
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 19, 2023

But Isnt He Your Hero? Why Are You Complaining?

 The following has been "adapted" (meaning I have changed it a little) from a statement written by Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy,  President, Malaysian Advancement Party dated 19th August 2023.  As usual my comments are in blue.

The fellow's personal conversion “ritual” has caused uneasiness amongst non-Muslims
At the outset, let me say this view may not be politically correct. However, I feel truth has to be said no matter how unpalatable or bitter it is.

OSTB : Is it possible that there are thousands upon thousands of non-Muslims who must be super thrilled at this conversion? Lets look on the bright side. After all many non-Muslims have made him their hero. Isnt this what you voted for? So why complain now?

Many Non-Muslims in the country are shocked with the fellow officially and openly converting a Hindu youth at a mosque after Friday prayers yesterday. While freedom of religion is enshrined in the Federal Constitution, the youth was clearly exercising his right to embrace a religion of his choice. There is willingness on his part to convert voluntarily hence the complaint does not lie there. But the question being asked by millions of non—Muslims is why should the initiation into Islamic faith be done by  the fellow himself. The rakyat expect the fellow to heal the country’s economy and show he is busy fixing the economy.

OSTB : Many Non-Muslims in the country are shocked ?? Are you sure about this?  "question being asked by millions of non—Muslims" ?? How do you know for sure? "millions of non—Muslims"  voted for the fellow. Maybe this is what they wanted.

Well let us be optimistic. Maybe he thinks that thIs gimmick could also "heal the country’s economy".  The other day that 18 year old Indian child was practically told to shut up when she asked a question about the quotas.   Maybe she too did not realise that perhaps that was his method of "busy fixing the economy" ?

We have to ask ourselves honestly, how much of religious understanding has our education system taught our citizens in these 66 years. Has religious understanding improved and flourished all these years. Do Muslims truly understand the practices of Christians, Buddhists, Taoist, Hindus, Bahais or vice versa?
OSTB :  Bro, you are really missing the point here. I think the only understanding that is required is from you. It is not the other way around.
Hence, the backlash against the fellow in the public domain from the non-Muslim community is something that all leaders in the country need to study.

OSTB : Are you sure there is a real  backlash from the non-Muslim community ? As you say in the next paragraph here '80% non-Malays voted for PH'. So you all voted for him. So exactly what backlash are you talking about? I dont think there will be any backlash at all. After another one week ALL OF YOU would have forgotten about this issue as well. You will all go back to the songs and the dances.

P_R is a multi-racial party with almost 45% Indians and probably 15% Chinese. 

OSTB : Ok so 60% of the party's members are non-Malays. Ok so it is a non Malay majority party. So what? How many Indians are major office holders in the party?

The fellow has always advocated multi racialism and politics of understanding and trusting each other. He has always preached about religious diversity and the need to embrace each other as fellow Malaysians despite the fact we come from differing racial and religious background. 

OSTB : Dear Waythamoorthy, I think the fellow's real understanding is that you must understand them. Not the other way around. Recall that British magazine called him a chameleon? The British are not stupid.

The recent political trend has caused alarm to many non-Muslims. Just seven days ago almost 80% non-Malays voted for PH.

OSTB:  If 80% non-Malays voted for PH then I really cannot understand why there would be any backlash from the non-Muslim community  over this matter.   If 80% voted for the fellow well what else can I say except that there are fools everywhere. As the Americans would say, 'there's a sucker born every minute'.


Had the fellow done this conversion one week before the six state elections, the outcome would obviously be different. 

OSTB : I really beg to differ here as well. 

Had this conversion happened one week before the six state elections, it is possible that the Malay vote may have swung to his side.  Why cant you see - the intended audience for this very public conversion gimmick are the Malays. Obviously not the Indians or Chinese. It is just a political gimmick to impress the Malay voters. Your views do not really matter.

Hence my call to the fellow is to understand there are great expectations on him for all communities and to make them comfortable with him.

OSTB : Please do not be so naive. You can take your Broken Heart Tablets now. Because let me guarantee you, you folks are going to be disappointed more and more.


If you need a blood transfusion, well Dracula is in charge of the bloodbank. You are not getting any. If you are a chicken, well the fox is in the hen house.  Good luck to you. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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