government must take immediate steps to rectify the abnormalities that had taken place in the state in regards to the illegal immigrants.
TAWAU: Sabah PKR election director Kong Hong Ming has criticised the Sabah Barisan Nasional government for placing its political interests ahead of the people and the well-being of the state.
He said the Umno-led coalition government headed by Chief Minister Musa Aman had refused to explain the lack of action for the repeated incidences of illegal immigrants having gained citizenship documents under BN’s watch.
Kong said that it had been shown time and again that the manipulation of illegal immigrants was a fail-safe method to build a vote bank to their advantage during any election so much so that the state had been proclaimed the BN’s fixed-deposit.
“The lack of a decision on an RCI (Royal Commission of Inquiry) reflects the weakness and inability of BN component parties to initiate any changes which is obviously good for Sabah,” he said.
He was referring to the dithering by the government over calls to investigate allegations that illegal immigrants in Sabah had been given citizenship in exchange for political support.
Kong said this when launching the ‘Buku Jingga’ to inform the public of the party’s manifesto for Sabah.
He said PKR strongly feels Sabah had been neglected by BN for 48 years and adjustments had to made immediately “to rectify the abnormalities that had taken place” in the state.
The activist lawyer said the coming election would be a turning point for the people of Sabah.
“Sabah is disappointed with the inconsistent stance of the BN component parties especially on the RCI and the lack of sincerity and commitment to resolve issues of PTI’s (illegal immigrants) in the state for good,” he said.
Sabah PKR, he said, unlike the BN has pledged to set up a RCI to resolve the illegal immigrant problem in the state.


  1. Over the last year, there were a number of programmes initiated by the Sabah State Government and the Federal Government, aimed at making the State a better place to live in. Both Federal and State government acknowledge that bridging the divide between rural and urban areas is important, and remains high on the agenda of the State Government as part of efforts to truly push for holistic development. It is the desire of the members of the State government to see every citizen included in development.

  2. Sabah remains committed in reducing poverty through a number of projects, building more roads and other important infrastructure like schools, apart from improving power and water supply in rural areas.The uncertain economic climate at global level in the past year was not lamented as an excuse to halt our efforts to develop Sabah. With the slow but sure recovery of the global economy, the State government will be able to strengthen their efforts to bring progress to the people, especially the poor.

  3. The State Budget that was tabled in November 2010 put aside a third of the RM3.07 billion allocation for developing much needed infrastructure and utilities. The Budget is a continuation of Sabah’s plan to achieve further development, and aims to complement several initiatives introduced by the Federal Government.

    1. Bujet ini harus diuruskan dengan bijak untuk menjana pendapatan yang berterusan.

  4. These include the New Economic Model, National Key Results Area, Economic Transformation Programme and the subsequent National Key Economic Areas. To take part in Malaysia’s economic growth, Sabah must build its own capacities so that we are able to play an effective role in Malaysia’s overall development.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The Tenth Malaysia Plan which starts this year is another continuous development programme that Sabah remains committed to, and is looking forward to implementing. The Sabah State Government will work with the Federal Government to carry out identified projects, and we will place emphasis through the Tenth Malaysia Plan to further improve livelihoods of certain segments of society, such as farmers, fishermen and livestock breeders.

  7. Everyone in Sabah, especially civil servants who are directly involved in the implementation of the Tenth Malaysia Plan, to give their undivided support so that objectives and plans that have been outlined, can be met effectively, ensuring success of the whole initiative.

  8. The State Government are already implementing programmes under the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) blueprint, which outlines in detail steps that Sabah is taking until 2025 to become a leading economic region with its strategic location, natural resources and clean environment. Tourism, one key driver of the SDC is growing, along with the agriculture and manufacturing sectors. The State Government is on the right track and the hard working and committed people entrusted with the task of carrying out important projects, and those who provide support either from within or outside Government.

    1. The civil servants who have remained dedicated to their tasks will continue to contribute to strengthening the civil service. The private sector too have given thier share of contribution to the state and has continuously invested in the State, will increase in years to come, as envisaged by the Economic Transformation Programme.

    2. The State government will also continue to pay attention to providing education to the people of Sabah, it is a common knowledge that human capital development plays a key role in progress. There are a number of education institutes in the State, and the State Government are also setting up an education hub in Sandakan so that people on the east coast have an alternative if they do not wish to travel to Kota Kinabalu to pursue their education.

    3. The State government too is encouraging the people of Sabah to practice life-long learning, and this includes taking up diploma and degree courses at tertiary institutions on a part time basis. Sabah is blessed with natural resources and all must strive to add value to raw material, and this can only be done if we have knowledgeable and skilled workers.

    4. Political stability which is an important factor when we talk about development initiatives. Programmes planned by the State and Federal governments require political stability and cooperation of all political parties within the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition. All elected representatives have also been reminded to reach out to grassroots and to find out problems that the people are facing.

    5. This is in line with the 1Malaysia concept that the honourable Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak introduced after he took office. Through his 1Malaysia website and Facebook page, the Prime Minister himself is getting feedback from the people on what matters most to them. Positive steps like this will propel Malaysia forward.

  9. Musa contribute a great expansion and development to Sabah.

  10. Sabah still have more roosm of improvement. Infra sistem, education, poverty, PATI etc are all current and important issues to resolve and improve

  11. Sistem pendidikan seharus mencari formula yang lebih baik untuk dinaik taraf terutama kawasan pedalaman.

    1. Bukan hanya sekadar sistem pendidikan malah kemudahan infrastruktur juga perlu dilengkapi demi untuk keselesaan pelajar. Ini disebabkan ramai kanak2 dari kawasan pedalaman tercicir dari persekolahan mereka kerana masalah jarak. Bagi mengatasi masalah ini, pembinaan asrama juga salah satu alternatif terbaik buat mereka.

    2. dgn kemajuan pendidikanlah akan memacu kepada pembangunan2 yang lain.

  12. The state government and federal has needed to address the PATI issue that may affect economy grow.

  13. Rakyat harus juga berusaha membaiki pendapatan harian sedangkan kerajaan memberi lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan melalui SDC dll projek.

  14. Musa byk memberi sumbangan terhadap pembangunan Sabah, sabah dpt keluar dari senarai negeri termiskin. keuntungan Sabah lebih 1 bilion setiap tahun sejak beliau mengambil alih tampuk kerajaan negeri.

  15. beliau juga berjaya mendapatkan peruntukan terbesar untuk Sabah sebanyak 4 billion yang pasti dpt memacu lagi pembangunan Sabah.

  16. selain itu, byk projek2 pembangunan dijalankan seperti projek Samur, SOGT dan SDC yang akan mewujudkan byk peluang pekerjaan kepada belia2 Sabah.

  17. Negeri Sabah mendapat pelbagai bantuan peruntukkan daripada kerajaan Persekutuan untuk menaiktaraf pelbagai kemudahan. Maka kita harap peruntukkan tersebut akan diguna sebaiknya.


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