
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 3, 2023


 So you say. I keep hearing this:  'So who else is there?

So do not change your dirty diapers. Just walk around carrying the shit with you. Stinking up the neighborhood. Why? Because you dont want to change the dirty diapers.


Here is a story from Singapore. The story reminds me of this animal.

Can a leopard change his spots? The answer is a straight no. 


Here is the story from Singapore (adapted, edited):



Commentary: Why did Madani welcome a controversial Indonesian preacher?

Madani’s warm welcome to Abdul Somad Batubara ("batuapi"??) should have raised questions about the former’s commitment to moderate Islamic principles. That it did not cause more of a stir raises even more questions, say these ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute academics.

SINGAPORE: On Jul 13, Indonesian preacher Abdul Somad Batubara 
("batuapi"??) visited Madani and apparently stayed for an hour’s conversation. 

  • The controversial preacher has been barred from entering several countries, including being denied entry into Singapore on May 16, 2022.
  • This is due to his extremist views, which include espousing physical violence and animosity towards non-Muslims.
  • Hong Kong, Timor Leste, the United Kingdom, Germany and Switzerland, have also barred Somad from crossing their borders.
  • This reflects the wariness with which several governments regard his questionable teachings and views.


Views such as Somad’s should be antithetical to a multireligious society like Malaysia, what more to Madani. It is thus surprising that Madani so warmly welcomed such a controversial preacher to Putrajaya. 

(OSTB : Surprising? What is so surprising? I have been saying this for the past 28 years. I know this spotted animal for the past 28 years. No change. This is it. What is so surprising?)

In our view, this incident can be seen as a self-inflicted shot in the foot to Madani's framework of Malaysia Madani, which he has touted as the foundation for a more progressive Malaysia that embraces diversity and respect for all, among other core principles.

(OSTB : "embraces diversity and respect for all"  up your silly ass. How can you ever be so stupid to believe such nonsense?) 

What is more, Malaysia seemingly welcomed Somad with open arms. Not only did he go straight from the airport to Putrajaya to meet Madani, posting on social media about how he spent an hour with Madani in his office, but Somad also made a courtesy call to Melaka Governor.

He stayed on to lecture at Dataran Sejarah, Ayer Keroh, at a celebration commemorating the Islamic new year. Somad’s presence was said to have triggered a “tsunami of believers”, pulling in about 50,000 attendees. In the same audience were state government officials and local preachers.

It was not the first time that Somad visited Malaysia. In 2019, he visited Kelantan, Kuala Lumpur and Negeri Sembilan in February, and Sabah in September.

A quick survey of comments on his Instagram posts about this year’s visit shows his followers in Indonesia lamenting that he is poorly received in his own country but treated with respect and admiration elsewhere. 

The fact that Indonesia’s government views one of its own citizens with some suspicion should speak for itself.


On Jul 14, Somad lectured at Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Mosque in Shah Alam, Selangor.

Preachers, whether local or foreign, are required to obtain a licence from a state’s Islamic Religious Council before they can preach in a given state. Thus, this lecture was clearly sanctioned by the top state leadership.

Somad also visited a naval fleet in Lumut, Perak, gave an evening lecture to 36,000 people at a stadium in Perak and delivered another lecture in one of the state’s mosques. Upon his return to Kuala Lumpur on Jul 15, he gave an evening lecture at Dataran Merdeka dressed in traditional Malay gear. The symbolism of the traditional dress (tanjak) may be interpreted by some as a nod to more conservative or even right-wing groups in Malaysia.

OSTB : There is a video. You can see it here  https://youtu.be/QJp8sm_8Sw8

Somad’s time in Malaysia was a grand affair from start to end. He met not just Madani but even roy_ _ _y and other politicians. On the day of his departure, Jul 16, Somad received a grand farewell, leaving on a private jet arranged by a Malaysian aviation firm.


Reflecting on his meeting with Somad, Madani  stated that they “agreed on the importance of preaching about Islam in a manner that is based on moderation and wisdom”. However, Madani's emphasis on “moderation” is clearly at odds with the well-known extremist views Somad espouses.

It is highly unlikely that Madani is ignorant about the controversy that surrounds Somad.

OSTB : Spot on. You got that right. They all know who these fruitcakes and nutjobs are. Yet they welcome them and give them so much free publicity.

Here is a more relevant question - how did this visit even take place? Who arranged this meeting? Who invited the fellow to Malaysia? Did he invite himself? Maybe he got himself invited to Madani's office but how did he manage to give talks :

  • to 50,000 people at Ayer Keroh
  • lecture at the Sultan Salahuddin Mosque in Shah Alam, 
  • visit the naval base in Lumut (to indoctrinate the Navy?)
  • lecture 36,000 people at a stadium in Perak
  • lecture at a State mosque
  • lecture at the Dataran Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur and 
  • be given a grand send off at the airport? 

OSTB : There is no way he could have done all that by himself. Someone else did all that for him. Who? And how? And why?

  • Aside from legitimising the use of violence against  
  • and referring to non-Muslims as infidels (kafir), 
  • Somad’s other views include supporting an Islamic caliphate 
  • the implementation of hudud law
  • prohibiting Muslims from wishing Christians “Merry Christmas”
  • dismissing dialogue between Sunnis and Shias as void 
  • due to perceived fundamental differences between the sects

OSTB : Hello Chinese people, I think most of you are kafir lah. What to do? 

Caliphate, hudud, Merry Christmas cannot, sunni versus shia.  Wow this guy is a real party pooper.

The six core principles of Malaysia Madani are sustainability, prosperity, innovation, respect, trust and compassion. These are useful guiding principles but other aspects of the framework might be inaccessible to the Malay-Muslim masses.

For example, the Majlis Ilmu Madani lecture series aimed at explaining the meaning of a Madani nation to the Malaysian masses is spearheaded by international Islamic scholars who are almost unknown to the audience.

The ideas in these lectures run contrary to more conservative ideas which have taken root in local discourses, which belies the lectures’ effectiveness.


Ironically, with his open welcome to Somad, Madani  might have further jeopardised the strength and popularity of his Madani framework.

OSTB : I dont think he cares. What Madani framework? There is no such thing.

By embracing a preacher whose values are starkly opposed to the values that Malaysia Madani promotes, what more one whose speech and sermons lack religious depth but encourage inter-religious conflict, Madani might be playing with fire.

OSTB : I think you better think through this point again very carefully.

It is a puzzle that Madani seemingly endorsed this preacher, even if Somad may have ardent followers among certain segments of the country’s Muslim population.

Mohd .... is Visiting Fellow at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. Afra ... is Research Officer in the Regional Social and Cultural Studies Programme at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. The commentary first appeared on the Institute’s blog, Fulcrum.

My Conclusion:

Here is a picture of yet another animal. This is a picture of a donkey.

A donkey is a donkey and according to common lore this is a dumb animal. Hence phrases like dumb-ass, stubborn as a donkey etc. 

Now imagine two things. Firstly this donkey also has another handicap - it is crippled. Legs are deformed, it cannot run.  

Then secondly this dumb-ass, deformed donkey decided to go and kick this fellow in the butt:

Just wait for the consequences.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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